The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Congestion possibly related to Reflux in infant
My four-month old baby has had terrible congestion at night for the past two months. Her pediatrician thinks it's reflux. She does have some reflux, but she doesn't spit up. She just gags on it for a second and then swallows it again. Which is why he thinks it's causing congestion when she's sleeping. I've used every essential oil I can think of and am SO, SO tired! What could I use to treat the reflux, and if that's not the cause, what could I use to treat the congestion? I'm breastfeeding, so I could take any homeopathic that isn't safe for her to take directly. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!annie164 on 2014-06-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
All homoeopathic medicines are safe for a baby to take, as long as they are given according to our guidelines. We use a principle called the Minimum Dose to ensure only the smallest amount possible is given to produce a curative effect - this might even only be a single dose.
Our medicines might not be safe if they are not given according to homoeopathic guidelines of course (combinations etc).
I have to admit that in clinic I have not had much success in trying to administer a remedy through the mother. I don't think that works well, if at all. I do think that if the mother's ill health is affecting the milk, that can certainly be a very suitable place to start treatment. But if the baby needs something, it must be given directly to them. Mother and child may not need the same remedy.
Did you want to give the case here to see if a homoeopathic prescription can be made?
Our medicines might not be safe if they are not given according to homoeopathic guidelines of course (combinations etc).
I have to admit that in clinic I have not had much success in trying to administer a remedy through the mother. I don't think that works well, if at all. I do think that if the mother's ill health is affecting the milk, that can certainly be a very suitable place to start treatment. But if the baby needs something, it must be given directly to them. Mother and child may not need the same remedy.
Did you want to give the case here to see if a homoeopathic prescription can be made?
♡ Evocationer last decade
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