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Gingivitis, bleeding gums, moderate teeth bone loss Page 8 of 9

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Alright firstly do this.

Make a new glass of medical mixture by hitting the bottle, placing drops in it and stirring. Take 2 teaspoons into the mouth from this glass 3 times in one day. Stir before each dose. Space the doses at about 4 hours apart. Then throw this mixture out.

Make a new glass of mixture from the step of hitting the bottle, on the next day, and then do the same again as described above.

Stop after this, and then let me know what happens.
Evocationer last decade
Hi Evocationer,

I have been traveling again, apologies for not getting back earlier. I have been unable to prepare the medical mixture as you prescribed, and so I took 4 pillets of Silica 30 directly two days ago, and the same yesterday. I am hoping to make the mixture soon.. life has been very caught up
Before taking them there was some very minor improvement and its still the same. Would you still like me to take the dose as you prescribed or wait a few days?
bissi last decade
Hello Evocationer,

So there is quite a bit of improvement from Dec 13 update. There is still pain though (same tooth last upper right). I am now in a position to make the medical mixture as you prescribed. Would you like me to do it now?
Happy Christmas, and thanks for your help again!
bissi last decade
bissi last decade
Did you just take the one dose of Sil 30 in dry form?
Evocationer last decade
I have taken two doses of Sil 30 with a gap of 7-10 days with the last one being about a week ago.
bissi last decade
I would continue with weekly doses for the moment, and keep me updated weekly as well.
Evocationer last decade
Okay, thanks for getting back!
bissi last decade
Hi Evocationer,

It is now one week since my dry last dose of Silicea 30. I had another dose few hours ago today.
As of last week there was little to no pain in my teeth. Some sensitivity in gums still there (maybe about 75% improvement).
bissi last decade
What about all other symptoms and issues - any changes or lack of change there?
Evocationer last decade
Here are the rubrics you said you used for my last prescription. Also if it matters, I am living in another country for the past month with my fiance so my mental state is different from that too.

Easy bleeding of gums : didn't bleed lately
Loose sensation of teeth; teeth loose and sensitive when chewing : about 60% better
Painful, inflamed, swollen gums : about 70% better
Fear of heights : didn't try
Perfectionism : same
Critical of others : maybe less 30%
Sensitive to the opinion of others : very little sensitive
Meticulous : same
Obstinate : same
Angers easily : same
bissi last decade

Update on situation: I visited a dentist today after about 6 months. She did a "professional cleaning" of the teeth and said that I have (still) periodontal disease with bone loss. She said there is no cure only prophylaxis and regular cleaning.
Of course, I intend to continue taking homeopathic prescription but wanted to give you an update on the situation.
bissi last decade
I am pretty confused on my situation. I hope you can get back soon..
bissi last decade
It is now over 10 days since you replied. Can you please get back? Here are the latest symptoms:

Easy bleeding of gums : didn't bleed lately
Loose sensation of teeth; teeth loose and sensitive when chewing : about 60% better
Painful, inflamed, swollen gums : about 50% better
Fear of heights : didn't try
Perfectionism : same
Critical of others : maybe less 30%
Sensitive to the opinion of others : little sensitive
Meticulous : same
Obstinate : same
Angers easily : same
bissi last decade
Wait a minute - what do you mean by your last 'dry' dose of Silicea 30c?
Evocationer last decade
As I understood from your post dated 1 January, I was supposed to continue with weekly dry doses.
I didn't hear back from you for a while. I visited a dentist too (see above). Could you please tell if you have time and interest in pursuing my case still?
bissi last decade
Never use dry doses, certainly not for repeated dosing. Dry doses become markedly less effective every time you take them.

I am not sure why you thought that dry doses were appropriate? I have been instructing you to take liquid doses all along.

You need to move to liquid dilution immediately. Then we can assess how well suited the silicea has continued to be.

These are my standard instructions for dosing. I usually ask people to get a liquid dose of the remedy if possible.

If you instead have pillules or pellets, you will need a small bottle and a dropper to make your own liquid dose. Mix water and alcohol into this small bottle to the ratio of 5:1. Dissolve 3 pillules/pellets into this bottle. All doses will be made from this bottle.

If you already have a liquid dose just start from step 1.

1. Hit the bottle 5 times firmly against the palm of the hand

2. Place 3 drops into 100mls of clean fresh water

3. Stir very thoroughly

4. Take 2 teaspoons out into the mouth and hold for 20 seconds, then swallow.

This is one dose and the same steps should be taken for any further doses, unless I ask you to change them in some way.

If any old symptoms reappear, or any current symptoms worsen, this is a GOOD sign in most cases. DO NOT SUPPRESS them with other kinds of medication unless you are in real danger (which is a highly unlikely reaction to a remedy).

However, if you are on regular medication it is also important that you do NOT stop taking this. Once it is determined the medicine has acted beneficially, we can look at reducing such medication if safe to do so. Regular medication in this instance is NOT defined as other homoeopathic medicines which MUST be stopped.
[message edited by Evocationer on Mon, 09 Feb 2015 01:17:00 GMT]
Evocationer last decade
I have just taken the dose as you prescribed in the liquid dilution fashion.
When should I get back to you?
Did you read my message about the dentist?
bissi last decade
Take 3 doses in this manner, and then let me know what the result has been at the end of a week.

I am not surprised the Dentist gave you that prognosis - they don't have homoeopathy!
Evocationer last decade
3 doses in 1 week, so like every other day?
[message edited by bissi on Tue, 17 Feb 2015 23:01:01 GMT]
bissi last decade
Do 3 doses one after another (so one a day). Stop if there is any noticeable aggravation. This method is referred to as 'plussing' or 'adjusting' the dose, and it allows more frequent dosing, which in turn can hasten the improvement.
Evocationer last decade
Okay I have taken three doses in three days as you prescribed. It is still not one week since the first dose, but I wanted to let you know.

There is no change as of now as compared to before the doses.

One more question, I have a Hekla Lava homeopathic toothpwder. Is it okay if I use it too?
bissi last decade
Okay, now there is a considerable increase in pain in the same tooth. About 6 days since the first dose, 3 days since the last dose.
Hope you can respond soon..
bissi last decade
Evoationer, please get back to this case soon.
The physical pain doesn't kill me but I keep worrying about this issue, wondering whether I will be ever okay or not..
bissi last decade
bump bump
bissi last decade

Why don't you post on your other thread?http://www.abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/463023/

Since E has not posted on here since 2-23
something is not right.

I emailed his clinic- no answer from there- and
this has gone on twice before, once when he
was ill, once a car accident. The clinic would
not give info out, and all his patients were
needing answers.

It took a couple weeks to find out he could not
work at all.

So I suggest you follow RP or do a new thread
and have someone else help you.
simone717 last decade

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