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Premature Ejaculation



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Remedy for serious premature ejaculation and strong erection

I Gobinda seriously suffere from premature ejaculation problem. I am now 34 yrs old. I can never satisfied my wife. Now she want divorced from me. I also can not perform second time intercourse. I totaly loss my desireness for second time. Ejaculation occer within 30 to 50 second. I have also practiced masterbulation during my 14 to 25 yrs old daily. Please suggest me the remedial medicine with proper dose.
  gobindamula on 2014-07-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
To start with staphysagaria 200 one dose evening time for 7days .Report for further advise .one dose mean 8pills as one dose .
akshaymohl last decade
Gobinda- Sorry to hear. This is a very painful problem. While working on Homeopathy medicine try something that worked for me. Take Tramadol 75mg (increase to 100mg if 75 mg does not work) three hours before. Hopefully this works for you. Tramadol is available with many names in India. Pick one available in your local pharmacy. Some of them come with pain or fever medication combined. Either will work. If you want research WebMD.com for effectiveness of this pain medication on PE. I pray this works for you. Post response on how it goes.
mikem65 last decade

Please do not take Tramadol. It is a serious drug.

MikeM- the entire point of doing homeopathy is to cure things
without using allopathic drugs that suppress symptoms.

Homeopathic meds are to match symptoms and thereby the
body will increase your own life force to clear problems for good.

Whatever allopathic meds you take at some point homeopathic medicines
are going to if able take what you suppressed thru the allopathic
and make it show up again to get rid of it forever.

So there is no point in suppressing anything - if you are using homeopathy, you will take care of it and no need to go
backwards in your health.
[message edited by simone717 on Sun, 27 Jul 2014 21:39:59 BST]
simone717 last decade

I understand most of the Allopathic medicines have negative side effects. So far I have not seen anyone say they saw improvements with Homeopathic remedies for this condition. Until then I would take whatever improves this condition as it is huge blow to someone's marriage. If you have any remedies I will try myself. Please let me know.
mikem65 last decade

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