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Vitiligo Page 2 of 3
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dimpoo last decade
Have you taken SEPIA earlier? If yes, how many doses and in what potency?
♡ rishimba last decade
No i didnt take sepia earlier.
dimpoo last decade
In that case, take SEPIA 200C three doses, each dose 12 hours apart. All doses in empty stomach. No food one hour before or after the dose.
Let me know the changes you feel in pilesand pigmentation on your face.
If you see a positive change, you can take weekly doses for some weeks till all pigmentation is reduced.
Let me know the changes you feel in pilesand pigmentation on your face.
If you see a positive change, you can take weekly doses for some weeks till all pigmentation is reduced.
♡ rishimba last decade
dimpoo last decade
♡ rishimba last decade
You'll have a lot better results if you also change your diet.
You said you have an aversion to vegetables and you like fast food.
It isn't surprising you have the problems you do. Fast food has zero health benefits and is extremely constipating and toxic.
If you don't like vegetables, what about fruit?
If you ate nothing but water rich fruit like citrus fruits or apples and pears or berries or melons -- as much as you want.. and stopped eating fast foods, you'd see an end to the constipation and the pilesin days. Your skin would also start to clear up and the diet improvement would help the homeopathics work.
You'd have to give up fast food and all dairy,meat and complex sugars and carbohydrates which means bread, cookies cakes etc. It also means fried foods. Sodas are terrible. Green Tea does not help constipation.
Your skin is reacting the way it is because your body is toxic and your elimination system is weak. So the more fast food you eat, the more toxins you are cramming into your body that it can't handle.
You need to cleanse the inside of your body from the wastes packed into it. The only way to do that is to stop putting in what you've been giving it which has caused all your problems and made your body too acidic and inflamed and start eating what will reduce the acid and begin to loosen the toxic matter so it can be eliminated. Raw fruit can do this.
You said you have an aversion to vegetables and you like fast food.
It isn't surprising you have the problems you do. Fast food has zero health benefits and is extremely constipating and toxic.
If you don't like vegetables, what about fruit?
If you ate nothing but water rich fruit like citrus fruits or apples and pears or berries or melons -- as much as you want.. and stopped eating fast foods, you'd see an end to the constipation and the pilesin days. Your skin would also start to clear up and the diet improvement would help the homeopathics work.
You'd have to give up fast food and all dairy,meat and complex sugars and carbohydrates which means bread, cookies cakes etc. It also means fried foods. Sodas are terrible. Green Tea does not help constipation.
Your skin is reacting the way it is because your body is toxic and your elimination system is weak. So the more fast food you eat, the more toxins you are cramming into your body that it can't handle.
You need to cleanse the inside of your body from the wastes packed into it. The only way to do that is to stop putting in what you've been giving it which has caused all your problems and made your body too acidic and inflamed and start eating what will reduce the acid and begin to loosen the toxic matter so it can be eliminated. Raw fruit can do this.
emilybh last decade
thank you for guiding regarding my diet. I am trying to cut down my fast food and eat healthy.. i will surely follow your guideline thankyou
dimpoo last decade
To Dr Rishimba. i took the remedy and my hemmorhides are better now no complains of bleeding vitiligo patches on legs are 35 to 40% better but patches on face are 10 to 15% percent better..
[message edited by dimpoo on Fri, 02 Jan 2015 09:14:10 GMT]
[message edited by dimpoo on Fri, 02 Jan 2015 09:14:10 GMT]
dimpoo last decade
Great..! Now you know the remedy. Take one dose of the same potency once a week. I am sure in a few months, all your facial patches would be cured.
[message edited by rishimba on Fri, 02 Jan 2015 05:46:35 GMT]
[message edited by rishimba on Fri, 02 Jan 2015 05:46:35 GMT]
♡ rishimba last decade
its been a month now. I Sepia 200 every week 3 drops. I think my spots are not getting better they are increasing. Should i take more dose of sepia 200
Thank you
its been a month now. I Sepia 200 every week 3 drops. I think my spots are not getting better they are increasing. Should i take more dose of sepia 200
Thank you
dimpoo last decade
No, stop SEPIA and give me your present symptoms. We have to try the second best indicated remedy.
Do you see any new symptom in you after starting Sepia?
Do you see any new symptom in you after starting Sepia?
♡ rishimba last decade
My stool habits are changed like when i take Sepia 200c i pass stool after every meal
. i ve noticed that my white spots on face become more prominent before periods.
. i ve noticed that my white spots on face become more prominent before periods.
dimpoo last decade
Please take one dose of SILICEA 200C once every week for 3 weeks.
Come back after a month if you do not see any change in the discolored spots.
Come back after a month if you do not see any change in the discolored spots.
♡ rishimba last decade
hi. i took the remedy as prescribed by you but i didnt notice any changes. i think i am developing few more spots on my legs.
kindly please tell me what to do
kindly please tell me what to do
dimpoo 9 years ago
Can you describe your nature, personality, likes and dislikes, fears, any peculiarities, any strange symptom or sensation or feeling etc.
I need to zero in on a remedy based on your personality.
I need to zero in on a remedy based on your personality.
♡ rishimba 9 years ago
dimpoo 9 years ago
♡ rishimba 9 years ago
Nature & personality:
i talk fast and that make me worried about my personality
i argue alot with people
i crack jokes and want to make people laugh
easily get hurt
i cry on small matters. i think i am over sensitive
i dont like taking favors.
i am very volatile
i get deppressed and worried easily.
mY fears: not able to achieve my dreams. not able to be with the person i love.
HATE: I Hate children crying. people not listening to me. i hate ill mannered people
i hate noise. Depression.
Likes: good food, good company, water and sometimes i like complete silence.
i talk fast and that make me worried about my personality
i argue alot with people
i crack jokes and want to make people laugh
easily get hurt
i cry on small matters. i think i am over sensitive
i dont like taking favors.
i am very volatile
i get deppressed and worried easily.
mY fears: not able to achieve my dreams. not able to be with the person i love.
HATE: I Hate children crying. people not listening to me. i hate ill mannered people
i hate noise. Depression.
Likes: good food, good company, water and sometimes i like complete silence.
dimpoo 9 years ago
Please answer the following questions..
1. Do you have any itching on the affected part?
2. What is the exact color of the patches?
3. Do you enjoy listening to music? Does music make you happy or irritable?
4. Do you think the patches increase or decrease with some internal bodily changes or external factors?
1. Do you have any itching on the affected part?
2. What is the exact color of the patches?
3. Do you enjoy listening to music? Does music make you happy or irritable?
4. Do you think the patches increase or decrease with some internal bodily changes or external factors?
♡ rishimba 9 years ago
Do you have any itching on the affected part?
No complains of itching
2. What is the exact color of the patches?
white in color
3. Do you enjoy listening to music? Does music make you happy or irritable?
i do enjoy listening to music but i dont listen music too often. because whenever i play any song religious thoughts comes to my mind and then i have to pause the music. music makesnme happy
4. Do you think the patches increase or decrease with some internal bodily changes or external factors?
i cant think of any factor.
but i think they increase at the time of menses.
and i am suffering from Obssesive compulsive disorder
No complains of itching
2. What is the exact color of the patches?
white in color
3. Do you enjoy listening to music? Does music make you happy or irritable?
i do enjoy listening to music but i dont listen music too often. because whenever i play any song religious thoughts comes to my mind and then i have to pause the music. music makesnme happy
4. Do you think the patches increase or decrease with some internal bodily changes or external factors?
i cant think of any factor.
but i think they increase at the time of menses.
and i am suffering from Obssesive compulsive disorder
dimpoo 9 years ago
Can you write a narrative on your Obsessive compulsive disorder. This will definitely help us to zero in on the remedy.
Do you have any deliriums, delusions or repeated thoughts etc.
Do you have any deliriums, delusions or repeated thoughts etc.
♡ rishimba 9 years ago
its beem like 6 to 7 years since i am suffering from ocd.
i keep my things separate. Like i dont let anyone sit on my bed i take bath after every nature's call. i mostly wipe chairs before siting om them. i wash my hands not many times but often. i re-check like everything. i can not even think of touchinf my feet on ground.
no complains of delusion delerium or repeated thoughts
i keep my things separate. Like i dont let anyone sit on my bed i take bath after every nature's call. i mostly wipe chairs before siting om them. i wash my hands not many times but often. i re-check like everything. i can not even think of touchinf my feet on ground.
no complains of delusion delerium or repeated thoughts
dimpoo 9 years ago
Your remedy is definitely ARS ALB.
This will not only cure your OCD behavior but address vitiligo as well.
Take it in 1M potency single dose and repeat it only after about three weeks if symptoms still exist.
You may have to take it a few times more for complete cure.
Its good that you told me about your OCD. It has really helped to find the correct remedy.
This will not only cure your OCD behavior but address vitiligo as well.
Take it in 1M potency single dose and repeat it only after about three weeks if symptoms still exist.
You may have to take it a few times more for complete cure.
Its good that you told me about your OCD. It has really helped to find the correct remedy.
♡ rishimba 9 years ago
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