The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Staphysagria and Birth Control?
Hello-I'm thinking of starting on Staphysagria for recurrent styes, but I was wondering if it has any negative interactions with birth control, like St. John's Wort and other natural rememdies. I'm on the Nuva Ring, if that makes any difference....
Thanks in advance for any help!
nomichelle on 2005-11-24
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sajjadakram635 last decade
st johns wort, like grapefruit and a few other things affect the way certain medicines work (including the birth pill) - it is something to do with the way they are all 'processed' in your liver. you would have to look this up or ask a doctor/pharmacist for more details. Antibiotics affect the pill also for different reasons I think.
Homeopathic remedies do not work in this way and therefore do not interfere with the pill and other medicines like this.
Homeopathic remedies do not work in this way and therefore do not interfere with the pill and other medicines like this.
erika last decade
Immediatly after the completion of menstrual cycle of 5 days or so,if Natrum Mur 200x,5 tablets are taken for 3 consecutive nights can prevet conception,but it is not substitute of oral contraceptives.
sajjadakram635 last decade
hormones in contraceptive pills may screw up your delicate hormonal balance.
Does anyone have info on homeopathy remedies as an alternative to the pill?
hormones in contraceptive pills may screw up your delicate hormonal balance.
Does anyone have info on homeopathy remedies as an alternative to the pill?
jerryacu last decade
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