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i think sulphur 200 may work. Please take three doses of the remedy and see how that affects over 15 days.
Later Phos 200 may be taken if Sulphur doesn't work.
There are many entry points to the homeopathic remedy and consensus on the remedy selection is not always possible.
Later Phos 200 may be taken if Sulphur doesn't work.
There are many entry points to the homeopathic remedy and consensus on the remedy selection is not always possible.
♡ kadwa last decade
Dear Dr. Kadwa,
For indigestion and loss of appetite, Sulph 200 works good, but only for 2-3 days. Thats it.
One thing i wanted to ask, i found that Sulphur and Lycopodium are incompatable remedies. But if i want to take Lyco after Sulph or vice-versa, than how may hours gap should i keep in between ?
For indigestion and loss of appetite, Sulph 200 works good, but only for 2-3 days. Thats it.
One thing i wanted to ask, i found that Sulphur and Lycopodium are incompatable remedies. But if i want to take Lyco after Sulph or vice-versa, than how may hours gap should i keep in between ?
swapnil patel last decade
A single dose of Calc should be taken after Sulph. Then one can start Lycopodium. The recommended cycle is sulph-calc-lyc-sulph
♡ kadwa last decade
Dear Dr. Kadwa,
3 days back again in the morning i had 2-3 loose motions, for which i took podophyllum 200, and it stopped.
One thing i observed is whenever i take podophy, my appetite also improves very much. Should i continue taking podophy 200, 1 dose in the morning and 1 in evening for 10-15 days ?
Also, LIV-52 works very well for digestion. Now both this combination of LIV-52 and Podophy 200 is working great for me.
How long can i continue with this maximum ?
3 days back again in the morning i had 2-3 loose motions, for which i took podophyllum 200, and it stopped.
One thing i observed is whenever i take podophy, my appetite also improves very much. Should i continue taking podophy 200, 1 dose in the morning and 1 in evening for 10-15 days ?
Also, LIV-52 works very well for digestion. Now both this combination of LIV-52 and Podophy 200 is working great for me.
How long can i continue with this maximum ?
swapnil patel last decade
You may take Podophyllum twice a day for 3 days. Later on you should take it only once and that too on alternate days. You may take 10 doses over 20 days. Generally aggressive dosing should be avoided but it is needed in some cases. So the patient should take a rational decision and he should avoid clinging to the remedy unnecessarily.
♡ kadwa last decade
2 days back i had terrible stomach pain in the region of epigastrium, just 1 hr after having lunch
For this i took Argentum Nitricum 30 and Antim Crud 30, but with no relief.
Finally i had to take Cyclopalm with which i got relief.
Can anybody please suggest me homoeopathic remedy for severe pain in epigastric region of stomach, which aggravates more in pressing
For this i took Argentum Nitricum 30 and Antim Crud 30, but with no relief.
Finally i had to take Cyclopalm with which i got relief.
Can anybody please suggest me homoeopathic remedy for severe pain in epigastric region of stomach, which aggravates more in pressing
swapnil patel last decade
Please suggest me some remedy to improve my digestive system. It is extremely slow.
I have my lunch at 1.15 p.m. Then i dont feel hungry till next day. Many time i skip my dinner also.
Also, sometimes i feel constipated and some times i get frequent stools.
I tried many medicines for this reading materia medica like PULS, SULPH, LYCO, Antim Crud, CHEL, PHOS.
I feel better as long as i take medicine than again my condition is the same.
Please help me and suggest some remedy which i can continue for longer time as this is a chronic problem
I have my lunch at 1.15 p.m. Then i dont feel hungry till next day. Many time i skip my dinner also.
Also, sometimes i feel constipated and some times i get frequent stools.
I tried many medicines for this reading materia medica like PULS, SULPH, LYCO, Antim Crud, CHEL, PHOS.
I feel better as long as i take medicine than again my condition is the same.
Please help me and suggest some remedy which i can continue for longer time as this is a chronic problem
swapnil patel last decade
♡ kadwa 9 years ago
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