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Sir i m suffering frm acne ..pus filled pimples since my i m 23..before 5 months my homeipathy doctor advised me to take hephar sulphuris.for 4 months i dnt get even a single pimple..but in d last month i got a sudden erruption of doctor advised me to lower d dose then also i was getting i stopped the medication i get some small pimples...what shud i do so tat my acne completely clears off..??nd i hav noticed tat oily food agravates my acneangelena george on 2014-08-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
shouse_nsk last decade
Thank you sir for considering my case..
Sir i had taken pulstilla and sepia together one year that time i took it for 2 months. Nd all my pimples were gone. Then i stopped d medication . Then after 2 months again acne start it due to oil allergy sir?? Nd also i hav a family history of mother suffered from acne .bt after marriage her face got cleared.
Sir i had taken pulstilla and sepia together one year that time i took it for 2 months. Nd all my pimples were gone. Then i stopped d medication . Then after 2 months again acne start it due to oil allergy sir?? Nd also i hav a family history of mother suffered from acne .bt after marriage her face got cleared.
angelena george last decade
Sir i have acne on face and bumps..
angelena george last decade
The acne are inflamatorry ones with pus point.from which yellow coloured pus and sometimes blood oozes out.
angelena george last decade
Severe acne is really a subjective explanation. Its usually just acne breakouts that is on multiple areas of the face or body, red-colored and inflammed with several lesions (pimples or cysts). Severe acne can respond to over-the-counter treatments and a good skincare regime. If it doesnt react to that I'd suggest visiting a dermatologist (a skin doctor) to obtain some antibiotics or other particular treatments for the acne. There are a variety of different forms of acne therefore it is best that a doctor assesses what's best for you. Good luck and continue!!
GarrettHnatiuk last decade
PL answer following question
1. are your acne red
2. is it worse at the time of MC
3. Are they painful
4. are they symmetrical
R.P. Tamhankar
1. are your acne red
2. is it worse at the time of MC
3. Are they painful
4. are they symmetrical
R.P. Tamhankar
shouse_nsk last decade
Sir ,
Color : newly formed acne is red in colour ...or somtimes it is just skin colored..but whitin 2 days the pimple get infected and develops pus in it.
Pain: some acne are painful when i touch them..right now i m not taking any medicine.and i hav only one pimple just above my nose ..wch is painless.
Continous: mensus doesnt affect my pimples.although i hav heavy bleeding.periods are regular.oily food aggravates my facial skin is oily.
Shape: pimples are round inflammed.
Color : newly formed acne is red in colour ...or somtimes it is just skin colored..but whitin 2 days the pimple get infected and develops pus in it.
Pain: some acne are painful when i touch them..right now i m not taking any medicine.and i hav only one pimple just above my nose ..wch is painless.
Continous: mensus doesnt affect my pimples.although i hav heavy bleeding.periods are regular.oily food aggravates my facial skin is oily.
Shape: pimples are round inflammed.
angelena george last decade
I would like to tell homeopathy has done a lot to clear up my i hav 85% clear face..while i took hephar sulphuris for 4 months my face completely got cleared..its jus tat in the last month i had sudden outbreaks..wch can be due to overdose ..i was taking it three times a day. So i have stopped taking it.
angelena george last decade
shouse_nsk last decade
Sir pls tell in one dose how many pills should be taken..nd when it should be taken...before eating or after eating food? Nd it should be taken with normal water? Is there anything that i should avoid during medication?
angelena george last decade
Dear sir
I dont have severe acne as before 5 months...after taking hephar sulphuris ...lot of improvement z there ...i get one or two pimples ..and the quantity of pus in it has also lessen.
I dont have severe acne as before 5 months...after taking hephar sulphuris ...lot of improvement z there ...i get one or two pimples ..and the quantity of pus in it has also lessen.
angelena george last decade
1 dose = 6 pills
you can take medicines generally when stomach is empty.
normal diet you can take
R.P. Tamhankar
you can take medicines generally when stomach is empty.
normal diet you can take
R.P. Tamhankar
shouse_nsk last decade
Acne is very good drainage for internal turmoil in health. it should not be suppressed with Homeopathy or allopathic medicine. It should be treated constitutionally.
look at these remedy indications for acne complaints:
homeoresearch.blogspot. com/2013/11/acne-and-homoeopathy
look at these remedy indications for acne complaints:
homeoresearch.blogspot. com/2013/11/acne-and-homoeopathy
worldhomeodir last decade
should not be suppressed acne be conscious.
worldhomeodir last decade
Dear sir,
I respect the remedy that u hav given to me..but generally homeopaths make us fill a questionarre in which patients mental as well as physival state is deeply observed...can u pls throw up light on that ..will sulphur be the best remedy for me...i want a permanent relief from acne..luking forward for your reply.
I respect the remedy that u hav given to me..but generally homeopaths make us fill a questionarre in which patients mental as well as physival state is deeply observed...can u pls throw up light on that ..will sulphur be the best remedy for me...i want a permanent relief from acne..luking forward for your reply.
angelena george last decade
You start the medicines and take it for 15 days. Then we will review the case if required.
I have asked some important questions for my information. If required I will give you a questionnaire
R.P. Tamhankar
I have asked some important questions for my information. If required I will give you a questionnaire
R.P. Tamhankar
shouse_nsk last decade
sir its very nice of you to take my case under consideration.!
Sir i hav one doubt. As i already said ,right now i hav only one pimple above my nose wch is a big in a motto to reduce it i took one dose of hephar sulphuris yesterday in the evening..
So will the new treatment get affected by this..? Or shall i wait for some day and then start sulphur 30??
Luking eagerly for your guidance
Sir i hav one doubt. As i already said ,right now i hav only one pimple above my nose wch is a big in a motto to reduce it i took one dose of hephar sulphuris yesterday in the evening..
So will the new treatment get affected by this..? Or shall i wait for some day and then start sulphur 30??
Luking eagerly for your guidance
angelena george last decade
Please visit:
ACNE responds in just 2 DAYS to Joepathy
From Joe De Livera on 2014-08-26
0 replies
I am copying the conversations I had with Jenny just 2 days ago on my website:
when she consulted me about her Acne and was pleasantly surprised to have a post from her a short while ago where she states:
I am so happy to see that all my acne have started to dry off. The pain is gone.The big pimples have started to shrink.
I predicted that she should discover some relief in 3 days on August 24, but this was updated by a day:
'I would appreciate if you will please report your progress as soon as you discover your acne drying up as patients have reported that they did so on the third day after their first dose of Arnica 6c.'
ACNE responds in just 2 DAYS to Joepathy
From Joe De Livera on 2014-08-26
0 replies
I am copying the conversations I had with Jenny just 2 days ago on my website:
when she consulted me about her Acne and was pleasantly surprised to have a post from her a short while ago where she states:
I am so happy to see that all my acne have started to dry off. The pain is gone.The big pimples have started to shrink.
I predicted that she should discover some relief in 3 days on August 24, but this was updated by a day:
'I would appreciate if you will please report your progress as soon as you discover your acne drying up as patients have reported that they did so on the third day after their first dose of Arnica 6c.'
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Dear joe sir ,
Its very kind of you that you responded to my thread.all the doctors and the knowledgeble person who are helping patients to get cured will b greatly blessed by the lord Almighty..
Sir i read the case of jenny .she got a cure from your therapy thats appreciable..but sir mine and jenny case is slightly different.jenny got pimples only this march.whereas i m suffering from acne since 14 yr of age..and every medicine that i hav tried gives me temporary relief..nothing as worked me for permanent .thats why i m a little sad..
If only i could get a conplete relief from my acne i could be a brand new personality
I hope joe sir u can understand my concern regarding ma problem.
Luking forward for your motivating reply.
Its very kind of you that you responded to my thread.all the doctors and the knowledgeble person who are helping patients to get cured will b greatly blessed by the lord Almighty..
Sir i read the case of jenny .she got a cure from your therapy thats appreciable..but sir mine and jenny case is slightly different.jenny got pimples only this march.whereas i m suffering from acne since 14 yr of age..and every medicine that i hav tried gives me temporary relief..nothing as worked me for permanent .thats why i m a little sad..
If only i could get a conplete relief from my acne i could be a brand new personality
I hope joe sir u can understand my concern regarding ma problem.
Luking forward for your motivating reply.
angelena george last decade
It does not really matter whether your case is just a few months old or in your case dating back to some years as patients have confirmed that my therapy cured them like in the case of Jenny who confirmed that her lesions dried up almost overnight.
I have prescribed my therapy aka 'Joepathy' for many hundreds of patients and they have invariably been CURED.
I shall copy my default therapy for both Acne and Styes below:
I shall copy my default therapy for Acne which I hope can help you.
The remedy that has helped many is Arnica 6c in the Wet dose taken twice daily orally, and also applied directly on the lesions on the face as often as is possible, to keep the lesions damp.
It is essential that the patient continues to take just ONE dose of Arnica 6c nightly just before bed for at least 6 months after the problem has been resolved as there is every chance that the lesions can return otherwise.
The use of a spray device in which the medicated water can be stored and be sprayed on the acne lesions or the eyelids without directly touching them is best.
You will not take any drugs when you start my therapy.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in a 5ml Alcohol pack aka Liquid Dilution in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake it hard to produce bubbles. This is homeopathic succussion and must be done every time before a capful of the bottle which is the dose is taken as directed.
Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.
Please post your response to the Arnica therapy in a week or earlier if you discover any relief.
I have prescribed my therapy aka 'Joepathy' for many hundreds of patients and they have invariably been CURED.
I shall copy my default therapy for both Acne and Styes below:
I shall copy my default therapy for Acne which I hope can help you.
The remedy that has helped many is Arnica 6c in the Wet dose taken twice daily orally, and also applied directly on the lesions on the face as often as is possible, to keep the lesions damp.
It is essential that the patient continues to take just ONE dose of Arnica 6c nightly just before bed for at least 6 months after the problem has been resolved as there is every chance that the lesions can return otherwise.
The use of a spray device in which the medicated water can be stored and be sprayed on the acne lesions or the eyelids without directly touching them is best.
You will not take any drugs when you start my therapy.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in a 5ml Alcohol pack aka Liquid Dilution in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake it hard to produce bubbles. This is homeopathic succussion and must be done every time before a capful of the bottle which is the dose is taken as directed.
Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.
Please post your response to the Arnica therapy in a week or earlier if you discover any relief.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Joe Sir i understood how to take the first dose of arnica bt i m confused about the second dose..pls guide
angelena george last decade
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Dear rp tamhankar and joe sir..
I havent started any remedy yet
Bt i would like to bring into ur notice that the only pimple i had above my nose has reduced in size greatly
Bt the pus in it hasnt drained out yet which normally comes out ..i has solidify and looks like a small yellow substance on my it because of the single dose of hephar aulphur i took day before yesterday??
Also i m applying some raw honey over the pimple so that the pus can melt and easily draain out
I havent started any remedy yet
Bt i would like to bring into ur notice that the only pimple i had above my nose has reduced in size greatly
Bt the pus in it hasnt drained out yet which normally comes out ..i has solidify and looks like a small yellow substance on my it because of the single dose of hephar aulphur i took day before yesterday??
Also i m applying some raw honey over the pimple so that the pus can melt and easily draain out
angelena george last decade
dear rp tamhankar sir,
i read materia medica for pulsatilla wch says tat symptoms aggravates when rich or fatty food is taken..this is d exact prob i m suffering from..whenever i eat oily food i get pimples otherwise my skin is clear.
so i would like to take pulsatila instead of sulphur
.dosage as mentioned by u
sir is ma preassumption regarding pulsatilla correct? pls advice..
i read materia medica for pulsatilla wch says tat symptoms aggravates when rich or fatty food is taken..this is d exact prob i m suffering from..whenever i eat oily food i get pimples otherwise my skin is clear.
so i would like to take pulsatila instead of sulphur
.dosage as mentioned by u
sir is ma preassumption regarding pulsatilla correct? pls advice..
angelena george last decade
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