The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Chronic Headaches and Sensitivity
I am a 29 year old female and have had debilitating headaches since I was 12. I had headaches throughout childhood, but they evolved into classic migraines (aura, nausea, pain on one side) when I was 12, then became bilateral migraines (aura in both eyes and pain on both sides of my head), then basilar migraines (complete loss of vision and hearing on both sides of my head, speech and coordination issues), and now I believe they are cluster headaches (no aura, begin as painful knot on nape of neck/back of head and radiate through to eye or eyebrow, and are much more painful than migraines). My headaches often have a sharp burning pain in a small point in my eye and or nose with mild burning throughout my eyes and nostrils, they are more often on the left side, but still occur frequently on the right side (they are more painful on the right side), and sometimes on both sides. The sharp burning pains in the eye/nose are constant, but there is also a pulsating tearing/burning ache usually above the center of my eyebrow, the side of my head, and the nape of neck where a knot is. My headaches last for generally 3 days, but sometimes last for weeks, and I rarely go more than a week without having a debilitating headache.Things that make my headache better (but do not relieve) are:
-Cold hand over painful area
-Ice applied to painful area
-Applying pressure to painful area
-Pulling hair taught over painful area
-Walking outdoors
-eating bland foods
Things that make my headache worse are:
-Light (bright or changing)
-Laying down
-Bending over
-Moving eyes or head
-Warm room or getting overheated
-Warm or stuffy air on face
-Drinking hot liquid or hot soup
-Eating strong smelling or tasting foods (onions, garlic, coffee, etc.)
-Heat applied to head or neck
-Unexpected sounds, light changes, movement, or smells
-Anything that causes me to tense up or get angry
The only medication I take is Imitrex, but it often only switches the headache to the other side of my head. The only thing that completely alleviates my headaches is meditating for many hours. I generally am unable to focus and stay relaxed, though, so it is usually unsuccessful.
Other symptoms that I have are:
-Sciatica on right side (began from an injury to my sacro-iliac joint), yoga provides relief for a few hours
-Constant fear and anxiety (fear of bad things happening to loved ones, fear of ghosts, evil, murderers, illness, worst case scenario in every situation). Fear is worse when alone or at night, wake up around 3am every night in a panic worrying about murderers in the house, evil spirits, and fear of eternity. When I am even mildly startled, the bottom of my stomach feels like when you lose your stomach on a roller coaster ride, and I have a painful burning sensation that runs out through the nerves in my arms and legs and up my spine.
-Chronic tension in shoulders and neck
-Multiple food, chemical, and environmental allergies
-Hypersensitivity to smells, lights, sounds, touch
-Weight gain despite strict diet (I've noticed if I am more relaxed than usual for a few days, I will drop a lot of weight quickly, and if I am upset or worrying a lot (or eat certain foods), I will gain as much as 10 pounds overnight). I am not overweight (mainly because I diet constantly), but I carry a disproportionate amount of weight in my abdomen, and in unusual places like where my ankles meet my foot and the side of my knee, and I have cellulite everywhere.
-Bouts of fatigue
-Bouts of vertigo
-Concentration and memory issues
-Eczema-like rashes on neck and chest that sometimes spreads to eyelids and stomach, (had terrible psoriasis of the scalp as a child)
-Hair loss from top of scalp and forehead
-Lumps on lymph nodes (mainly on neck but sometimes spreads up to scalp). Had surgery for a cystic hygroma on right shoulder when I was 11.
-Anal fissures with bleeding
-Toenail fungus
-Anorexia and bulimia (from age 16-23)
Diagnoses I have received from doctors are:
-Migraines (classic, basilar, and bilateral)
-Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
-Hashimoto's Disesase
-Mold Illness
-Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
-Interstitial Cystitis
-Sacro-iliac joint dysfuntion (right side)
-Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
-Anxiety Disorder
-Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
-Dilated Coronary Sinus
-Psoriasis, eczema, contact dermatitis
I have been prescribed dozens of medications over the years, and have had adverse reactions to many of them. The worst reaction I had was to Plaquenil for Lupus which caused rhabdomyolysis and near liver failure and required 5 days of hospitalization. I have taken probably 100 rounds of antibiotics during my life for sinus infections, strep throat, and respiratory infections. (I try to no longer take conventional medications and have treated candidiasis from overuse of antibiotics with diet, natural antifungals, and probiotics). Medications that I took long-term were Metformin, birth control, and Lupron for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome; Cymbalta for anxiety and depression; Synthroid for Hashimoto's; and multiple medications for migraines.
Over the past 2.5 years I have gone off all conventional medicines except for Imitrex, and I have been eating a whole-foods, organic, grain-free diet (occasional brown rice) and have been seeing an NAET practitioner. Those together have improved my irregular/lack of periods, acne, rashes, and fatigue, but my other symptoms have persisted, and my headaches have become worse. I feel that a lot of my health problems originate from my inability to relax and my constant worrying. I have tried many Bach Flower Remedies, and have had some success with those. A month ago I took 30c of Kali Carbonicum according to the bottle, and a week ago I took a one time 200ck dose of kali carbonicum.
Any suggestions from homeopaths would be greatly appreciated! I tried to be thorough, but I can provide any additional information necessary.
Thank you!
J12345 on 2014-08-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Some questions...
1. Can you put down some 10 adjectives to describe you as a person?
2. What do you crave in food?
3. How do you respond to thunderstorms?
4. Can you give me your family health history? All major diseases that your maternal and paternal sides suffered from.
5. How do you respond to consolation?
6. Do you have any digestive issues? Can you describe your sufferings in detail?
7.Can you give a detailed account of your menstrual cycle?
8. Please write down your sufferings during respiratory infections? Does the cough and cold, in your case, have a tendency to infect your lungs most of the times?
9. Do you like taking warm beverages or having cold drinks, fruit juices etc.
10. How is your sex drive? Would you call it high, moderate or low?
1. Can you put down some 10 adjectives to describe you as a person?
2. What do you crave in food?
3. How do you respond to thunderstorms?
4. Can you give me your family health history? All major diseases that your maternal and paternal sides suffered from.
5. How do you respond to consolation?
6. Do you have any digestive issues? Can you describe your sufferings in detail?
7.Can you give a detailed account of your menstrual cycle?
8. Please write down your sufferings during respiratory infections? Does the cough and cold, in your case, have a tendency to infect your lungs most of the times?
9. Do you like taking warm beverages or having cold drinks, fruit juices etc.
10. How is your sex drive? Would you call it high, moderate or low?
♡ rishimba last decade
Thank you for offering to work on my case. I emailed my answers to you. Please let me know if you do not receive them.
Thank you for offering to work on my case. I emailed my answers to you. Please let me know if you do not receive them.
J12345 last decade
Your remedy is PHOSPHORUS.
I would like you to start treatment with two doses of PHOSPHORUS 200C on a single day morning in empty stomach. Take the doses half an hour apart.
Buy the remedy from a recognized manufacturer and take 3 drops of it in about a table-spoon of water for each dose. Sip it up slowly in clean mouth and empty stomach. Make sure you don't take any food or water one hour before or after taking this doses.
Come back to share notes after one week. Based on your response, we will decide your long term treatment plan and the interval of dosing.
I am hopeful you will be much benefited with this remedy.
Best wishes.
[message edited by rishimba on Mon, 25 Aug 2014 07:09:18 BST]
[message edited by rishimba on Mon, 25 Aug 2014 07:10:18 BST]
I would like you to start treatment with two doses of PHOSPHORUS 200C on a single day morning in empty stomach. Take the doses half an hour apart.
Buy the remedy from a recognized manufacturer and take 3 drops of it in about a table-spoon of water for each dose. Sip it up slowly in clean mouth and empty stomach. Make sure you don't take any food or water one hour before or after taking this doses.
Come back to share notes after one week. Based on your response, we will decide your long term treatment plan and the interval of dosing.
I am hopeful you will be much benefited with this remedy.
Best wishes.
[message edited by rishimba on Mon, 25 Aug 2014 07:09:18 BST]
[message edited by rishimba on Mon, 25 Aug 2014 07:10:18 BST]
♡ rishimba last decade
Thank you so much for your quick reply! Would it be okay to take the Phosphorus in pellet form? I've called the only health stores I know of that carry homeopathic remedies, and I was told that the Boiron brand of Phosphorus in 200ck dosage was all they could order. They actually said they don't know of any retailers who sell the phosphorus in liquid form. I live in Greensboro, NC, so what is available here may be different than from wherever you live. a Thank you so much for your help!
Thank you so much for your quick reply! Would it be okay to take the Phosphorus in pellet form? I've called the only health stores I know of that carry homeopathic remedies, and I was told that the Boiron brand of Phosphorus in 200ck dosage was all they could order. They actually said they don't know of any retailers who sell the phosphorus in liquid form. I live in Greensboro, NC, so what is available here may be different than from wherever you live. a Thank you so much for your help!
J12345 last decade
Dear J-
You can order it in liquid form from
USA Boiron, WHP, Hylands off this
site remedies shop.
However, liquid costs twice as much in
the usa which can be a financial burden.
You can order it in liquid form from
USA Boiron, WHP, Hylands off this
site remedies shop.
However, liquid costs twice as much in
the usa which can be a financial burden.
♡ simone717 last decade
Is this it? I couldn't find it on the hylands or boiron website. Thank you for your help!
Is this it? I couldn't find it on the hylands or boiron website. Thank you for your help!
J12345 last decade
No. go to the top of this page.
Click Homeopathic Remedies Store.
Then pick one of three companies and
you will see how to order.
No. go to the top of this page.
Click Homeopathic Remedies Store.
Then pick one of three companies and
you will see how to order.
♡ simone717 last decade
I actually just found it while I was waiting for your reply. I apologize for not seeing that earlier. I have one more question. Is 200ck different from 200c? After I saw the liquid form was available through boiron, I called the store near me again, and they said they should be able to get the liquid form but that boiron always sends them 200ck when they order 200c. They said for me to make sure that it was okay if boiron sent 200ck instead of 200c.
Thanks again!
Thanks again!
J12345 last decade
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