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Backbone Disc Slip

Dear Doctor,
My name is Ali, Yesterday i came to know that i have a disc slip problem, i have attached my x-ray also you can check.
I am a martial art and gym lover is there any chance that my disc go back to its position i am so much worried you cant imagine please help me.

Please prescribe me some good medicine and please also tell me can i go back to my previous healthy life style or not.

age 23
height 6ft
weight 74KG
athletic body
I do not use any drug, smoking, alcohol etc.

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  ali254592 on 2014-08-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please consult your orthopedic doctor and ask these questions. I feel the best thing now is to be in traction for some 10 days.

If there is herniation of the disc and a resulting pain, there are remedies to reduce such pain.

Come back after taking to your doctor and tell what he said.
rishimba last decade
Well i had conversation with my doctor yesterday.

Yes! It causes pain but not swear now,
I felt it one week back the swear pain but now i care my posture and sitting positions and i am fine now, no pain but i feel little hardness.

According to allopathic neurosurgeon...

1-Slip disc can not return to its position where it before,

2-Whole life i have to care about my posture and position specially when lift some weights.

3-He strictly forbidden such activities like, running, weight lifting, martial arts, bend down, sit on hard surface , avoid motorbike etc...


1-Is there any treatment in homeopathic in which i recover completely and enjoy my healthy life back(gym,Martial Arts)?

2-Can a slipped disc back to its position (with treatment or passage of time)

Please Guide me, waiting for your kind reply.

Thank you.
ali254592 last decade
Please take a second opinion on the treatment of slip disc.

I feel there are methods available...traction or surgery to bring back the disc in position.

In homeopathy, there are remedies to bring down the pain and cure the herniated disc of the damage but it cannot bring the disc back into place. Surgery is the only option. But expert opinion is required by an orthopedic/neuro-surgeon after looking at the radiograph.

You are young and have many years to go. I would advise you to go for surgery or traction to overcome this problem.
rishimba last decade
Some things you can try:

Chiropractic adjustments

Shiatsu massage or acupressure massage by a very well trained

Following a strict stretching routine- everyday ( like first thing
in the morning when out of bed)

You are going to have to go slow to heal this- bc thru the gym
and martial arts you probably did a lot of moves without
stretching and warming up well enough. And it is possible,
that some moves like lifting weights, running for sure-
that you just cannot do these things in the future.

But I know people who have had this, and thru doing the stretching,
massage, chiro, are back to doing almost everything they did
before with the exception of heavy lifting and running. They did
not want surgery.
simone717 last decade

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