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Sedalia ® - Boiron:



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Nervousness, Anxiety, Stress, Fear 1


The ABC Homeopathy Forum


i feel that i'm pretty much weak mentally, mental problems affects my physical well being. I fright up easily for example if I have to go somewhere,to visit malls and crowded area, whenever i receive call from unknown no. in my mobile,thunder storm and rain,to face interview, I can't fight, even i can not put up my views even i'm right, i can't defense myself in argument,introvert,have no plan for future at the age of 28,earlier I had tightness in middle of my chest when i feel anxiety now i feel tightness in middle of my back,heaviness in heart, pressure feeling in head. Anxiety,fear,nervousness,feel hot when undergo period of fear and anxiety, heart palpitation, lack of calmness. Plz suggest some medicine for me
  fmsryp on 2014-09-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Take Pulsatilla 200 one dose at night before going to sleep.

Repeat after only when its better effects fade out.
mamsha last decade

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