The ABC Homeopathy Forum
gum bleeding and swollen gums
hii am 31 years old male, i have swollen gums and frequently bleeding gums and bad breath,bleeding imost often occurs while brushing and sometines while eating i have been using stolin gum paint,senquel f toothpaste and clohex+ mouth wash prescribed by dentist all these are of not much use
sometimes i feel pain in upper left molar ... i seeked the dentist advice for cavities but the result was negative kindly suggest some homeopathy medicine for my condition ... i m taking limcee tablet daily
prabhsidhu on 2014-09-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
take kali phos 3x and nat mur 3x (4 tabs) in every three hour alternatively when u take nat mur 3x try to keep in gums of upper left molar for some time
with the help of ur tongue .
update ur status after 2 days of observation .
[message edited by gaintrox on Mon, 15 Sep 2014 12:14:09 BST]
with the help of ur tongue .
update ur status after 2 days of observation .
[message edited by gaintrox on Mon, 15 Sep 2014 12:14:09 BST]
gaintrox last decade
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