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Hair Loss



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

hair loss

Hi I am 24 years in age.....i am facing excessive hairfall and hair thinning problem from last few months.I used to have thick and strong hair but now a days they have become weak n thin......please provide me prescription....!!
  vdm_1590 on 2014-09-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear vdm-

If you are in good health and if there is a history of hair loss
on mother or fathers side, this is a genetic problem.

Would be best for you to see a very experienced homeopath
to address your overall state and family history of this.
Sometimes the hairfall can be stopped but usually no
new hair grows.

Please do not try any allopathic, minoxidil, propecia, finisteride
etc meds bc the side effects can wreck your health and are
worse than hairloss.

The only sure thing on this- is hair transplants.
simone717 last decade
i can consider your case but give some more information..

1.the exact locality of the complaint like hands,legs etc.
2.Sensation as pain etc.
3.Condition under which the complaint is aggravated or you feel better like,cold or hot application,cold or hot weather,position as standing,walking,rest etc.
4.Any other complaint any where in the body.
5.Your mental behaviour.
6.Your desire and aversions regarding food,weather,heat,cold,wetness,cloudiness,dryness, company etc.
7.Nature of body secretions as urine,menses,stool,perspiration etc.

homeo.mzp last decade

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