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Spleenectomy causing infection

Hello Dr. My Name is Farhan . i am 23 years old. i am facing too much infection and doctor's said me to take a dose of amoxicilin of 500mg 3 times a day that is difficult . i think i should tell you the history.
In about 2010 when i was in college i feel my self weak due to alot of motions i did all of local treatments and can't find my reletive remedy . atlast i decided to go to General Hospital. I made a complete Blood picture and ultra sound i found my spleen enlarged ,i was not using any homeopathic madicine in those days. in CBP i found the hb too much down and platelets at 2000 - 3000 . Here in pakistan the maximum in reports are that a normal person have must 150,000. I take antiboitic medicine but no effect in some days my Hb also going down regularly. They called it hemolytic anemia it continues like that about 2 and half years. and after that Doc. said that there is no other option only is spleenectomy . i want to memorize that in all this period i was also facing infection in abdomen and too much lose motion some kind of semi solid fluid like. and all the time i was taking alot of antiboitic medicines. so, I did Operate.
I Vaccinated Malaria , jauindice and many other diseases. i operated in the mid of 2013.
After operation My motion continues till today but the destruction of my blood cells and platelets stoped. i am very thank full to God for this act of KindNess. In the period of last year i faced two major infections in which every type of my body part left working even i was not breathin machine Helped me. and also faced gangrene in foot fingers then i went to some homeopathic doctors but i found not so much good result that i ever expect.
The Problem i Am now facing are:
1.Too much infection in my abdomen and doing regularly watery loose motion 3-4 times a day
2.in winter season i am facing chest infection also
3. my right ear is also stopped litsening some kind of regular voice just like Air condition voice.
4.Due to alot use of Antibiotic medicines my liver becomes fatty
5.gall stones of small size max up 10mm
The Medicines i used in last year are
and may two or three medicines i don't remember that. these are the advice of doctor not myself. and the use of these medicine help me maximum a week after that it work stop.
If my liver works normal and my loose motions stop i will feel my self healthy.
I request You to Suggest Any Remedy that help me in stop infection and loose that may i regular use. I will Pray For You Alot in my Prayers, Thanks.
  farhanawan on 2014-10-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please suggest me any remedy that may reduce my watery stools. Plz i request to any spespecialist doctor to suggest regular medicine for infection.
farhanawan last decade

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