The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Erika:Re Head sweats
Hello Erika,you asked to be updated,re the calc carb.
Just four days with out sweat,then today at a meeting
he was absolutely running with perspiration so much so that everyone asked if he was O.K.(most embarrassing)
What would you suggest now????we tried Silica last yearwithout any relief.
I am wondering if it is Hormones Bit like menopause?
He also mentioned that he was very dry mouthed immediately after taking each dose.
From your wealth of experience any assistance will be appreciated.
drizzle on 2005-12-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
hi - pls remind me of symptoms and of how much calc carb was given so that I can help further.
thanks, erika
thanks, erika
erika last decade
Thank you erica for replying
36yrd old male
slightly overweight
stressful job
young child in family
tires easily
acid stomach
prolific head sweats on least bit of excercise absolutely runs with water as though been out in the rain
also head sweats can happen at night whilst sleeping or during the day as yesterday whilst in a meeting.
Last year gave silica without any effect.
this last case
30c Calc carb three doses for two days...BUT he tells me he missed a couple of doses so restarted for a further day and one dose.
Would like to give him something to start next week if you can help would be greatly appreciated.
36yrd old male
slightly overweight
stressful job
young child in family
tires easily
acid stomach
prolific head sweats on least bit of excercise absolutely runs with water as though been out in the rain
also head sweats can happen at night whilst sleeping or during the day as yesterday whilst in a meeting.
Last year gave silica without any effect.
this last case
30c Calc carb three doses for two days...BUT he tells me he missed a couple of doses so restarted for a further day and one dose.
Would like to give him something to start next week if you can help would be greatly appreciated.
drizzle last decade
please say whether the head sweats actually improved for 4 days after the calc carb? If not then pls explain what you mean by the 4 days without sweat?
if they improved after the calc carb then what else improved also and how did he feel within himself???
if they improved after the calc carb then what else improved also and how did he feel within himself???
erika last decade
Dear Erika
Sorry for delay-had to wait for son-in-law to get back to me,follows his interpretation of sweats.
"linked to surrounding temperature-and bing amongst people-feel everyone is looking at me-then breaks out in sweat the more they stare the more I sweat, the only way to stop the sweat is to cool off rapidly by walking away -difficult if on bus or in a meeting, cannot take my coat off to cool down as shirt is usally wet.The colder weather has helped a little"
The last bit related to my previous post of few days less sweats.
I am really at a loss,if you feel you can assist me in prescribing for him I would be most appreciative.
Thank you so much for your time
Sorry for delay-had to wait for son-in-law to get back to me,follows his interpretation of sweats.
"linked to surrounding temperature-and bing amongst people-feel everyone is looking at me-then breaks out in sweat the more they stare the more I sweat, the only way to stop the sweat is to cool off rapidly by walking away -difficult if on bus or in a meeting, cannot take my coat off to cool down as shirt is usally wet.The colder weather has helped a little"
The last bit related to my previous post of few days less sweats.
I am really at a loss,if you feel you can assist me in prescribing for him I would be most appreciative.
Thank you so much for your time
drizzle last decade
dear kate
thank you for your info, but I really need to know if the improvement of less sweats was only because of the colder weather OR after taking the calc carb.??
thank you for your info, but I really need to know if the improvement of less sweats was only because of the colder weather OR after taking the calc carb.??
erika last decade
Thanks erika
trying to get a straight answer is another problem.
I think what he is saying is ,that as he had such a severe attack in the meeting it has blocked out the feelings he had whilst taking calc carb,therefore can only relate to the ease of the symptom by walking around to cool down.His wife said that his pillow was still profusely wet whilst on the calc carb.
kate xxx
trying to get a straight answer is another problem.
I think what he is saying is ,that as he had such a severe attack in the meeting it has blocked out the feelings he had whilst taking calc carb,therefore can only relate to the ease of the symptom by walking around to cool down.His wife said that his pillow was still profusely wet whilst on the calc carb.
kate xxx
drizzle last decade
Consider Merc Sol if the sweat stains the pillow yellow and has a fetid smell if other symptoms of merc sol fit.
if this does not sound like it fits his symptoms then you will need to come back with more symptoms/information on this same thread.
other symptoms needed would be when this started, what illnesses he had around the time this started, any emotional pressures around the time this started.
whether or not he is thirsty and for what.
what foods upset him, he craves etc. etc.
Consider Merc Sol if the sweat stains the pillow yellow and has a fetid smell if other symptoms of merc sol fit.
if this does not sound like it fits his symptoms then you will need to come back with more symptoms/information on this same thread.
other symptoms needed would be when this started, what illnesses he had around the time this started, any emotional pressures around the time this started.
whether or not he is thirsty and for what.
what foods upset him, he craves etc. etc.
erika last decade
Have looked in Boericke and here on web site for list of symptoms to see if they match but cannot find
Where?? would you suggest I look for the list to compare?
Cannot get hold of him this week he is on courses, so its going to be slow process trying to pin him down.
Wait to hear from you
Regards Kate
Where?? would you suggest I look for the list to compare?
Cannot get hold of him this week he is on courses, so its going to be slow process trying to pin him down.
Wait to hear from you
Regards Kate
drizzle last decade good in either
Here it states"No strong indications" So nothing for me to compare ?????Will post a query to see if anyone else can suggest where to search.
Here it states"No strong indications" So nothing for me to compare ?????Will post a query to see if anyone else can suggest where to search.
drizzle last decade
Now seeing the symptoms I think it fits and is worth a try.
What would be the recommended duration ,dose and strength.??????
Thahk you
What would be the recommended duration ,dose and strength.??????
Thahk you
drizzle last decade
Hi - glad you found the info needed. Try 3 times daily for one day only then wait and notice whether this helps before repeating, if needed.
erika last decade
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