The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Frequent Nightfall
20 years old male slim bodyTill the age of 15 I was alright Hard erection no PE thick and shinny hairs no nightfall problem I was healthy then due to bad group I started masterbation I masterbate 4 years now I left masturbation because I was becoming old no erection almost dead penis I have lost almost my all hairs remaining hairs are thin no family problem of hair loss I can't sleep at night sleep just for 1 or 2 hours and then again wake up physically weak face look just become like old man and shine disappear from my face knocking sounds from joints low volume of semen frequent nightfall and occurs after 1 night I think it's all due to nightfall please cure my nightfall problem I have a lot of heat inside my body sweats during night sleep.I will be thankfull to you if you will cure my nightfall problem first
Nightfall on 2014-12-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Take a dose of Phosphorus 200c, just one dose and report back in 2 weeks.
fitness last decade
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