The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Tooth root resorption
I have a specific problem with my tooth root, it's known as spontanios root resorption. Tho tooth is healthy with no cavity. I have read something about it and it's known as a autoimune process. My dentist says that it is very rare case and that he had never seen such a case. Sometimes it happens with trauma or broken tooth but in my case there is no such reason. If I don't found a solution eventually I will lose that tooth. It is tooth number 4, upper, right.I didn't use homeopathic remedies for this problem yet, but I've been using remedies for some other problems.
One of the symptoms is purulent abscess at inner gum near that tooth. The pain is not significant, but once in a while I fell some pulsing.
Eoja1407 on 2014-12-18
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
shouse_nsk last decade
Eoja1407 last decade
Dear Sir,
I have used the therapy and the conditions is a little bit better. It is not healthy gum yet but it is getting better.
Thank you a lot.
I have used the therapy and the conditions is a little bit better. It is not healthy gum yet but it is getting better.
Thank you a lot.
Eoja1407 last decade
In addition to Merc Sol-200 Pl take Hepar Sulph-200 6 pills at bed time every day.
PL take this revised treatment for 15 days and then give feedback
R.P. Tamhankar
PL take this revised treatment for 15 days and then give feedback
R.P. Tamhankar
shouse_nsk last decade
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