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Evocationer-constituional for my son Page 2 of 3

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How did things go with the cold? Btw always better to do nothing if you can.
Evocationer last decade
He still has remnants of it. Still some stuffiness but feeling better.

Ill keep in mind doing nothing is better.He just wanted to go to school. He seems to be doing well. Still tantrums occasionally, but he's much improved.
bwill13 last decade
One thing that's come up. His incontinence (occasional dribbling in his underwear) was gone. However, the last couple days its happened twice. I think he needs another dose, do you? I would consider it a relapse. Let me know what you think.
bwill13 last decade
What we look for is a relapse in the general state as a sign for repeating the remedy. Sometimes relapses in the local symptoms (physical locations) will correct themselves, and this is better if it happens. It means his vital energy is becoming independent of the need for treatment.

However, we will need to see how it goes. Just wait for the moment, and keep updating me on any changes or problems.
Evocationer last decade
OK so even though it went away after starting the remedy and now come back that's ok? I guess I'll see if it keeps happening. Thanks
bwill13 last decade
The important thing to understand about homoeopathy is that we are not directly treating the local symptoms. We are treating the part of the person that controls those symptoms. By adjusting this central system everything can be dealt with appropriately by the person themselves, without constant need for intervention.

After a remedy has adjusted this control system, what we look for is stability and reliability. This is tested by allowing the person to try and correct imbalances on their own first, before jumping in with a remedy. It is a fine line - when to act, when to wait. We don't always get it right, but it is safer to wait.
Evocationer last decade
Ok I think I understand. He hasn't had any more incontinence, but he has been getting angry about little things the last couple days. He'll either have a tantrum or yell at us. Just an observation.
bwill13 last decade
Last two days, 2 big tantrums. Yesterday he couldn't calm down. He was doing so well and I feel like he's going backwards.
bwill13 last decade
That's fine - it is totally normal to see some relapse for awhile, till we get things stable. The reason we let that happen is to test how stable the changes we have made are. If they are stable and we keep dosing, you can produce side effects.

Give him one more dose exactly as you did before.
Evocationer last decade
Updating. So he had improved greatly since beginning the belladonna. He's getting ready for kindergarten which required him to get some vaccines. He hasn' had any since 18 months. If it was up to me, he would not have gotten anymore. However, my husband was adamant and they are required for school. I was able to persuade my husband against atleast the hepatitis A which I feel is completely pointless. Anyways,

That was one the 17th. Since a couple days after, I feel he has regressed behaviorially. He's argumentative, his feeling get hurt easily and his tantrums without being able to calm down have regressed as well. I hope we can get his healing back on the track it was.

I feel very helpless in this situation. My gut tells me to do one thing, yet the world around me, including my husband feel a different way in terms of the vaccines. I'm having a difficult time with it. Let me know what you think. Thanks
bwill13 9 years ago
The vaccines are going to continue doing this, perhaps worse as he becomes more vaccine damaged. It is a shame and I know how hard it is for one parent to be against the other in this, especially when the law supports him as well.

Does your husband at least recognize what has happened?
Evocationer 9 years ago
He denies it. I'm more in tune with my sons symptoms because I'm used to assessing them daily, which he is not. Plus i passionately believe in homeopathy which his mind has a hard time with because he cant make sense of it. He doesnt believe they could affect him behaviorally. Saying theres no evidence of that.
He has to get one more before August because I didn't want him getting them all at once. Then he will be done with vaccines for good. Thank goodness.

Yesterday he woke up sneezing with a runny nose. Acted fine all day. Last night he barely slept, saying he was ready to wake up throughout night and talking. In good mood with congestion but still slightly runny nose. He's also warm. He says hes not suck. Not sending him to preschool today. I'm almost positive he will spike a fever tonight. Should I give him something? Thanks
bwill13 9 years ago
So today he has had low grade fever. Red splotchy cheeks but been in good mood and mentally alert. Still nasally voice and runniness plus congestion.

I thought of giving him a dose of the belladonna but thought ferrum phos seemed appropriate. I gave him a dose of 30c at 3 and he fell asleep for 2nd nap. He woke up upset that I went to store and fever is a bit higher. I'm sure its going to go high tonight.

Forgot to mentioned he's also had that dribbling in his underwear a couple times recently too. This has not happened for awhile. Since I last mentioned it. I'm not sure if I should do nothing or what. He actually just fell asleep again which is highly unusual. I feel like all the sleep may be a good sign. We'll see.
bwill13 9 years ago
Don't use Ferrum phos that way. It will usually suppress the symptoms unfortunately.

As his remedy is Belladonna, you should definitely give him another dose just as you did before.

Well at least we can clearly see how far the remedy has brought him.
Evocationer 9 years ago
OK I won't give him anymore ferrum phos. Is it never ok to use a remedy as an acute? I'm trying to read as many books as I can to help my family with the little things.

He actually has really perked up and is running around playing. I'll give him the belladonna after this wears off. Thanks
bwill13 9 years ago
The important thing is knowing when something is a true acute and when it is a flare up of the chronic state. True acutes will show a complete change in the nature of the symptoms - usually never seen in that patient before in that way. Acute flare ups on the other hand are quite familiar - even if the location of the symptoms is different, the 'personality' of the symptoms is the same.

Treating acute flare ups as genuine acutes can actually result in suppression rather than cure. It is not always easy to tell the difference admittedly, but it important especially when undergoing constitutional treatment.

Obviously if the Ferrum phos has palliated the reaction to the vaccine, and this allows him to get over it on his own without Belladonna, then that is fine and should be left alone. Only repeat the Belladonna if he relapses or does not improve further. Let me know if you are unsure.
[message edited by Evocationer on Mon, 23 Mar 2015 23:31:29 GMT]
Evocationer 9 years ago
Ok. I think I understand difference between true acute and acute flare up. This makes sense because it seems like when he is sick like this, it is the same set of symptoms.

So I will only give belladonna if his fever and symptoms worsen again? Or do you mean if his other symptoms that have regressed don't improve ( behavior issues, incontinence, etc)? Thanks for clarifying
bwill13 9 years ago
He will need Belladonna again I am pretty sure, so I imagine those regressed symptoms won't improve without it (although we will have to wait and see). If he becomes sick again, use Bell instead of Ferr-p.
Evocationer 9 years ago
OK I gave him another dose belladonna 2 nights ago. He still has cold. A lot of nasal discharge. He just told me Hus ear hurts. He used to get ear infections but hasn't had one for a long time. I used to put garlic oil in it but I know now that's repressive. I just didn't know if there's anything I can do for it? Thanks.
bwill13 9 years ago
He woke all through the night with pain in his ear. He was also grinding teeth pretty bad. Which he does do sometimes but it seemed worse. Could this be some sort of aggravation? I just want to help him.
bwill13 9 years ago
So he's been doing better. However he's still having occasional incontinence and today he had two big tantrums and couldn't calm down. He's also grinding his teeth during sleep every night. Don't know if I should keep waiting or redose. What do you think?
bwill13 9 years ago
So do you feel he is relapsing in his behaviour?
Evocationer 9 years ago
Yes, sometimes I do. Yesterday was a bad day. Maybe I should see how he does over next few days. I don't want to dose too often. But I also want him to keep progressing.
bwill13 9 years ago
Hi. So he's been doing pretty good. Something came up yesterday though. A couple days ago he was playing in dirty water by our house (sitting in it) and yesterday his penis was red and irritated at tip. He's not circumcized. I did give him a bath right after. I hope he's not getting some sort infection. Anything I can do if it is?
bwill13 9 years ago

So at this point I wouldn't say he's relapsing but he seems to be at a standstill. He's still a somewhat defiant, won't sleep alone at night, wakes up crying in night occasionally. He also has a few ocd issued. His tantrums are much less but still occur. I wonder what the next step is. I'm hesitant to keep using the belladonna. Is there risk in continually using one remedy like that?

I've been studying the materia medica and repertory and wondered about the remedy stramonium. I wanted to get your opinion as I am by no means an experienced homeopath.
bwill13 9 years ago
A 200c could be given once every few weeks without any issue. As long as there is a continuing upward direction of improvement, rather than just a pattern of improvement and relapse where the same point is being reached each time (rather than a better point of health).

He may of course need a higher potency, and that is usually the first step after adjusting dosage has failed to further improve. You would do that before changing the remedy.

Where is he up to with all his symptoms? Go through the list again for me and consider each one.

Anger/vexation, beside himself
Obstinate in opinions or views
Easily hurt feelings
Bright red ears
Easily embarassed
Fear being alone at night
Unable to calm down
As if possessed (parent interpretation)
Angel/Devil (my interpretation of parent observation)
Sensitive to injury
Averse or aggravated by getting hair cut
Desires bread
Desires chocolate
Desires fruit
Averse milk
Sensitive to loud noise
Eyes sensitive to sunlight
Fear of shadows
Offended easily
Delusion suffers/being injured
Evocationer 9 years ago

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