The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Please help dog with very itchy ears
A friend has a dog that has been suffering with very itchy years for a year now. I have advised to change to a hypoallergenic diet. The info I have so far is..Do the symptoms come and go or are they constant? They come and go.
Is there a time of day where you notice the symptoms are at their worst? No could be all night or all day or both.
Anything other than pressure that makes it better? (Any body position or movement etc)
Anything other than heat that makes it worse? No nothing .
Which sides are affected.. right or left? They are both affected.
Does his scratching make it worse or does it relieve it? A bit of both, he scratches, he leaves it then he goes back again.
Mind - What is his personality like in general and how does the ear make him feel. Eg, does it make him angry, does he whine, crave sympathy from it, is he restless with anxiety etc. It makes he him whine when he has scratches loads, sometimes he will scratch a bit but then other times it gets to the point where they are very sore bleeding and then he whines all the time.
Does he have any specific fears / anxieties about things? No nothing.
I have noticed when he is hot it's worse, if I squeeze or scratch his ear for him he holds his breath like it relieve ten goes scratching again, sometimes he gets his claws right inside his ear or sometimes it will be behind his ear.
Please can someone help. Thankyou.
Roxie on 2014-12-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please give him Sulphur 30 twice a day for 3 days and see how that affects over 10 days.
♡ kadwa last decade
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