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inflammation on the right eye...kadwa...akshaymohla...pls assist

Dear Dr's

Since 2 days I have got severe inflammation below my right eye. It is red colored , swollen , painful. There is no discharge as such. The inflammation is just below the right eye and when I close my eyes it pains a lot. Left eye is absolutely fine and there is no such pain or inflammation. I have been putting Euphrasia drops 4-5 times in a day and also had two doses of Apis Mel 30 today. I am not not sure if I am taking the correct medicine / correct dosage.

Please advise....

  venus0743 on 2014-12-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
If Apis 30 doesn't help take Belladonna 30.
kadwa last decade
Apis isnt helpjng at all. I will take Belladonna and will get back to you.

venus0743 last decade
Hi kadwa ,

It is much better now , the pain has reduced considerably and the stye has a mouth niw which will eventually burst.


venus0743 last decade
Bell 200 may be repeated on need. No need to repeat if things get well on their own.
kadwa last decade

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