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Causticum: Professional Constitutional Kit #1: First Aid Kit:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Pls advise- a request-kaliphos 6x and causticum 30 c

i am suggested the below remedies by 2 different doctors:
Please suggest that can i take kaliphos 6x and causticum 30 c together say with some time gap like 30 minutes,
Are these supportive or conflicting remedies?
please advice..
  khurana76 on 2015-01-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi- first always take one thing at a time to
see what that is going to do- otherwise there will be confusion on what is doing what.

Kali phos 6x is a cell salt- Cell salts ( there are
12) are a sub branch of homeopathy also called
tissue salts. They work by balancing out the
cell metabolism.

Kali Phos 6x works on healing many nerve issues.

The Causticum30c is a regular remedy dosage and
you can do a test dose of it - for instance
take 3 pills under the tongue and let dissolve,
and keep note of your reactions for the next
few days.

What may happen is A. Nothing, B. you have an
aggravation of symptoms and then start feeling
better, ( good sign) C. you start feeling better
and then it wears off ( May be palliating you- not
good) Please google Herings Law of Cure.

From these reactions the homeopath decides if
you need more doses of 30c, or if you need
a higher potency of Causticum, or if after
a few doses, you need a different remedy.

If this is a chronic complaint- you need supervision on this.

I suggest you try out the Kali Phos 6x for a few
days and see if that is taking care of the
problem- If not- have a 3 day gap and then try
the Causticum.
[message edited by simone717 on Sun, 04 Jan 2015 16:33:04 GMT]
simone717 last decade

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