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Horse Constitutional Type

I was wondering if anyone would like to help me figure out my horse's ideal constitutional remedy? Here is a little bit about him:

He's a 15 year old Quarter Horse Gelding, Red Dunn. He is very gentle and quiet, I might even describe him as slightly introverted. He's incredibly gentle towards children and small animals.
In the summer he likes to put his front feet in the water trough and stomp. He is afraid of mud puddles and rivers/creeks.
When I go into the pasture with him he generally will not let me near him; keeps me a few yards away. He likes to turn with his butt to me, as if he is being pouty/disrespectful.
Whenever he has been badly injured though, he comes to me for help, and tries to show me what is bothering him.(I know that sounds crazy but he does!!)
Whenever he acts up, he responds best to the most gentle and coaxing discipline. If you strike him or get impatient with him he will only act up more.(you know how they say pets personalities mirror their owners?? hehe)
He has an aversion to being worked with on the left side; possibly some trauma occurred?
He generally prefers women over men, but doesn't much like to be handled at all. Well, doesn't like to be caught.
With the halter on he is a completely different creature. Subdued, reserved, submissive, extremely tolerant and patient.
He loves to run fast. Chasing cows is fun for him too.

I think that's all I can think of. In all other respects, I think he's just a normal grass-munchin' horse...
[message edited by rom109 on Wed, 21 Jan 2015 01:16:33 GMT]
  rom109 on 2015-01-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
It is important to understand that homoeopathy only treats disease, it does not treat personality. What exactly would you see as the dysfunction in his life/health here?
Evocationer last decade
uhmm...I did not think that it treated personality, nor did I mean that I would like to treat his personality(as a disease). I was, however, under the impression that the majority of picking a remedy for the whole individual was based on personality.

The vet says he has a touch of arthritis in his legs. General stiffness on initial movement, better after movement, with warmth, and dry weather. Worse from standing still, damp, cold weather.
prone to stone bruises, and he has sensitive soles (while unshod).
rom109 last decade
There we go - that is what you would treat. Personality is only relevant where the internal disease intersects with it, creating a similar kind of disease but in the emotions or thoughts. With animals, we cannot get as deeply as the thoughts, and the emotions we may need to guess at.

I would probably try Rhus-tox for him - you perfectly described the modalities of this remedy. Rhus-tox 12c, given once daily for 5 days, and see what kind of effect that has on him. Same rules apply as to you - stop if there is any worsening of symptoms.
Evocationer last decade

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