The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Tissue salts
Helli I would appreciate advice on the right thing to do I purchased bioplasma combination of 12 biochemic remdies about 2/3 weeks ago due to a very bad bout of flu/cough and swollen neck glands illness at Christmas after reading reviews it said it supported immunity fighting infection these last few days my moods have been fluctuating and hitting some real lows followed by swollen glands in my neck inflaming is this a sign its working? I should stop? try something different? anya dvice would be appreciated any thanksFelicityB on 2015-01-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi- Stop taking the biochemic- how often have
you been dosing with them and how many tabs
per day and weeks of this?
The biochemic combo is a good boost for the
immune system in general, but one does not
do the biochemic for prolonged periods- Like over
two weeks-and that maybe only every 6 months or so for a tune up.
It is better to use the specific salts that
are indicated for your symptoms.
Swollen neck glands for this long indicate that your body
is still fighting some chronic virus or infection and something
else needs to address your specific symptoms. You will have low
moods if you have low energy.
Please put the answers to this form on here, so that a
homeopathic remedy matching your state can be chosen.
you been dosing with them and how many tabs
per day and weeks of this?
The biochemic combo is a good boost for the
immune system in general, but one does not
do the biochemic for prolonged periods- Like over
two weeks-and that maybe only every 6 months or so for a tune up.
It is better to use the specific salts that
are indicated for your symptoms.
Swollen neck glands for this long indicate that your body
is still fighting some chronic virus or infection and something
else needs to address your specific symptoms. You will have low
moods if you have low energy.
Please put the answers to this form on here, so that a
homeopathic remedy matching your state can be chosen.
♡ simone717 9 years ago
Hi Simone thanks for your reply, I have been taking them for 3 weeks x4 a.m (sometimes x4 midday) and x4 eve here are the answers to the questionaire;
Patient ID: Sex: female Age:44
1. Describe your main suffering?
low moods, energy, swollen neck glands on and off, sensitive affected by people and things,lack of confidence, lack of motivation, cravings food wise, quite bad last x2 periods/hormones/headaches, have out on 1 stone to .5 stones in weight in last 2 years, bad response to mould get flu like symptoms
2. What other physical sufferings do you have in your body?
as above
3. What mental sufferings / feelings do you have associated with your physical sufferings? lowness, sensitivity, isolation, confidence, cold needing to be warm, anger, v sensitive to foods, cravings, blood sugar levels - hyperglaecemia, herbal medicines - had anaphylactic symptons when taking Echinacea so stopped! gone right off any alcohol cant tolerate it, tearful - had recent sobbings, self worth/esteem, direction in life, trusting people - difficult friendships and no relationship for over 2 years
4. What exactly do you feel when you are at your worst?
v low, whats the point, no motivation, closed down, isolated, wobbly, fearful, neck glands swell, cold sore flares in nose, feel tired
5. When did it all start? Can you connect it to any past event or disease? I had heart murmur when I was a baby until 5 years of age,born with cord around my neck, had abcess on windpipe when born, whopping cough too so very poorly baby, 2000 had a breakdown - panic attacks, depression,me like symptoms, told had gluten intolerance at the time so avoided wheat, gluten, yeast, sugar as had candida too it followed a series of things breakdown of 6 year relationship, alcohol party driven drinking back then over the years have continued to have difficult relationships last one knocked my confidence was very emotionally abusive, I have been treated homeopathically in the past for much of this.
6. Which time of the day you are worst? morning when I first wake v low mood
7. What are the things which aggravate your suffering and which are those which ameliorate the same? stressful situations, trust, work, too much time alone yet I want to be alone too, mold!!! I get a flu like reaction to certain mould cant get out of bed glands swell
8. Do your think your sufferings have relation to any external stimuli (like, change of place) or any internal biological changes in the body, like, menses (in females)? yes I do have discharge during my cycle I feel often running up to this discharge my mood is more aggressive, touchy, angry and then the discharge and a release, I have a couple of very difficult days on my period where its almost unbearable pain,I do get tearful sensitive before, old feelings arise, I have breast tenderness sometimes only few days sometimes intense over 2 weeks varies I did take agnus castus for while which helped now it doesn't, I get spots a lot around my right lower mouth area
9. When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather? I love warmth but not great in very hot climates have bad periods even more painful and need fresh air, I feel the cold so like fires/heating adds comfort for me makes me relaxed, I don't like damp - seems to trigger cold sore symptoms - have had one since childhood in my nose that sued to flare every year sometimes more than once now it is inside my nose as opposed to on the outside when I was a child and I know my immunity is low when it flares it doesn't erupt as badly as it used to in any way but I know its a sign my immunity is low as get real tiredness with it and neck glands swell
10. Describe your general mental set up? Are you Moody, Arrogant, Mild, Agreeable Changeable, Nervous, Suspicious, Easily offended, Quiet, Arguing, Irritating, Lazy etc.
I am changeable I really respond to moods, people, places, easily sensitive to things, easily offended and hurt, find it hard to trust, sometimes irritable, don't like loud things, sensitive to arguing upset, like peace and quiet, I can also be very easy going calm
- How do you feel before or during a thunderstorm? I am really affected by thunderstorms always have been I feel them coming - headaches, body aches, headaches, I also smell them - damp smell I get quite unsettled
- Do you like being consoled during your tough times? yes I like to be comforted, cared for, know someone is there struggle with isolation get low if no one is supportive, like to talk - don't like to ask for help
- Are you sensitive to external stimuli like smell, noise, light etc? yes
- Do you have any typical habit or gesture like nail biting, causeless
weeping, talking to one self etc? nail biting although have been growing them for last few months ok but I did bite them badly and the skin at times managing to tame it a little now
- How do you feel about your friends, family, your children and especially your husband / wife? angry, affected, hurt, non trusting, misunderstood, not supported, in balance in giving too much
11. What are your fears and do you dream of any situation repeatedly? yes I do dream of situations a lot comes out in my dreams - emotions - sometimes cry during my dreams, they vary but I do release a lot in my dreams
12. What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions? cheeses although I have changed that over last 2 years to lessen it or change type of cheese so I now prefer milder ones goats cheese, emmental, edam, sometimes crave nuts, crisps - crunchy things, often want something sweet following savory even a mouthful, I like oily foods seem to want them - like mediterraen humous, olives, pine nuts, pesto, I go through stages of different cravings it really varies my food habits change all the time, some days just want fruit smoothies, I have gone off meats at the moment - don't like heavy red meats cant tolerate always it varies, I go through sweet/chocolate phases too then have nothing so its all very up and down
13. How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive? varies sometimes really drink lots and lots of water other times dont want it I wouldn't say excessive just varied
14. How if your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive? can be excessive at tiems almost ravenous mostly in the evenings cant seem to satisfy it hence the weight gain over last 2 years, I eat more when dealing with people and emotionally charged situations almost to ground myself its like I tale on the emotion in my body and food grounds it
15. Is there any kind of food which your body cant stand? yes highly spicy foods cant tolerate very rich foods and too big a portions makes me fill ill if I overeat, cant tolerate lots of alcohol haven't had any for a while
16. Is your sweat normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs? seems normal sometimes sweat more in summer months with my work as its physical at times
17. How is your bowel movement and stool type? mostly regular morning time sometimes little smooth but mostly ok, I can have more diahorrea around period times
18. How well do you sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping? I seem to need a lot recently 14 hrs a day when ill over christmas and still tired but usually approx 8 hrs I do get restless legs sometimes though and its v uncomfy and wakes me up or occasional wake up for the toilet in the night but mostly sleep ok although I can be tired on waking sometimes I wake in the night between 4-6 quite wide awake but go back to sleep and then feel v tired when I try to wake again 7.30/8.00
19. Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general? no, I haven't had any sexual activity for over 2 years at times I feel a strong rise in sexual energy approaching period but then others times it seems the opposite
20. How do you think you are different from others, if at all? yes I would say so I feel different in my sensitivities how I react and feel to things
21. What medications have been taken earlier by you to treat the diseases and do you have any particular symptom surfacing after the medication? I don't tolerate medications and haven't had any for a long time but years ago in my 20's I did have bouts of cystitis, colitis, infections and was treated heavily with anti biotics this was the start of my problems - blood sugars went out, immunity, low white blood cells, I took citalopram only for 6 months approx. 2001 and earlier in 1990's short period of prozac
22. What major diseases are running in your family? my gran had bowel problems, not sure with the other gran, granddad one I never met - heart problems, the other was coeliac later in life and then died of pneumonia but had something prior, my mum has always had hypoglaecemia blood sugar levels, had problems like me taking contraception v sensitive to it, she has menieres (all her 3 sisters do) but very rare attacks,she has diabetes food controlled but has been told it probably isn't as she isn't a classic case - very fit, good weight etc, my dad has had dvt's, lots of operations in the past for back and leg nerve problems, has had shingles, infection in hospital, has iron deficiency takes wharferin, has over sized colon - problems therefore with bowels/going to loo
23. Describe, how do you look like? Describe your overall appearance - I am tall approx. 5ft 9 build is fairly curvey was slender mostly for years, my breasts are much bigger now than they used to be, long auburn hair quite willowy, large eyes been told very deer like look, my skin does get spots problems around left lower mouth/chin area, people describe my features as very beautiful serene looking
Please answer the following questions:
(Please give details of your past menstruation if you have attained menopause.)
- Are the periods early, regular or late in general? usually fairly on time periods monthly
How long do they last? intense for 2 days bleeding heavy then little lighter for further 2/3 days
- Do you suffer from any kind of physical or mental discomfort before, during or after the periods? yes 2 days where it is very intense and painful dull aches wakes me during the night pain, mood tearful just before, low, sensitive, tender breasts, tired
- Is the flow scanty, normal or excessive? 2 days heavey then lighter
- Is the blood thick bright red or pale watery? thick varies between bright red and little darker after
- Do you notice any clots in the flow? yes it can be clumpy
Patient ID: Sex: female Age:44
1. Describe your main suffering?
low moods, energy, swollen neck glands on and off, sensitive affected by people and things,lack of confidence, lack of motivation, cravings food wise, quite bad last x2 periods/hormones/headaches, have out on 1 stone to .5 stones in weight in last 2 years, bad response to mould get flu like symptoms
2. What other physical sufferings do you have in your body?
as above
3. What mental sufferings / feelings do you have associated with your physical sufferings? lowness, sensitivity, isolation, confidence, cold needing to be warm, anger, v sensitive to foods, cravings, blood sugar levels - hyperglaecemia, herbal medicines - had anaphylactic symptons when taking Echinacea so stopped! gone right off any alcohol cant tolerate it, tearful - had recent sobbings, self worth/esteem, direction in life, trusting people - difficult friendships and no relationship for over 2 years
4. What exactly do you feel when you are at your worst?
v low, whats the point, no motivation, closed down, isolated, wobbly, fearful, neck glands swell, cold sore flares in nose, feel tired
5. When did it all start? Can you connect it to any past event or disease? I had heart murmur when I was a baby until 5 years of age,born with cord around my neck, had abcess on windpipe when born, whopping cough too so very poorly baby, 2000 had a breakdown - panic attacks, depression,me like symptoms, told had gluten intolerance at the time so avoided wheat, gluten, yeast, sugar as had candida too it followed a series of things breakdown of 6 year relationship, alcohol party driven drinking back then over the years have continued to have difficult relationships last one knocked my confidence was very emotionally abusive, I have been treated homeopathically in the past for much of this.
6. Which time of the day you are worst? morning when I first wake v low mood
7. What are the things which aggravate your suffering and which are those which ameliorate the same? stressful situations, trust, work, too much time alone yet I want to be alone too, mold!!! I get a flu like reaction to certain mould cant get out of bed glands swell
8. Do your think your sufferings have relation to any external stimuli (like, change of place) or any internal biological changes in the body, like, menses (in females)? yes I do have discharge during my cycle I feel often running up to this discharge my mood is more aggressive, touchy, angry and then the discharge and a release, I have a couple of very difficult days on my period where its almost unbearable pain,I do get tearful sensitive before, old feelings arise, I have breast tenderness sometimes only few days sometimes intense over 2 weeks varies I did take agnus castus for while which helped now it doesn't, I get spots a lot around my right lower mouth area
9. When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather? I love warmth but not great in very hot climates have bad periods even more painful and need fresh air, I feel the cold so like fires/heating adds comfort for me makes me relaxed, I don't like damp - seems to trigger cold sore symptoms - have had one since childhood in my nose that sued to flare every year sometimes more than once now it is inside my nose as opposed to on the outside when I was a child and I know my immunity is low when it flares it doesn't erupt as badly as it used to in any way but I know its a sign my immunity is low as get real tiredness with it and neck glands swell
10. Describe your general mental set up? Are you Moody, Arrogant, Mild, Agreeable Changeable, Nervous, Suspicious, Easily offended, Quiet, Arguing, Irritating, Lazy etc.
I am changeable I really respond to moods, people, places, easily sensitive to things, easily offended and hurt, find it hard to trust, sometimes irritable, don't like loud things, sensitive to arguing upset, like peace and quiet, I can also be very easy going calm
- How do you feel before or during a thunderstorm? I am really affected by thunderstorms always have been I feel them coming - headaches, body aches, headaches, I also smell them - damp smell I get quite unsettled
- Do you like being consoled during your tough times? yes I like to be comforted, cared for, know someone is there struggle with isolation get low if no one is supportive, like to talk - don't like to ask for help
- Are you sensitive to external stimuli like smell, noise, light etc? yes
- Do you have any typical habit or gesture like nail biting, causeless
weeping, talking to one self etc? nail biting although have been growing them for last few months ok but I did bite them badly and the skin at times managing to tame it a little now
- How do you feel about your friends, family, your children and especially your husband / wife? angry, affected, hurt, non trusting, misunderstood, not supported, in balance in giving too much
11. What are your fears and do you dream of any situation repeatedly? yes I do dream of situations a lot comes out in my dreams - emotions - sometimes cry during my dreams, they vary but I do release a lot in my dreams
12. What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions? cheeses although I have changed that over last 2 years to lessen it or change type of cheese so I now prefer milder ones goats cheese, emmental, edam, sometimes crave nuts, crisps - crunchy things, often want something sweet following savory even a mouthful, I like oily foods seem to want them - like mediterraen humous, olives, pine nuts, pesto, I go through stages of different cravings it really varies my food habits change all the time, some days just want fruit smoothies, I have gone off meats at the moment - don't like heavy red meats cant tolerate always it varies, I go through sweet/chocolate phases too then have nothing so its all very up and down
13. How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive? varies sometimes really drink lots and lots of water other times dont want it I wouldn't say excessive just varied
14. How if your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive? can be excessive at tiems almost ravenous mostly in the evenings cant seem to satisfy it hence the weight gain over last 2 years, I eat more when dealing with people and emotionally charged situations almost to ground myself its like I tale on the emotion in my body and food grounds it
15. Is there any kind of food which your body cant stand? yes highly spicy foods cant tolerate very rich foods and too big a portions makes me fill ill if I overeat, cant tolerate lots of alcohol haven't had any for a while
16. Is your sweat normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs? seems normal sometimes sweat more in summer months with my work as its physical at times
17. How is your bowel movement and stool type? mostly regular morning time sometimes little smooth but mostly ok, I can have more diahorrea around period times
18. How well do you sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping? I seem to need a lot recently 14 hrs a day when ill over christmas and still tired but usually approx 8 hrs I do get restless legs sometimes though and its v uncomfy and wakes me up or occasional wake up for the toilet in the night but mostly sleep ok although I can be tired on waking sometimes I wake in the night between 4-6 quite wide awake but go back to sleep and then feel v tired when I try to wake again 7.30/8.00
19. Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general? no, I haven't had any sexual activity for over 2 years at times I feel a strong rise in sexual energy approaching period but then others times it seems the opposite
20. How do you think you are different from others, if at all? yes I would say so I feel different in my sensitivities how I react and feel to things
21. What medications have been taken earlier by you to treat the diseases and do you have any particular symptom surfacing after the medication? I don't tolerate medications and haven't had any for a long time but years ago in my 20's I did have bouts of cystitis, colitis, infections and was treated heavily with anti biotics this was the start of my problems - blood sugars went out, immunity, low white blood cells, I took citalopram only for 6 months approx. 2001 and earlier in 1990's short period of prozac
22. What major diseases are running in your family? my gran had bowel problems, not sure with the other gran, granddad one I never met - heart problems, the other was coeliac later in life and then died of pneumonia but had something prior, my mum has always had hypoglaecemia blood sugar levels, had problems like me taking contraception v sensitive to it, she has menieres (all her 3 sisters do) but very rare attacks,she has diabetes food controlled but has been told it probably isn't as she isn't a classic case - very fit, good weight etc, my dad has had dvt's, lots of operations in the past for back and leg nerve problems, has had shingles, infection in hospital, has iron deficiency takes wharferin, has over sized colon - problems therefore with bowels/going to loo
23. Describe, how do you look like? Describe your overall appearance - I am tall approx. 5ft 9 build is fairly curvey was slender mostly for years, my breasts are much bigger now than they used to be, long auburn hair quite willowy, large eyes been told very deer like look, my skin does get spots problems around left lower mouth/chin area, people describe my features as very beautiful serene looking
Please answer the following questions:
(Please give details of your past menstruation if you have attained menopause.)
- Are the periods early, regular or late in general? usually fairly on time periods monthly
How long do they last? intense for 2 days bleeding heavy then little lighter for further 2/3 days
- Do you suffer from any kind of physical or mental discomfort before, during or after the periods? yes 2 days where it is very intense and painful dull aches wakes me during the night pain, mood tearful just before, low, sensitive, tender breasts, tired
- Is the flow scanty, normal or excessive? 2 days heavey then lighter
- Is the blood thick bright red or pale watery? thick varies between bright red and little darker after
- Do you notice any clots in the flow? yes it can be clumpy
FelicityB 9 years ago
Hi Felicity,
You have a lot going on here.
My first question has to do with mold.I don't know how
much you know about Mold allergies?
But Step One- is you must not live or work in a structure
that has mold. You have to be away from the mold to
give your system a break so that it can start to heal.
People that have mold allergies ( a lot is genetic ) once
they have the mold allergy and after they are better,
when they encounter mold again it retriggers the allergies.
I have worked with or sent people on here to homeopaths,
where initially they thought mold might be going on,
but never checked it out. Nothing worked on them and they
finally did check, using mold strips etc to see if they
had spores in their living area, and that was the main
obstacle to getting well. They had to move, get the house
leaks fixed, etc.
Do you know if you are living/working in a structure
that has had water damage in the past or has mold?
Second-When was the last time you had a homeopath treat you?
What were the results? Do you remember the remedies you took?
Would you be willing to see another Uk homeopath if needed?
I know one UK homeopath ( I am usa) who is very well regarded, he is a supervisor for homeopathic students, and he
will do an initial skype session for free to see if he
feels he could help.
But the mold problem needs to be sorted out first.
You have a lot going on here.
My first question has to do with mold.I don't know how
much you know about Mold allergies?
But Step One- is you must not live or work in a structure
that has mold. You have to be away from the mold to
give your system a break so that it can start to heal.
People that have mold allergies ( a lot is genetic ) once
they have the mold allergy and after they are better,
when they encounter mold again it retriggers the allergies.
I have worked with or sent people on here to homeopaths,
where initially they thought mold might be going on,
but never checked it out. Nothing worked on them and they
finally did check, using mold strips etc to see if they
had spores in their living area, and that was the main
obstacle to getting well. They had to move, get the house
leaks fixed, etc.
Do you know if you are living/working in a structure
that has had water damage in the past or has mold?
Second-When was the last time you had a homeopath treat you?
What were the results? Do you remember the remedies you took?
Would you be willing to see another Uk homeopath if needed?
I know one UK homeopath ( I am usa) who is very well regarded, he is a supervisor for homeopathic students, and he
will do an initial skype session for free to see if he
feels he could help.
But the mold problem needs to be sorted out first.
♡ simone717 9 years ago
Hi Simone, thanks for your reply,I moved from a property I had rented for 5 months 3/4 years ago due to finding myself laid up in bed most days and discovered it was black mold on the lower kitchen cupboards on my dishes! it was a Naturopath Dr who said this was making me ill at the time, I house sat once few years ago for someone who left the fridge caked in mould so cleaned it out unknowingly and was in bed for 3 days thought I had flu, as for where I am it is an old property most of it would say is ok but the bathroom I'm not so sure in the shower it looks like some moul areas how would I check fully? I have been here 1.5 years, been sneezing lots of late maybe due to the immune thing and my throat sore on and off along with glands in neck, yesterday I experienced some anxiety feelings first time in nearly 14 years my lips felt numb and I was shakey and nervous I was in town with a friend in a café, I do have high reaction to coffee - don't touch it as this brought on m first set of panic attacks 14 years ago quite badly, I do notice that when I get some of my symptoms flared cold sore etc that my tummy feels off at the same time often, I am happy to have a telephone or Skype session with your homeopath the last time I saw someone was about 8-10 years ago properly I have taken remedies in between I studied homeopathy (briefly) for short while and worked helping homeopaths in oxford when I lived there so have taken occasional ignatia, aconite, arnica for general as for remembering past remedies I cant be sure and they didn't always let me know,Thanks
FelicityB 9 years ago
I sometimes get red rashes on my wrist / arm area too usually the right one but its not always there and it is itchy when it is, Thanks
FelicityB 9 years ago
Hi Simone, I have found this site about mold it sounds like it could be in my shower so a place to start to clear and clean up
FelicityB 9 years ago
1. You cannot clean this up yourself! It is dangerous for you to be around
it. And, you cannot be in the house when they do clean- up. Bc the mold
spores are airborne and they spread, especially if the clean- up people are
not doing things correctly.
2.For there to be mold, there has to be leaks. The leaks could be in the
roof, or windows not sealed right, or in the basement, etc.
3. I don't know what the " law " is in the UK on this, but in USA, the landlord
can get sued for not taking care of this when they become aware of it.
4. Of course, some types of mold are way more toxic than others, but bottom
line you can't be around any mold at all, so it is not what you want to focus
5.Please look and read over this site called
I don't know if you have something similar to order over where you are,
but they sell strips to detect the mold. You put the strips in each room
and then look at the spore count the next day. The rooms with the highest
spore count are where the Leak is the worst.
You have to have repair people come out,carefully remove the
wallboard, etc, dry the area, put in new wood etc, paint it with
mold resistant paint, and at the same time find the leak and repair that.
This could be a huge project depending on the extent of mold going on.
The best option is to get somewhere that has no mold as soon as possible-think of it like trying to cure hay fever while standing in a field of of grass everyday that you are allergic
The homeopath is Mike Andrews- he also has a special interest
in allergies, but the mold allergy is a bit of a different
[message edited by simone717 on Thu, 29 Jan 2015 01:41:49 GMT]
1. You cannot clean this up yourself! It is dangerous for you to be around
it. And, you cannot be in the house when they do clean- up. Bc the mold
spores are airborne and they spread, especially if the clean- up people are
not doing things correctly.
2.For there to be mold, there has to be leaks. The leaks could be in the
roof, or windows not sealed right, or in the basement, etc.
3. I don't know what the " law " is in the UK on this, but in USA, the landlord
can get sued for not taking care of this when they become aware of it.
4. Of course, some types of mold are way more toxic than others, but bottom
line you can't be around any mold at all, so it is not what you want to focus
5.Please look and read over this site called
I don't know if you have something similar to order over where you are,
but they sell strips to detect the mold. You put the strips in each room
and then look at the spore count the next day. The rooms with the highest
spore count are where the Leak is the worst.
You have to have repair people come out,carefully remove the
wallboard, etc, dry the area, put in new wood etc, paint it with
mold resistant paint, and at the same time find the leak and repair that.
This could be a huge project depending on the extent of mold going on.
The best option is to get somewhere that has no mold as soon as possible-think of it like trying to cure hay fever while standing in a field of of grass everyday that you are allergic
The homeopath is Mike Andrews- he also has a special interest
in allergies, but the mold allergy is a bit of a different
[message edited by simone717 on Thu, 29 Jan 2015 01:41:49 GMT]
♡ simone717 9 years ago
Hi Simone, it is unfortunately also at my work place the kitchen walls are pretty bad in the corners - you are right it isn't acceptable as it wasn't with my previous landlord who even after seeing it and my photos as evidence still denied it totally and I lost all my deposit when I left because of it - it is unacceptable but not always dealt with here in the uk and is quite a big problems in many damp houses due to the areas and buildings so it leaves me in a position with both my home and work, a lot to consider but I understand if it is making me ill at times I must address it, thank you for your time in this matter
FelicityB 9 years ago
It is a huge issue, and there has been a lot of
false type "cures" for this over here, and scammer
repair people etc.
I had an entire group of my own family, purchase
and live in an almost new house that had black mold deep inside
the walls ( and it had been inspected for mold prior-
but I guess no one thought of drilling into the stucco) They all ended up feeling unwell, some worse
than others and then told they had mental issues of
this or that-given drugs for those things- a disaster.
Lucky, they found the mold, insurance paid for them
to live in another house while the house was almost
torn down. I have known several people now, who were
in despair at their low energy, and mental problems
increasing, nerve problems increasing and being
dismissed as " crazy " after a time of nothing working.
In homeopathy they call this an
obstacle to cure- so do what you have to do to for
work and living arrangements bc nothing is worth
ruining your health for.
Good luck
It is a huge issue, and there has been a lot of
false type "cures" for this over here, and scammer
repair people etc.
I had an entire group of my own family, purchase
and live in an almost new house that had black mold deep inside
the walls ( and it had been inspected for mold prior-
but I guess no one thought of drilling into the stucco) They all ended up feeling unwell, some worse
than others and then told they had mental issues of
this or that-given drugs for those things- a disaster.
Lucky, they found the mold, insurance paid for them
to live in another house while the house was almost
torn down. I have known several people now, who were
in despair at their low energy, and mental problems
increasing, nerve problems increasing and being
dismissed as " crazy " after a time of nothing working.
In homeopathy they call this an
obstacle to cure- so do what you have to do to for
work and living arrangements bc nothing is worth
ruining your health for.
Good luck
♡ simone717 9 years ago
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