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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Rosacea, sugar cravings, unable to loose weight

Hi I am a 43 yr old mother of 3. I am breastfeeding my 14 week old.

I have suffered from rosacea, redness in cheeks some rare pimples on cheeks for approx 2 yrs.
I eat a clean and mostly organic diet. I crave sugar all the time. I fight the cravings for the most part. When I give in, its only for a small piece of dark chocolate.
I am very closely watching my diet and unable to loose any weight. I eat 3 balanced meals, no grains, gluten, dairy, sugar or legumes..
Thank you!!!!
  kdrozd on 2015-01-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Unless someone has proven intolerance to these ingredients,a diet can't be considered balanced if its missing grains, legumes & dairy.

The body has a defense mechanism and it starts hoarding fat and resits weight loss when its not given its essential holistic nutrients.

I can take up your case but before that we have to establish the reasons of your eating profile. You can check out my profile first.
fitness last decade
Hi thank you.
I have removed these items because I am breastfeeding and my son has bad reflux. It was suggested by the dr that I remove those items from my diet to help the baby's reflux.
kdrozd last decade
Did his reflux go away?
fitness last decade
no he still has it. i forgot to mention that i do eat oatmeal, rice and hummus sometimes, but stay away from dairy and most other legumes and grains.
kdrozd last decade
His reflux can be cured too, without you cutting out everything.

What do you want to handle first, you or your son.
fitness last decade
Him! 😀 (i have a tread for him too through this site) Matthew was on Prevacid. I stopped it last Saturday. On Sunday starting giving him 1 pellet of Nat Phos 6x after each feed with a probiotic. He did well then starting spitting much more and having trouble pooping and staying asleep longer than 30 min for day naps. Someone on your site advised that I stop the Nat Phos bc it was probably making things worse.

Yesterday he had no Nat Phos or any meds. He had a little probiotic. He felt much better! Very little spitting up and no upper GI pain. He did have a little bowel gas and discomfort. Short naps still.

Today so far, he's happy but having bowel discomfort again. He seems to have a hard time producing stools regularly. When he does they are dark green and runny.

Thank you!!!
kdrozd last decade
Hi Im following up on my original post for sugar cravings, weight loss and rosacea. I am addressing my son's reflux on a different post within this forum.
Thank you
kdrozd last decade
The remedies you take will affect your son too as he is breastfeeding.

For yourself too, please consult the same prescriber who is helping your son.
fitness last decade
I am a 64 year old lady, who would like to try argentum nictrium. after reading about it I believe it suits me much better than Saccharum.
I occasionally suffer from Vertigo, I rush when I walk, I have lower back pain.
can you tell me what strength and dosage I should take?
Shrinz 9 months ago
anuj srivastava 9 months ago
Great thank you I will do .
Shrinz 9 months ago
I’ve ordered pills (no 6) 30 c
Will I still have to take 5 x 3 times a day ?
Shrinz 9 months ago
anuj srivastava 9 months ago
Shrinz 9 months ago
It’s been a week since I started this remedy,
I only had sugar cravings the first 2 days and then it subsided.
What’s next ?
Reducing dosage?
Stopping ?
Thank you in advance for your reply.
Shrinz 9 months ago
anuj srivastava 9 months ago
Good morning
Another week and I’m feeling well. I had sugar craving once and I realise that was because of sleep deprivation one night.
I’m waking up every morning with a hot sweat.
Apart from that I’m fine and eating very healthy.
Shrinz 9 months ago
Continue for a week and give a feedback.Whenever you wake up at night have five tabs of FERRUM PHOS 6X and SULPHUR 30.
anuj srivastava 9 months ago
Thank you
Shrinz 9 months ago
3 weeks in no more cravings.
I would like to stop taking pills, do I need to taper or stop right away
Shrinz 9 months ago
anuj srivastava 8 months ago

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