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someone please advise further 4.5 year old with cough and wheezing 1


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someone please advise further 4.5 year old with cough and wheezing

4.5 year old prolonged cold cough and then leading to wheezing

From baba108 on 2015-01-30
8 replies
my four and a half year old probably got the flu in mid of december andit tool upto first week of Jan to get better. But still had remnant cough got checked with doctor and was diagnosed with mild case of pnuemonia on jan 5th that was. Also received the flu shot the same day. came home from doctor and developed fever cold and cough again and started taking azithromycin for pnuemonia I also gave her turmuric blackpepper fenugreek with raw honey thrice a day. was checked by doc on 15th jan and was cleared of wheezingfever and cold but some remnant cough. she went to school on 22nd and 23rd. 25th I washed her hair with hot water and quickly dried thoroughly with hair dryer. 26th monday light nasal discharge and by tuesday cough all the while no fever yesterday wheezing at night and waking up due to not being able to breath. administered the albuterol twice to which she responded well and slept. today doctor put nebulizer and confirmed that she is wheezing. Pls advise I want my child get healthy again. shes been having cold on and off since halloween.
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Re: 4.5 year old prolonged cold cough and then leading to wheezing From shouse_nsk on 2015-01-30
Pl give her
1. Antimonium Tart-30 (30c) 6 pills twice a day
2. Arsenic Alb-200 (200c) 6 pills at bed time
Pl give this treatment for 3-4 days and then give feedback

R.P. Tamhankar
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Re: 4.5 year old prolonged cold cough and then leading to wheezing From baba108 on 2015-01-30
Thank you very much. I Would try to get them at the healthfood stores. If I don't find them there I will get it online. I gave her the albuterol during day as advised by doctor she slept well. Morning she was not coughing when I asked her to cough no pleghm could be heard. Then I gave her the a lbuterol and after 30 mins can hear lot of phlegm. Nasal thick grey discharge is present. Since the past two days I have been giving her natural vitamin c but it has as ascorbic acid in it. These are 100 mg about 4 a day. But not much effect I have also increased her in take of oranges but still she got this cold. I'm tired and worried. vitamin c I gave is http://www.drugstore.com/search/search_results.asp?srchtree=...
Will give feedback. Thanks once again.
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Re: 4.5 year old prolonged cold cough and then leading to wheezing From baba108 on 2015-01-31
Dear respected doctor Tamhamkar,

luckily could get the meds from health food stores! started the remedy yesterday night. gave her antimonium tart 30c 6 pills at night but kid fell asleep after that. morning gave both the meds. can these be given with how much time gap? Was vary of food restrictions I really want the meds to work. So trying to avoid hing, onion, garlic in her food.

Just out of curiosity I filled in the sypmtoms at the Remedy Finder it coincided with arsenic album ! Pasting the code below for your reference.

but Also want to remark that she sweats in her head when asleep immediately after she falls asleep. Most of her childhood after age 2 and half or so as far as i can remember. more so coz she resists her naps and gets cranky and needs to be forced to go to bed. Im also worried she has developed sweaty palms and feet recently and it happens whenshe works and is back from school does difficult writing with hand or watches e.g barking dog trying to catch someone or a scary dragon tries to eat someone. its sad because I think its because of me loosing patience with her at times and going crazy and really scaring to hit her or loosing self control. Shes the only child but at two was evry naughty and boisterous. boisterousness at play areas has gone.

Also nasal discharge cannot ne called green.very light shade of that mostly semitransparent grey. She has great vocabulary and reading abilities at this age.

Kindest regards
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Re: 4.5 year old prolonged cold cough and then leading to wheezing From baba108 on 2015-02-01
I have noticed irregular mosquito bite like rashes about 3 in a span of 4 hours wondering what it could be
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Re: 4.5 year old prolonged cold cough and then leading to wheezing From baba108 on 2015-02-01
I have noticed irregular mosquito bite like rashes about 3 in a span of 4 hours wondering what it could be. Thought of letting you know.

Kind regards
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Re: 4.5 year old prolonged cold cough and then leading to wheezing From baba108 on 2015-02-01
Given the meds anyway. Nose blocked once fallen asleep.
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Re: 4.5 year old prolonged cold cough and then leading to wheezing From baba108 on 2015-02-02
Update. She did not get any rashes after that.
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Re: 4.5 year old prolonged cold cough and then leading to wheezing From baba108 on 2015-02-04
Respected Dr. Tamhankar,

Update after 4 days of meds.

My daughters cold was gone since yesterday. With yesterday she had medicine for 4 days. Her wheezing is still present. Today is wednesday I started meds on saturday morning. She had a lot of phlegm I could hear on sunday and Monday. The cough did not come out and now she is not coughing at all or not able to move the cough as airways are closed up. I gave her the albuterol puffer and the wheezing sound was gone in minutes. This happened yesterday and today morning. I heard her lungs once she woke up lot of wheezing gave her the puffer before going to school. One other improvement I noticed after giving your medicine is her tongue color is back to pink.

Please advise further.

Sincere regards
  baba108 on 2015-02-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

[message deleted by baba108 on Thu, 05 Feb 2015 15:51:02 GMT]
baba108 last decade

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