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Kadwa please advise - Abused Cat 9


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Abused cat

I volunteer in cat rescue work. A colleague from a different cat rescue has been helping raise awareness (and funds for veterinary care) of a female cat who has been abused. I would like help with finding a remedy/remedies for this girl.

She was tied up in a sack and beaten/kicked and submerged in water and dumped in the sack behind her neighbour's fence. She has extensive bruising/trauma to her pelvis, back legs, spine area. Her bladder is not working properly, having to be manually evacuated when she is unable to empty it herself, though she has been able to toilet a few times by herself.

I am waiting to hear back from her family as to her usual temperament, with intention to better find a suitable remedy based on constitution. But would hypericum and arnica be good remedies to start with? If so, at what potency? High for arnica, 1M?
  SophieP on 2015-02-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I would also look at PTS remedies. In the meantime first aid remedies are great.
sreischman last decade
I would start with Arnica 200c and dissolve 3 pills
into a couple teaspoons of water. Use a dropper and
squirt one tsp into the mouth. Do two doses 12 hours
apart and then see what the response is the next day.

You can report on here. This is an acute condition
and you match the remedy to the acute-Arnica is
simone717 last decade
u are doing a great job helping animals.

yes,arnica is a great remedy for this
.But for wounds In little lukewarm water add 3-4 drops of CALENDULA Q(mother tincture), with the help a cotton
apply the water on wounds.

cat are highly allergic to water if they get wet they become sick for that use nat mur 6x 1-2 tabs twice a day.also apply powder of nat mur on cats for skin disease because of getting wet.()
[message edited by gaintrox on Fri, 13 Feb 2015 17:29:27 GMT]
gaintrox last decade
Thank you sreischman, I am not sure what are PTS remedies?
SophieP last decade
Okay I will ask kitty's carer to start with the arnica 200c 12 hours apart. Understandably they are concerned about her recovery, and not having much noticeable healing with the mainstream veterinary care she has received so far.

Her carer is very open to trying homeopathy, and has used Rescue Remedy in the past. That is the main thing, that there is an understanding and motivation for healing at all levels of a being.
SophieP last decade
Thank you gaintrox. As far as I have heard from kitty's carers there are no open wounds. I do use the calendula tincture often for our rescue kitties, it works great.

So far we haven't noticed a bad reaction to water with cats. Sometimes we need to bathe incoming rescue kittens when they are very grubby, and sometimes our own cats dance around in the rain and play in water.

I will keep those remedies in mind for future reference though thank you.
SophieP last decade
PTS Remedies - note: I'm not able to control the underlines. They are not indicative of remedy grades.
Depression: Ars-alb, Aurum, Calc-carb, China, Lach, Lyc, Merc, Nat-mur, Nat-sulph, Nit-ac, Psor, Puls, Rhus-tox, Sepia, Sulph, Verat-alb
General emotional shutdown and shock: Aon, Arn, Ars-alb, Calc-carb, Carbo-veg, Cham, China, Gels, Hell, Lach, Lyc, Nat-mur, Op, Phos, Sepia, Staph, Sulph, Verat-alb
Grief and loss: Aur, Calc-carb, Caust, Graph, Ign, Lach, Nat-mur, Phos, phos-ac, plat, Puls, Staph
Interpersonal violence: Anac, Aurum, Bar-c, Bell, Bry, Lyc, Puls, Sulph, Lach, Merc, Nux-v, Op, Staph, Stram
Intrusive thoughts of the trauma: Acon, Am-c, Arg-n, Ars-alb, Cann-i, Caust, Lach, Nat-mur, Nit-ac, phos, Rhus-tox, Sulph
Sleep disturbed by dreams: Acon, Ars-alb, Bell, Calc-carb, Caust, Cham, China, Lach, Lyc, Nat-mur, Nit-ac, Nux-vom, Op, Phos, Sil, Sulph
[message edited by sreischman on Sat, 14 Feb 2015 00:12:32 GMT]
sreischman last decade
Right thanks sreischman. I was looking at staphysagria, to use depending on results of arnica, as her bladder is not working properly and it may be partly psychosomatic as cats are also often prone to idiopathic cystitis when stressed. There has been no blood passed in the urine. She has also not passed stool since the attack. I was also looking at stramonium for post traumatic stress, but we will wait to see the results of arnica, and continue from there.
SophieP last decade
Hi Sophie,

I suggest that you do a new post, and put your description
in again of what happened- and what you are doing with
the Arnica.

Ask for Kadwa in the headline.

Kadwa is a physician, he has been on here over 10 years,
and he does 90 percent of the animal cases. I think
it would be good to have him supervise this.

He is on the forum every 2 or 3 days, so when you
post , do not post anything again until he replies.
He looks for the empty white boxes that means a case
is not taken. Once he replies he will get email alerts
anytime you post again.
simone717 last decade
Thank you I have reposted for Kadwa.
SophieP last decade

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