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Help with BPH and sex drive.

I've had prostate problems most of my life. I've had every symptom known.. Even constipation..No wood to brag about and no sex life!... and very little ejaculate..That's hard to take!...Please help!!!..Don't relish the thought of sticking, burning, freezing or surgeries. Ant advice would be appreciated...Pete
  petelg on 2015-02-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I can try to find a suitable remedy for you if you can answer the below applicable questions. Before doing that, please check my profile by clicking my username to know something about me first.

• Homeopathy works only if you give truthful answers, no matter how awkward or intimate. If you don’t want to do that, it’s better you stop here and don’t proceed.
• Please reply to all that is being asked and give details.
• Short answers such as Yes/No/Normal are not helpful.
• I want answers which explain the What, When, Where, Why, Better by & Worse by.
• Example: I have a sore throat (it explains the “what”), since 3 days (it explains “when”), on the left side of my throat (explains “where”), due to eating sour food (explains “why”), the pain is better when I drink warm tea (explains “Better by”), the pain is worse when I swallow food (explains “worse by”)
• Please leave the questions in place and give your answers under each of them.
• I can’t prescribe if these directions are not fully adhered to.

1. Your age & sex

2. Describe your appearance

• Weight

• Height

• Body type (Very thin, Thin, Medium, Chubby, Fat, Obese)

• Any significant feature (e.g. sunken cheeks, stooped shoulders, thin chest etc.)

3. Your profession

4. Describe your personality in at least 20 words (e.g. stubborn, lazy, suicidal, don’t want to work, always in a hurry etc.)

5. How is your relationship with your parents, spouse, siblings, children etc.

6. If relationship is not ok, what’s wrong and how is it affecting you

7. Do you smoke/drink/drugs, if yes, details of why & since when

8. What is your main health problem & its symptoms

9. When did this main problem begin

10. What is the cause of this problem in your view

11. What non-medicinal actions make the main problem better (e.g. massage, warmth, cold, lying down, sitting etc.)

12. What non-medicinal actions make it worse (e.g. massage, warmth, cold, lying down, sitting etc.)

13. How do you feel mentally & emotionally during this problem (e.g. weepy, irritable, restless, sad, hopeless, fear of death etc.)

14. What other health problems do you have

15. List down all health problems and when did they start (approximate month & year)

16. What non-medicinal actions make these other health problems better (explain each problem)

17. What non-medicinal actions make these other health problems worse (explain each problem)

18. What animals or insects are you afraid of

19. What situations are you afraid of (e.g. loneliness, water, heights, closed spaces, ocean, darkness, flying etc)

20. What occupies your mind mostly

21. How do you respond to consolation & sympathy

22. Do you want to stay alone or with people

23. How is your sleep, if not good, why

24. Do you have any recurring (repeating) dreams, if yes, what do you see

25. Is your complaint affected by weather, if so, which weather affects & how

26. Do you normally feel hot or cold

27. What foods you crave & love (not what you eat due to health or other reasons, rather what you desire)

28. Is there any food that you hate

29. What taste you crave & love (e.g. sweet, salty, sour, bitter)

30. Is there any taste which you hate

31. Do you like warm or cold food

32. Do you want to eat indigestible foods (chalk, lead pencil, mud….)

33. How is your thirst (less, moderate, excessive)

34. Do you have excessively dry lips or mouth or both

35. Do you have any coating on tongue first thing in the morning, if yes

• Is coating thick

• Color of coating

• Where exactly (back, middle, sides etc)

36. Any taste in your mouth first thing in the morning (e.g. bitter, sour, metallic)

37. How is your skin (dry, oily, rough, acne, pustules, boils, psoriasis etc), upload here or email me a picture of the skin problem

38. Details about your perspiration (sweat), answer all these points:

• Where mostly (head, chest, back etc)

• How much (a lot, normal, very less)

• Any strong smell (garlic, onion etc)

• Does it stain, if yes what color (yellow, green, no color)

39. Any problems with eyes/vision, if yes, since when

40. Any problems with ears, nose, throat (e.g. nose always blocked, runny, color of discharge)

41. How is your stool, answer all these points: how often, consistency, any blood, any particular smell etc.

42. How is your urine, answer all these points: color, smell, any blood etc.

43. How is your sex desire (e.g. no desire, low, moderate, high, very high)

44. Are you satisfied with your sex life, if no, why not

45. Males genitals (any problems with erection, any pain, any itching, warts etc.)

46. Female genitals (any pain, itching, warts etc)

47. Females menses details (reply to all these points)

• Regularity (early, late, irregular, duration of cycle)

• Flow (low, moderate, high)

• Clots (none, some, a lot, huge clots, bright color, dark color)

• Any discharge (color, consistency, smell)

48. What illnesses are running in your family

• Mother’s side

• Father’s side

• Siblings (brother/sister)

49. Are you taking any medicines (allopathic, homeopathic, supplements, acupuncture etc.)

50. Have you had any surgeries or implants, if yes, give details

51. Have you had any long term treatment (physical or psychological), if yes, give details (what, when, where, why, the list of medicines used)

52. What homeopathic remedies have you taken in the past (potency, dosage, approx. time frame)
fitness last decade
1.What is your age and sex?..I'm a 64 year old male
2.Describe your appearance..Weight, height,body type...I'm about 6'3". Not skinny and not overweight.My weight is around 224 lbs.
3.Your profession..I've been the sole caregiver for my mom before she died and now I care for my 89 year old dad who has COPD..I live on Social Security Retirement.
4.Describe your personality in at least 20 words..My personality...I'm under a lot of stress having to care for my dad but other than that I'm friendly to those I meet.
5.How is your relationshipwith your parents.spouse,siblings etc?..My relationship...Me and my father have never been close.. But I care for him because my mother asked me to before she passed..Don't get along with my only sister.. She does nothing to help with our father.
6.If relationship is not ok,what's wrong and how is it affecting you?..Not getting along with my father or my sister is very stressful..I do my best to ignore the problems.
7.Do you smoke/drink/drugs?..Don't smoke, drink or do drugs.
8.What is your main health problem and it's symptoms?..My main health problem is my enlarged prostate and my declined sex life...
9.When did this main problem begin?..I've always experienced prostate problems.. The problem and symptoms would come and go..
10.What is the cause of this problem in your view?..I'm not sure why I've always had a crappy prostate. It started at and early age. I didn't even know what a prostate was..I didn't become sexually active until later in life. Maybe that had something to do with it..
11.What non-medicinal actions make the main problem better?..When I was younger and had prostate flairups the doctor would do a prostate massage. It hurt like hell but it was really the only thing that worked. The doctor always told me that when I felt like I needed it massaged to come back...and I did...But now doctors don't seem to want to do the massage...
12.What non-medicinals make it worse?..At times it doesn't feel very good when I sit or lie down. And of coarse when I strain on the toilet.
13.How do you feel mentally and emotionallyduring this problem?..Of coarse my problem is very depressing. Mostly my sex life...I feel like I am still too young to be giving up sex.I love women and it kills me not to be able to perform..
14.What other health problems do you have?..I used to have high blood pressure but that is under control. I'm on 20mg of Lisinopril daily but would like to stop taking that.
15.List down all health problems and when did they start..found out I had high blood pressure when I was at a chemo treatment with my mom back in 2008. My prostate problems started at an early age.Not sure what year but I think I was in my twenty's
16.What non-medicinalactions make these other health problems better?..Not much has helped my problem.Maybe soaking in a tub of hot water but nothing of major help.
17.What non-medicinal actions make these other health problems worse?..I do drink a pretty good amount of coffee every morning.About 5 or 6 cups a day. That may be some of the culprit of the problem.
18.What animals or insects are you afraid of?..I love all baby animals.I hate a roach though...
19.What situations are you afraid of?..Don't think I'm afraid of too much..
20.What occupies your mind mostly?..The fear of getting ill. Every
one seems to get it sooner or later and I've seen how it ravished my mom..
21.How do you respond to consolation & sympathy?..Don't have much sympathy form anyone...
22.Do you want to stay alone or with people?..I like being by myself most of the time but I do have a group of friends that I talk to at coffee every morning,
23.How is your sleep, if not good,why?..I think I average about 5 hours a night
24.Do you have any recurring(repeating)dreams,if yes what do you see?..Every so often, I'll have a scary dream. Usually has to do with the supernatural..
25.Is your complaint affected by weather,if so which weather affects & how?..I don't think my problem is affected in any way by the weather.
26.Do you normally feel hot or cold?..Not sure about hot or cold feelings. I feel like it's pretty normal..
27.What foods you crave &love(not what you eat due to health or other reasons, rather what you desire)?..I eat a little of any kind of foods. I'm not picky, since I'm the one doing the cooking but my favorite is seafood...Any kind of fried seafood!!!
28.Is there any food that you hate?..Don't believe I actually "hate" any food.
29.What taste you crave and love(e.g.sweet salty sour bitter).. I love sweets.I make pies, cobblers and always top them with ice cream.
30.Is there any taste which you hate?.. No taste that I hate.
31.Do you like warm or cold food?..I prefer warm food.
32.Do you want to eat indigestible foods(chalk,lead,pencil,mud...)?..Not at all...
33.How is your thirst (less, moderate,excessive)?....Thirst is average. Maybe a little less during the day. When I'm on the computer at night I seem to have an insatiable craving for water.
34.Do you have excessively dry lips or mouth or both?....No dry lips or mouth.
35.Do you have any coating on tongue first thing in the morning, if yes..is coating thick..color of coating..where exactly?....I think I've noticed a white coating (average)on the whole tongue in the morning upon waking.
36.Any taste in your mouth first thing in the morning(eg.bitter, sour, metallic)?.. No recognizable taste in the morning.
37.How is your skin(dry,oily,rough,acne,pustules,boils,psoriasis.etc)?....Normal looking skin to me...
38.Details about your perspiration(sweat)answer all these points..Where mostly?..I have no noticeable details about sweating.How much.. When? I do sweat, it's usually the head, ..Probably be right to say "all over"..Any strong smell?..No strong odor or smell..Does it stain?No staining....
39.Any problems with eyes/vision,if yes since when?.. I do wear contacts lens since 1970.
40.Any problems with ears,nose throat? No problems with ears, nose or throat.
41.How is your stool,answer all these points. How often?.. Due to the piles, prostate or lack of good excersize I usually have a movement ever few days. I take a stoo softener so my stools are pretty normal..Consistency?.. Maybe a little hard at first.Any smells?..No awful smells.Any blood etc?.. If I strain very hard sometimes There may be a tiny bit of blood on the toilet paper.. Not to often though..
42.How is your urine,answer all these points..Color?..Urine seems normal.Any blood?.. No blood..Any smells?..no harsh smells. Colors are different at times..Nothing dark...
43.How is your sex desire(eg.no desire,low,moderate,high,very high)My love life is "dead"!...I want too! But there's no communication from my desire down to my penis..I would love to be aroused when I see a pretty woman..Like the old days...lol.
44.Are you satisified with your sex life, if no why not?..No. Not satisfied at all.. I have no sex life...I want it back but naturally..
45.Males genitals (any problems with erection,any pain,any iching,warts, etc)I only seem to get a partial erection when sleeping. Nothing during the day.. I only have one testicle. One never dropped at birth. Exploratory surgery was performed after age of 18 and undecended testicle was found and removed.
46.None associated.
47.none associated.
48.What illnesses are running in your family?.. Illnesses on my mothers side. Mom died of colon problems...Her brother died of prostate problems.. Her sister had MS when she died. My granmother on my moms side was a diabetic. Fathers side.. Most had a long life span.
49.Are you taking any medicines?.. The only medication that I'm on is Lisinopril (for blood pressure)I do take a supplement...Sunflower Lecithin.Was told it cleans the arteries out and it would probably help my ED. Not yet it hasn't.
50.Have you had surgerys or implants?..Other than the undecended testicle I had surgery on my neck.A disc rupture.
51.Have you had any long term treatment?.. Not long term treatments...
52.What homeopathic remedies have you taken in the past?I've tried different things for Ed..L-argine..and different prostate supplements but none worked so I stoped takeing them..don't remember the potencys.
[message edited by petelg on Mon, 16 Feb 2015 20:19:36 GMT]
petelg last decade
Please leave the questions in place and give your answers under each of them.
fitness last decade
Sorry for the problem. I understand what your asking.."Please leave questions in place and give your answers under each of them'. For some reason I couldn't post my answer under each question. Not sure if I'm doing something wrong or if the problem is with my antiquated computer with it's "dial-up" provider.But I DID post the answers in numerical order.Please advise of any other actions I can take to rectify this. I'm very interested in getting a solution to my problem..Thanks for your help...
petelg last decade
You should COPY the questions and PASTE in your reply window. Then answer under each question.

Otherwise download the questionnaire from my website and fill it and email me.
fitness last decade

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