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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

hair fall

for the past 4 yrs iam loosing
10 to 15 hairs daily, though its said that this is normal hair fall, my problem is that there is no balanced regrowth and the thickness is reducing greatly.
i do have hereditary background of baldness.

2 yrs back i suffered from typhoid,due to which i lost much of my hair and had no balanced regrowth

i have not undergone any hair treatment in till now, i just use herbal oils.
i don't have any dandruff problem

i am dry skined and 25 yrs old male with curly hair, 171 cm height,74 kg weight.

i do travel a lot

please suggest me any homeopathy remedy and food habits in this regard.
  LIJOE on 2005-12-18
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Daily falling of 10-15 hairs is normal, but there must be replacement.I suggest you to use Selenium 3x in tablet form.One tablet 3-4 times daily.
sajjadakram635 last decade
i thank u sir for ur quick feedback.i suppose selenium 3X won't be having any side effects, if any otherwise please let me know.i will be in touch with u in resonable time and would let u know about the situation
LIJOE last decade
No selenium has no side effect can be used for a long time.
sajjadakram635 last decade
i hav prostatorrhea and losing hair since i was 18 now i m 20 plz do smthing
alikhanshb last decade

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