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Preventive medicen for swineflu

is there any preventive medicen for swine flu??? My 6 yr old girl is school going n has very low immunity level. She can easily catch flu and because of her all of us are suffering from cold n cough including my 2+ yr old daughter. Please suggest something.
  priyabhi on 2015-02-18
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
1-homeopathy medicine "like cure like" .
So,in this preventive medicine cannot be suggested because if there where no diseases giving medicine might cause some unsatisfactory result.She is 6 year old so medicine negative effect might be more.

People say homeopathy is safe but people who are homeopath they know its side effect.

2- Even if we assume that homeopathy has no side effect ,Still its power is not strong enough to stop swine flu.

suggestion: I assume u are from India, There are herbal teas(not the branded one ) they called tea but they do not contain any tea.its components are only herbs .

like gokul tea.

or chyawanprash might be helpful.

but i can say these thing have only 50-60% chances of preventing.

If swineflu rate increase in ur area vaccination is the best way. vaccination might have its side effect but" it better to have one eye than blindness "

use precaution like mask,hand sanitizer,consulting a doctor when slit fever take place,etc.Are also recommended.

take care
gaintrox last decade
Thanks for your suggestion.

Is there any medication for common flu??
priyabhi last decade
We have hundreds of different medicines for influenza. It really depends on how the specific patient experiences the symptoms during their flu.
Evocationer last decade
Sever cold with blocked nose n headache.
priyabhi last decade
according to the previous posts she is having this problems for a long time.

1- When did it exactly start?

2-Did she still have eyelash infection ?

3- what is the colour of nasal discharge?(if there is nasal discharge )

4-Did she have any other symptoms of cold like sneezing, stiffness in body,cough,Sore throat,etc.

5- Which time of the day is she feel worst?

6- How is her thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive?

7-. How if her hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive?

8- how did she react to cold weather or warm weather?

9- what are the thing that make her feel better and what are the thing which make her feel worse?

10- did she able to get enough sleep ?

11- How is her bowel movement and stool type?

She might have these problem because she is allergic to dairy products .So, avoid dairy products for few days and see how she is dong.
[message edited by gaintrox on Fri, 20 Feb 2015 04:49:53 GMT]
gaintrox last decade
Ohhhh no she is my daughter n now she is fine.

The flu symptoms are mine. I 37/f having cold.. And afraid of swineflu I asked medicen for myself

From today morning m feeling little cough also and cold is little better but nose is still blocked.
priyabhi last decade
take Bryonia 30c twice a day(in interval of 12 hour) in empty stomach . for two days and report back.Do not eat and drink anything 15 min before and after taking medicine.
[message edited by gaintrox on Fri, 20 Feb 2015 17:19:06 GMT]
gaintrox last decade
priyabhi last decade
just got a information.So, think better to share it.

for swine flu prevention Ayurvedes are suggesting ghee made from swine milk.

The ghee made from swine milk where use to cure typical fever cases and flu cases in Ayurveda .If u want to use it before taking it consult a qualified Ayurveda practitioner who can tell it dose .
gaintrox last decade

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