The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Schussler Cell Salt (globuli, dilution or tablets??)
Hi :)I want to order all the schussler biochemistry cell salts (nr. 1 - 27) in D12 potency. I already have them in D6, tablets.
I cannot find all the 27 D12 numbers in tablets, This made me wonder if I should buy them in globuli or dilution.
Does anyone know:
- if the effectiveness will differ between these forms
- if dilution will be better, because I will take them more often than once a single dose
- if dilution will preserve the energy better than the pearls and if it would matter
- I heard 1 tablet D12 = 5 pearls D12 = 5 drops D12.. Is this correct and can it differ between brands?
Dilution is a whole lot pricier than globuli.. I would like to find out the difference and if is worth the cost..
Thank you very very much in advance.
[message edited by homeod on Sun, 22 Feb 2015 03:54:12 GMT]
homeod on 2015-02-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
In Europe and some other parts of the world you will see the letter D or DH. This refers to decimal or 1/10 which is the same as X, here in the U.S. Also in Europe the position of the number and letter designation are reversed. So you will see such designations as D5 or D10 which are equivalent to 5X and 10X.
The original cell salts are 12 of them. They no longer
are cell salts after 12x. This is bc there is some of the
substance in them. And get them in tablets. Really the tablets
and the pills in the same potency are the same thing but
the tabs dissolve better.
If you are looking at 1-27 that is not the original way the
salts were set up.
You really do not need more than the 6x- Sometimes it works
better to use 12x depending on what is going on.
------Cell salts are a sub system of homeopathy- they work
on rebalancing the cell metabolism. Usually a single dose
of a salt is not enough, you find the salt or salts for your condition
and take them 3 to 4 times a day(adults) till you are better
and then stop. Or if a more chronic condition, take on the
weekdays and weekends off or 2 weeks on and one week off.
The homeopathic remedies in potency are prescribed differently. For chronic conditions
get supervision. For acute conditions you match the remedy to the symptoms of the
acute and try something like 3 doses of a 30c that matches with gaps of 5 hours.
If you have a reaction after dose one or two- then stop taking and let it work until
you go backward. After 3 tries with One remedy and nothing happens then choose
another one.
I suggest you order the book "Natural Healing with Cell Salts" ( on Amazon, many used
copies) by Dr. Skye Weintraub. This explains the salts, the potencies, and it lists
200 pages of illness and what the salts prescription would be for that.
[message edited by simone717 on Sun, 22 Feb 2015 16:50:57 GMT]
In Europe and some other parts of the world you will see the letter D or DH. This refers to decimal or 1/10 which is the same as X, here in the U.S. Also in Europe the position of the number and letter designation are reversed. So you will see such designations as D5 or D10 which are equivalent to 5X and 10X.
The original cell salts are 12 of them. They no longer
are cell salts after 12x. This is bc there is some of the
substance in them. And get them in tablets. Really the tablets
and the pills in the same potency are the same thing but
the tabs dissolve better.
If you are looking at 1-27 that is not the original way the
salts were set up.
You really do not need more than the 6x- Sometimes it works
better to use 12x depending on what is going on.
------Cell salts are a sub system of homeopathy- they work
on rebalancing the cell metabolism. Usually a single dose
of a salt is not enough, you find the salt or salts for your condition
and take them 3 to 4 times a day(adults) till you are better
and then stop. Or if a more chronic condition, take on the
weekdays and weekends off or 2 weeks on and one week off.
The homeopathic remedies in potency are prescribed differently. For chronic conditions
get supervision. For acute conditions you match the remedy to the symptoms of the
acute and try something like 3 doses of a 30c that matches with gaps of 5 hours.
If you have a reaction after dose one or two- then stop taking and let it work until
you go backward. After 3 tries with One remedy and nothing happens then choose
another one.
I suggest you order the book "Natural Healing with Cell Salts" ( on Amazon, many used
copies) by Dr. Skye Weintraub. This explains the salts, the potencies, and it lists
200 pages of illness and what the salts prescription would be for that.
[message edited by simone717 on Sun, 22 Feb 2015 16:50:57 GMT]
♡ simone717 last decade
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