The ABC Homeopathy Forum
sweating in Palms, feet's and under armpits
Hello Dr.Nawaz,I am 29 years old male, from Delhi suffering from this sweating problem since my childhood at the time when I was around 6-7 years old.
I sweats whole year except few months winters when my body become so dry. I usually sweat at the time of going outside meeting new people, unknown people at the time when I feel nervous, when it comes as a thought that I am not sweating all on sudden started. Whenever touch oil or massaged hair.
As far as good is concern, I prefer to take less sugar, less salt and less spicy food.
I do smoke daily but not as a chainsmokers, hardly 1-3 ciggrates in a day is my limit.
In my family only my mom is suffered from same problem.
Last year started getting treated for this problem with a homeopathic doctor and he gave me sielicia in little sugar balls for balls as a dosage and three dosage in a day.
I took it for 7 days, initially my hand and feets becomes so dry and and experienced little sweating during few hours of morning and evening only. Now situations is as it was before
I would really appreciate if you could suggent me medicine to cure my problem.
Thank You!
Mohd Zahid Ahmed
Ahmed1452 on 2015-03-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
please take single dose of Lachesis-200. The remedy is not to be after one month.
please take single dose of Lachesis-200. The remedy is not to be after one month.
sarup 9 years ago
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