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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Sleep apnea cure


I am a 31 yrs old male. I usually sleep at late hours due to work pressure, but I get a sleep of around 6 hours duration. However, when I wake up, I feel tired and heavy headed as if I did not sleep. I feel drowsy throughout the day, and feel like napping (I sometimes even nap in the afternoon). I feel very active during the evening or at night. Not very often, but sometimes I feel I wake up in the middle of sleep due to shortness of breath. I don;t remember much about it the next morning. I am a little overweight (85 kilos) for my height (5'6") and have lots of belly fat.

On seeing a doc, he diagnosed me with Sleep Apnea, though the level is not yet known. He said he will do a polysomnography test to determine the severity of the same after about a month, durting which I was asked to reduce weight and maintain a diet plan. After reading a bit about it, I found out there is no treatment as such for sleep apnea and patients usually have to be on a life-long support with CPAP therapy (which just temporarily relieves symptoms every night). I was wondering if homeopathy provide me with a complete cure from sleep apnea permanently, so that I don't have to go for other means of support. Kindly let me know!

Oh! and I don't really snore much, though a bit sometimes...
[message edited by shayonbh on Mon, 16 Mar 2015 10:53:43 GMT]
  shayonbh on 2015-03-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Can you list some ten adjectives to bring out some positive and negative traits in your personality?

When did this start? What was happening in your life then?

Can you tell me something about your fears and dreams?

Are you fond of taking alcohol?
rishimba 9 years ago
Hi rishimba.. thanks much for getting back to me so quick. I list my answers below:

Q. Can you list some ten adjectives to bring out some positive and negative traits in your personality?

A: Introvert, imaginative, short-tempered, ambitious, intuitive, resentful, lethargic, faithful, focussed, inquisitive, nervous/anxious, excited...

Q. When did this start? What was happening in your life then?

A: I didn't care about my sleep habits/characteristics earlier, but grew more aware of it after hearing that I 'may' have sleep apnea, but mild events (like shortness of breath, wheezing sound in airways) may have started since about 6 months time (not very sure)!

Well, during that time I was pretty much stressed about my PhD applications. I was doing my PhD in the US, and suddenly I had to come back to India due to funding constraints there. This was around 2 and a half yrs back... since then I have been applying and writing proposals (since this is what I wanted to do) at various places abroad and have been pretty tensed about my future!

Q. Can you tell me something about your fears and dreams?

A: I fear being ridiculed amongst peers for my current situation and also a bit for my looks (stupid as it may sound.. because I have grown fat). I have also grown a bit hypochondriac that any minor disturbance in my body might lead to serious consequences. I also fear failure very much.. I want to be on top of my game always!

I don't really dream much nowadays.. but whenever I am thinking too much about negative aspects of life before sleeping at night, I dream about everything getting muddled... like the series of pictures/events in my dream have no connection to each other... it's like a medley of things happening together (mostly bad; some good)...

Q. Are you fond of taking alcohol?

A: Not at all... it's been 2 years actually since I had a drink with my friends... but I do smoke, and I am trying to cut down/quit ASAP.

I hope my answers are relevant and satisfying to you. Hoping to hear from you soon
shayonbh 9 years ago
Take a dose of NUX VOM 200C half an hour before sleeping at night. Take it for two nights only. If your sleep improves the first night itself, don't take the second dose.

Have dinner some 2 hours before sleeping.

One dose would be 3 drops of remedy in 10 ml of water and sip it up slowly in empty stomach and clean mouth.
rishimba 9 years ago
Thank you very much... I'm taking some pain meds now for my ankle sprain... once I'm done with finishing that course, I will take Nux Vom as prescribed by you and get to you with my feedback in a week or so...
shayonbh 9 years ago

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