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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

PLZ i need your assistance

hello sir i am male 29 height 5.6 weight 82 no drink no smoke.... i am suffering a decease when i get erection not possible to maintain erection no more than 2 seconds. and if i think a little sticking drops will come out even i think just for a second and its happening more than 1 year.
i am using selenium 200 15 drops after meal in lunch.

and lycopodium 200 morning and night 15 15 drops in half glass of water.

i am using this for more than 15 days but no effect can i cary on these medicine .

after 6 months my marriage is ecpecting and i am talking to my wife regularly and the sticking drops continiously coming out that why no erction i think soo plz i need your help about medicine can i carry on
  ahmad888 on 2015-03-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You are using too many medicines at once - ONE REMEDY AT A TIME and no other remedy used until the response to the first remedy is properly assessed.

You are taking far too much of the remedy - too large a quantity AND too many doses - continuing doing this and you could make yourself incurable.

This is the kind of prescribing that actually causes more problems.
Evocationer 9 years ago
sir i stoped every thing plz help me what to do
ahmad888 9 years ago

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