The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Excessive sweating underarm with very very bad smell and also excessive sweating on palms and feet
Hi, I have excessive sweating in feet, palms and underarms and my underarms sweat smell very bad. I tried many deodorants/antiperspirants, they wont work. It is very embarrassing for me to live with this sweat at home/office and outside. I also suffer with heavy weight. I am around 80kg and my age is 33 and height around 5 feet 4 inches. I surely know that my weight is due to my food. I generally tend to eat lot and however I try to control my diet, I am unable to control, I always feel like eating sweets, junk foods and other stuff like biryani etc.. much. Basically I am a foodie. I also have shoulder pain due to excessive work at my work. Now it is ok, but still keeps coming. Please suggest me medicines for my problems. I really want to become thin very soon and want to get rid of my sweat and bad smell.npbharathi on 2015-04-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
it is advisable to take constitutional homoeopathic medicine
If u are interested, then please fill up following format
preliminary data :
name : birth date:
age: sex :
marital status:
presenting c/o :
location sensation modalities concomitants
ho presenting complaint :
family history :
medicinal history:
personal history
general physical examination:
ht: wt: bmi:
built: pulse: - bp:
lymph nodes:
systemic examination:
per abdomen:
oe (local examination)
(1+) = mild = 1-4/10
(2+) = moderate = 5-7/10
(3+) = severe = 8-10/10
yes no
bruising /scars
mental and emotional state
you have already provided some details , but it will be more helpful to prescibe with more specific detailings
please stress more on personal history n her behaviour, nature, othe likings n dislikings, emotions and mental state
If u are interested, then please fill up following format
preliminary data :
name : birth date:
age: sex :
marital status:
presenting c/o :
location sensation modalities concomitants
ho presenting complaint :
family history :
medicinal history:
personal history
general physical examination:
ht: wt: bmi:
built: pulse: - bp:
lymph nodes:
systemic examination:
per abdomen:
oe (local examination)
(1+) = mild = 1-4/10
(2+) = moderate = 5-7/10
(3+) = severe = 8-10/10
yes no
bruising /scars
mental and emotional state
you have already provided some details , but it will be more helpful to prescibe with more specific detailings
please stress more on personal history n her behaviour, nature, othe likings n dislikings, emotions and mental state
DR. R. S. SABADRA 9 years ago
Thanks doctor for your reply. Please see the details below filled in
preliminary data :
name : Bharathi birth date: nov 2nd
age: 33 sex : female
marital status: married
address: Andhra pradesh
occupation: was working before/currently house wife
religion: hindu
allergy: no known allergies
presenting c/o : excessive sweating underarms/palms/feet . Heavy weight. I have habit of nail biting since almost my 6th standard
onwards. If someone see my nails they say why you have cut your nails so small. unknowingly sometimes i might have bitten my nails.
I mean I cannot stop biting, just in some thoughts i bite my nails. In my childhood I was even having some sweat bubbles on my fingers
and used some homeopathic medicines for a while and then the sweat bubbles have gone, but the sweat complaint is still there. I could
not continue the homeopathic medicines in childhood, as I have shifted place.
location sensation modalities concomitants
ho presenting complaint :
onset: When I get tensed more, or move fast I get more sweat
duration: Its like almost all the time I have sweat in my hands /feet /underarms, whether it is summer/winter does not matter
progress: it is same as is
family history : My parents does not have this complaint
medicinal history:
personal history
desires: Like sweets more, all good taste foods
aversion: milk, I cannot take milk not even horlicks etc.. added to milk, but can take bru coffee with milk,curd, milk made sweets etc..
thirst: I generally drink more water
appetite: Very good apetite
addiction: sweets, cakes, etc..
urine: normal
bowels: once in 2-3 days
perspiration: more in underarms/feet/palm
sleep: have very good sleep, but i have heavily snoring complaint, it is because of my heavyweight only, because of which my husband also have problems with me
dreams: normal, i get dreams not very regularly
constitution: heavy/fat/very fat belly
general physical examination:
ht: 5ft.4inches wt:80kg bmi: dont know
built: pulse: - bp: normal
lymph nodes:
systemic examination:
per abdomen:
oe (local examination)
(1+) = mild = 1-4/10
(2+) = moderate = 5-7/10
(3+) = severe = 8-10/10
yes no
obesity - yes
bruising /scars - none
mental and emotional state: I generally get angry soon, but forget any big issues also as time passes and can be normal, i generally dont remember all things
happened in childhood or few years back like that. I remember main things, but tend to forget few things( may be which i feel silly).
But I am very good at education. All my academics are more than 80%. Now a days because of family issues, sometimes I get too much angry on people
I tend to throw things sometimes. It is all because of my husband and in laws issues. Earlier I was not like this. I have 2 kids, my first baby is 2+ yrs
and second baby is 7 months old
preliminary data :
name : Bharathi birth date: nov 2nd
age: 33 sex : female
marital status: married
address: Andhra pradesh
occupation: was working before/currently house wife
religion: hindu
allergy: no known allergies
presenting c/o : excessive sweating underarms/palms/feet . Heavy weight. I have habit of nail biting since almost my 6th standard
onwards. If someone see my nails they say why you have cut your nails so small. unknowingly sometimes i might have bitten my nails.
I mean I cannot stop biting, just in some thoughts i bite my nails. In my childhood I was even having some sweat bubbles on my fingers
and used some homeopathic medicines for a while and then the sweat bubbles have gone, but the sweat complaint is still there. I could
not continue the homeopathic medicines in childhood, as I have shifted place.
location sensation modalities concomitants
ho presenting complaint :
onset: When I get tensed more, or move fast I get more sweat
duration: Its like almost all the time I have sweat in my hands /feet /underarms, whether it is summer/winter does not matter
progress: it is same as is
family history : My parents does not have this complaint
medicinal history:
personal history
desires: Like sweets more, all good taste foods
aversion: milk, I cannot take milk not even horlicks etc.. added to milk, but can take bru coffee with milk,curd, milk made sweets etc..
thirst: I generally drink more water
appetite: Very good apetite
addiction: sweets, cakes, etc..
urine: normal
bowels: once in 2-3 days
perspiration: more in underarms/feet/palm
sleep: have very good sleep, but i have heavily snoring complaint, it is because of my heavyweight only, because of which my husband also have problems with me
dreams: normal, i get dreams not very regularly
constitution: heavy/fat/very fat belly
general physical examination:
ht: 5ft.4inches wt:80kg bmi: dont know
built: pulse: - bp: normal
lymph nodes:
systemic examination:
per abdomen:
oe (local examination)
(1+) = mild = 1-4/10
(2+) = moderate = 5-7/10
(3+) = severe = 8-10/10
yes no
obesity - yes
bruising /scars - none
mental and emotional state: I generally get angry soon, but forget any big issues also as time passes and can be normal, i generally dont remember all things
happened in childhood or few years back like that. I remember main things, but tend to forget few things( may be which i feel silly).
But I am very good at education. All my academics are more than 80%. Now a days because of family issues, sometimes I get too much angry on people
I tend to throw things sometimes. It is all because of my husband and in laws issues. Earlier I was not like this. I have 2 kids, my first baby is 2+ yrs
and second baby is 7 months old
npbharathi 9 years ago
after studying your case, i would like to prescribe following
calcarea silicata 200, 3 doses, 8 hourly
impatiens, 4 pills, 2 times a day for 7 days
calcarea silicata 200, 3 doses, 8 hourly
impatiens, 4 pills, 2 times a day for 7 days
DR. R. S. SABADRA 9 years ago
Dr Sabadra,
What is the amount of pills
or liquid for a dose?
Is Cal sil 3 doses only?
or is it 3 doses a day for ??
Patient: impatiens is a Bach
flower essence, they have them
at homeo shops - it is not a
homeopathic remedy-
If in India, this company delivers- remedies and bach flower -
Dr Sabadra,
What is the amount of pills
or liquid for a dose?
Is Cal sil 3 doses only?
or is it 3 doses a day for ??
Patient: impatiens is a Bach
flower essence, they have them
at homeo shops - it is not a
homeopathic remedy-
If in India, this company delivers- remedies and bach flower -
♡ simone717 9 years ago
Thanks a lot doctor for your valuable Prescription of medicines. As you mentioned 3 doses 8 hourly, can i have more than 8 hrs gap, because in the night time i might not maintain 8 hrs gap. How long the gap should be the gap for food and the medicines. In the gap can I take water or no? How soon I can expect the results after using these medicines. One of local doctor gave me calc carb one dose 4-5 days back to me when i mentioned my problems and he suggested me to use iodium 6 daily morning one dose and silicea 6x night 2 tabs for getting free motion and settling my problems. But some how I was not much satisfied with those suggestions and hence approached this forum. The medicines suggested by you, will they help me even to loose weight? Or do I need to follow diet strictly? Can i take green tea while taking these medicines? Does green tea really helps to reduce weight? Please let me know
npbharathi 9 years ago
Hi Doctor, I followed your medicines of impatiens and calcarea silicata tablets and I did not see any difference yet in my weight or sweat. But I got one more issue, now a days I am getting excessive sweat over my face and little on my body too. I am very much depressed by the sweat on my face. it is as if water taps running over my face. Please suggest me some good medicine for this. I am not sure if this is the side effect of using the medicines ? I am not sure. please help me doctor.
npbharathi 9 years ago
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