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Hot flashes and knee joint aching
I am a 58 year old woman and I want a cure!1. Hot flashes and knee joint aching
2. Hot flashes 1st feel it burning in both sides of head, then it travels down and it feels like drops are coming off my legs, then I just have to cool off - waving my hand in front of face and chest. Knees and upper and lower leg ache and sometimes my arms and hand.
3. Both symptoms stated ten years ago.
4. Hot flashes can come when I dont like what someone is saying, or if I drink a lot of coffee, stressful situations, or if I am in bed all covered up, I quickly have to toss covers off taking off pajamas. I get them 4 times a day. The aches of the joints are worse in the a.m. or when I get out of sitted position and walk across the room.
5. Hot flashes, I feel better when I dont have them! I feel much better walking or riding a bike for a long time and my achyness disappears.
6. I sleep ten hours a night (9pm-7am). Generally, I wake once to pee around 2:30pm and go right back to sleep. Cant remember any dreams.
7. Out going, I like to talk and laugh with people. Sensitive to talk from others, especially before breakfast and when I am doing something else. It seems I am either clingy or better just on my own. I hate criticism (I am having a hot flash just typing the word!)
8. Generally, my state-of-mind is pretty good but sometimes I can get feeling dark but it passes after about two minutes or less.
9. I love popcorn! Eggs, green salads, meat, crisp bacon, bread, YUM. I hate fat on meat! Okra, pickled things, and marshmallows, YUK.
10. Tonsilictomy (1967), vagina hysterectomy (1983)
11. I take piroxicam twice a day for pain.
12. Started in 1980 going to a classical homeopathic doctor and I think took sulfur as my constitutional remedy. Have not seen anyone else since.
sheilab on 2005-12-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Madam, "Sulphur" is really a very suitable remedy according the symptom of your ailment and your physic as well. You should take a single dose of Sulphur 1M early in the morning two hours before the brushing your teeth and taking break-fast. Repeat the same dose just after a fortnight and then contact us. You will certainly get relaxed.
Dr Kumar last decade
I am fee;ing aching in my joints and have one occasion w/ hot flash like they used to be. I am feeling down and fear it is not working.
sheilab last decade
Madam, you just take a single dose of Syphilinum 1M on every week-end day at least for two months. You will feel far better, inform us just after eight doses of Syphlinum 1M. Mind one thing that you won't use any other remedy whether it is homeopathic or allopathic.
If you have patience, could get rid of this obstinate ailment for ever. Syphilinum 1M is to be taken early in the morning with out doing brush, paste and break-fast etc. These things are to be done one-two hours after the medicine taken.
If you have patience, could get rid of this obstinate ailment for ever. Syphilinum 1M is to be taken early in the morning with out doing brush, paste and break-fast etc. These things are to be done one-two hours after the medicine taken.
Dr Kumar last decade
Thank you for your response, Dr. Kumar. I fear that I have sounded like so far that nothing has changed. It has. The first week it felt like a mircle, much less hot flashes and none of the really horrible hot flashes about the head. And my horrible joint aches esp when I would first get out of bed and get out of chairs has all but gone. But I am experiencing part of the "old hot flash" (a way that it feel like its raining from my lower leg. Yes, really!!) and I am feeling achey. Should I take the Syphilinum still? I will do that ever you say. Thank you so much. You are so good to be doing this.
sheilab last decade
Sheiab, If you don't get relief from the remedy Dr, Kumar suggested, you may want to try Jaborandi Pilocarpus, moring noon and night for a week.
samnbudsmom last decade
Yes, of course, you try it with a keen patience and carry on just for two months or more. You will get relaxed and after a time entirely cured getting rid of this bloody ailment. God bless you!
Dr Kumar last decade
Dear Dr. Kumar- Thank you for your answer! I will try the Syphilinum 1M as soon as I can track some down. I will be patience. I will keep notes on what is happening and I promise not to contact you only with my whelling and moaning but with the whole picture of me. Again, Thank you so much and I will write in a month.
sheilab last decade
Dr. Kumur- My husband found out that a nearby homeopathy school, that also sell remedies, will make up some Syphilinum 1M but they are concerned that it is much to "strong" of a potency without a "doctor." They will sell it to me if I want or they can also make it up in a lower potency. What are your feelings? Please, I hope that this doesn't offend you. I am visiting my daughter and have asked my husband help in this matter. ABC doesn't sell it in any potency.
sheilab last decade
Dear Sheilab, please keep one thing in your mind that Syphilinum is a nosode medicine that is always give positive results only in higher potencies. A nosode medicine may be injurious in low potency therefore, you have not to take it low potency at all. Let me know your residential address, I shall try my best to send it by post. Nothing can be done besides it.
Dr Kumar last decade
Dear Dr. Kumar-Then I will tell my husband to purchase the 1M as they will sell it to him. Thank you for offering to send it to me, it is very kind but it is not necessary. I should start to take it when I return home this weekend. I will tell you of my progress in two week. Again, thank you!
sheilab last decade
Dear Dr. Kumar- I have just arrived home and my husband has gotten the Syphilinum 1M. On re-reading your prescription of "a single dose of Syphilinum 1M on every week-end day at least for two months", I am confused. Should I take it on 'Saturday and Sunday' or on 'Satuday or Sunday'? I am still having the 'hot flashes.' Thank you for your ongoing help in my case!
sheilab last decade
You may take this remedy only once in a week therefore, you may select any day out of seven days of a week. Please report after a month or two, i.e. just after eight doses of Syphilinum 1M.
Dr Kumar last decade
I realize that its only been three days since I began taking the Syphilinum 1M as you suggested. But I have been thinking about the first remedy of Sulphur. There was a difference from the start of taking Sulphur, less violent hot flashes and less crippling of knees. And, of course, more relaxed. It has been only three days under the one dose of Syphilinum 1M and I feel zero effect. After fifteen years, I feel I can take my time, but I want to go in the right direction. What are your thoughts?
sheilab last decade
Dear Dr. Kumar, The last post was directed at you and I was wondering what you think about me taking Sulphur instead of Syphilinum 1M. I haven't taken anything since early last Friday when I took the Syphilinum. I haven't had anything kind of reaction since. I have the feeling that I didn't allow the Sulphur to work before. Thank you.
sheilab last decade
Dear sheilab,
mental symptom is not mentioned in your detail list , If you want a good and curative prescription
Please submit your complain in this following format
1. Name
2. Age
3. Sex
4. country
5. climate
6. Chief Complain-from how many days-(time of aggravation and amelioration)
7. current medicine you are taking
8. sign & Symptom of disease
9. family back ground
10. qualification of patient
11. Nature of working
12. desire and aversion of food
13. Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatient and so.. on and how you are peculiar from other person, public speaking or not , you can describe all the detail about behaviour,love and affection. If any secret thing or can not want to discus at forum then you can share your talk directly to email by clicking on your any forum doctor. For a good prescription mental detail is must be.
14. Aggravation & Ameliration
Physician Name: Dr. Deoshlok Sharma
mental symptom is not mentioned in your detail list , If you want a good and curative prescription
Please submit your complain in this following format
1. Name
2. Age
3. Sex
4. country
5. climate
6. Chief Complain-from how many days-(time of aggravation and amelioration)
7. current medicine you are taking
8. sign & Symptom of disease
9. family back ground
10. qualification of patient
11. Nature of working
12. desire and aversion of food
13. Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatient and so.. on and how you are peculiar from other person, public speaking or not , you can describe all the detail about behaviour,love and affection. If any secret thing or can not want to discus at forum then you can share your talk directly to email by clicking on your any forum doctor. For a good prescription mental detail is must be.
14. Aggravation & Ameliration
Physician Name: Dr. Deoshlok Sharma
♡ deoshlok last decade
Madam Sheilab, why don't you keep patience while you are on homoeopathic treatment? Always keep one thing in your mind that homoeopathic remedies take too much time to show their results. Homeo-therapy is quite different from other therapies. A homeopathic remedy should not be followed by another remedy whether that belonged to Homoeopathy or any other therapy. If you want to be treated with homoeopathy please stop all the remedies at once lest you might get reach the worst situation from where you would be unable to return to your previous condition.
Dr Kumar last decade
Dr. Kumar-I am certainly not in the market to get a "instant quick fix". I have had my hot flashes for nearly fifteen years and want certainly to find the remedy to free me from them. If you would, re-read my posts, to see that it was you, not me , that was so quick to change to a esoteric remedy (Syphilinum) that ABC doesn't even carry and that you said that I should take without a second thought. Did I forget to give you this symtom: I can get furious but only after I am mistreated!
sheilab last decade
Dear Dr. Sharma, Thank you for taking interest in my case. Here are the answers to your list.
Sheila B.
58 year old
High desert- warm summer and cold winters (it snowed today!)
Chief complaint is Hot flashes in the face 1st then it travels down my body to my arms and then my legs and feet. Worst in the evening/night esp. when covered by blankets; have to kick them off until the hot flash passes. Better outside, walking a distance.
I have not taken any pain medicine (piroxicam) since I began this homeopathic treatment, 2006-12-28
My father was a manic-depressive who drank and died of a heart attack at 62 years old. My mother died of a stroke at 83 years old.
Im not sure what is meant by "qualifications of patient."
I am not working and am very limited due to the fact I am on welfare.
I am outgoing, I like to talk and laugh with people. Sensitive to talk from others, especially if I have not eaten or when I am doing something else. It seems I am either clingy or better just on my own. I hate criticism. I am impatient esp. with my husband, I feel like finishing sentences. I would be terrified of speaking to a large group of people but don't have a problem with a few people. I am artistic and can't figure number problems.
Generally, my state-of-mind is pretty good but sometimes I can get feeling dark but it passes after about two minutes or less.
I love popcorn! Eggs, green salads, meat, crisp bacon, bread chocolate, YUM. I hate fat on meat! Okra, pickled things, and marshmallows, YUK.
Started in 1980 going to a classical homeopathic doctor and I think took Sulfur as my constitutional remedy. Have not seen anyone else since.
Started ABC Forum 2005-12-28 and on 2006-01-06 took one dose of Sulfur 300C as recommended by Dr. Kumar (though he recommended Sulfur 1M, I used the Sulfur 300C that I had already). Felt right away very relaxed and the "hot flashes" had become much less severe and my legs dont feel achy. on 2006-01-06 had a reaction of feeling weepy and my legs aching and reported that to Dr. Kumar, when he replies to have me stop the Sulfur and now take Syphilinum 1M. Because I was in another state visiting my daughter, it took awhile to find the Syphilinum 1M in a nearby homeopathy school/pharmacy. I have taken that remedy, one dose, five days past. I dont feel any reaction. I have not taken anything since.
Thank you again for looking at my case!
Sheila B.
58 year old
High desert- warm summer and cold winters (it snowed today!)
Chief complaint is Hot flashes in the face 1st then it travels down my body to my arms and then my legs and feet. Worst in the evening/night esp. when covered by blankets; have to kick them off until the hot flash passes. Better outside, walking a distance.
I have not taken any pain medicine (piroxicam) since I began this homeopathic treatment, 2006-12-28
My father was a manic-depressive who drank and died of a heart attack at 62 years old. My mother died of a stroke at 83 years old.
Im not sure what is meant by "qualifications of patient."
I am not working and am very limited due to the fact I am on welfare.
I am outgoing, I like to talk and laugh with people. Sensitive to talk from others, especially if I have not eaten or when I am doing something else. It seems I am either clingy or better just on my own. I hate criticism. I am impatient esp. with my husband, I feel like finishing sentences. I would be terrified of speaking to a large group of people but don't have a problem with a few people. I am artistic and can't figure number problems.
Generally, my state-of-mind is pretty good but sometimes I can get feeling dark but it passes after about two minutes or less.
I love popcorn! Eggs, green salads, meat, crisp bacon, bread chocolate, YUM. I hate fat on meat! Okra, pickled things, and marshmallows, YUK.
Started in 1980 going to a classical homeopathic doctor and I think took Sulfur as my constitutional remedy. Have not seen anyone else since.
Started ABC Forum 2005-12-28 and on 2006-01-06 took one dose of Sulfur 300C as recommended by Dr. Kumar (though he recommended Sulfur 1M, I used the Sulfur 300C that I had already). Felt right away very relaxed and the "hot flashes" had become much less severe and my legs dont feel achy. on 2006-01-06 had a reaction of feeling weepy and my legs aching and reported that to Dr. Kumar, when he replies to have me stop the Sulfur and now take Syphilinum 1M. Because I was in another state visiting my daughter, it took awhile to find the Syphilinum 1M in a nearby homeopathy school/pharmacy. I have taken that remedy, one dose, five days past. I dont feel any reaction. I have not taken anything since.
Thank you again for looking at my case!
sheilab last decade
Dear Dr. Sharma, I forgot to mention I am bit of a clutter bug, not in the kitchen, but my own room. I also a full-bodied woman. Any other questions? Sheila
sheilab last decade
Dear Dr. Sharma, I also get a outbreak of eczema in between my eyebrows after I take a shower. It then goes away by the next day. Thank you!
sheilab last decade
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