The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Pinched nerve on C6 vertabrae
My fiancé has a pinched nerve in his c6 vertabrae, diagnosed by his physical therapist. His neck and shoulders have pain and he also get "buzzing" a very strong tingle down his arm.He did physical therapy twice a week for 2 weeks, then once a week, now every other week. In therapy he was stretched and also got dry needling. He's made lot of improvement but seems to be at a plateau. He was told it does take a long time to heal but is becoming discouraged. Is there something you could recommend in addition to his physical therapy?
Ergermond on 2015-04-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
please describe your fiance as to his physical features and mental disposition. homeopathic prescription is based on symptoms, both mental and physical. basically what I need to know is what sort of a person he is and what problems he is suffering from. as I am not seeing the patient personally it is extremely important that you describe the patient and his problems faithfully.
♡ telescope 9 years ago
He is active and very healthy. He is a cyclist and also plows snow in the winter. We had a tough winter in NH so he had to plow a lot without many breaks and we think this is what caused it.
He does have a stressful job, physically and mentally.
It seems to bother him the most to hold his head up when he's on his bike as well as when he lifts his arm and turn his head. He told me this morning that there is one really tight spot in his neck that bothers him the most each morning.
He does have a stressful job, physically and mentally.
It seems to bother him the most to hold his head up when he's on his bike as well as when he lifts his arm and turn his head. He told me this morning that there is one really tight spot in his neck that bothers him the most each morning.
Ergermond 9 years ago
give him rhus tox 30 two doses daily morning and evening for 3 days and then update.
♡ telescope 9 years ago
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