The ABC Homeopathy Forum
EMF sensitivity got worse after a visit to the dentist
I have been emf sensitive for years - but now things suddenly got worse overnight after a visit at the dentist. There was no drilling, just cleaning and checking. I haven't had any amalgam fillings for years, they were safely removed years ago. No root canals.Anyway, now since the visit I get headaches and bad joint and bone pains from the computer, I didn't have this before. I have no idea what happened and why my body reacted this way.
Any advice how to "undo" whatever happened at the dentist and get back on track? Thanks a lot.
BartonFink on 2015-04-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I would say curing the EMF sensitivity and the associated symptoms would be the best bet.
There will always be the risk of random events like this happening while your internal disease continues undermining your health.
You have had a lot of superficial prescriptions made on here over the years. Do you want me to go through your case in detail and try to help you find a more stable and permanent solution?
There will always be the risk of random events like this happening while your internal disease continues undermining your health.
You have had a lot of superficial prescriptions made on here over the years. Do you want me to go through your case in detail and try to help you find a more stable and permanent solution?
♡ Evocationer 9 years ago
Thanks for the reply.
Yes, of course the best way would be to get rid of the sensitivity altogether so that these kind of things would not happen at all; I have tried to find a solution for this problem for years and tried different treatments. This kind of sensitivity is a very very complex problem and my history with all the toxicities is even more complex, it would take many pages to describe my history and all the things that have caused this. I don't know if its possible to do it online at all.
That's why at the moment I am looking for something that would just get me back to where I was prior the dentist visit. It would be easier then to continue trying to find a more permanent solution when I don't get sick from the computer.
Don't you think such a superficial approach to this problem would be possible?
Yes, of course the best way would be to get rid of the sensitivity altogether so that these kind of things would not happen at all; I have tried to find a solution for this problem for years and tried different treatments. This kind of sensitivity is a very very complex problem and my history with all the toxicities is even more complex, it would take many pages to describe my history and all the things that have caused this. I don't know if its possible to do it online at all.
That's why at the moment I am looking for something that would just get me back to where I was prior the dentist visit. It would be easier then to continue trying to find a more permanent solution when I don't get sick from the computer.
Don't you think such a superficial approach to this problem would be possible?
BartonFink 9 years ago
There is no such thing as a successful superficial approach in homoeopathy. By definition, such an approach is a failure (fails to cure the source of the disease).
I have cured EMF sensitivity before in patients - it takes a great deal of patience and you must pay special attention to dosage to get results. You are right of course, online is more difficult, but I imagine living with this problem is even more painful for you.
Anyway, the offer is there. Please let me know if you want to give it a try. I am a professional trained homoeopath, and I always treat here for free.
I have cured EMF sensitivity before in patients - it takes a great deal of patience and you must pay special attention to dosage to get results. You are right of course, online is more difficult, but I imagine living with this problem is even more painful for you.
Anyway, the offer is there. Please let me know if you want to give it a try. I am a professional trained homoeopath, and I always treat here for free.
♡ Evocationer 9 years ago
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