The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Chronic Infection, Rotten Skin after Injection
About two and a half months ago after lunch my father 70 years old got hi blood pressure high and visited hospital where they give him IV injection but by mistake of the nurse it was injected in the skin. Because of that it started getting infected day by day with swelling and wounded after couple of weeks. We tried different treatments but it became chronic and rotten badly around 6 square inch area on the right hand and arm.Please note that my father is patient of high blood pressure and heart enlargement and he is not diabetic.
Swelling on the hand and forearms is consistent and 4 days back due to decade wound a main blood vessel on the hand busted that is controlled by pressure bandage that is continuously on since that day.
rockerhell on 2015-05-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
How is he emotionally during this problem
Has the skin color changed on the affected area
Is there any pain, if yes, what makes it better and worse
How is his thirst
Is he feeling cold or warm
Please post a few pictures of his affected hand
Has the skin color changed on the affected area
Is there any pain, if yes, what makes it better and worse
How is his thirst
Is he feeling cold or warm
Please post a few pictures of his affected hand
fitness 9 years ago
He is emotionally in stress and grief.
I am attaching picture.
There is swear pain. Nothing or worse. All fingers are swelled we massage the finger and arm gave him releaf for a while.
He feel more thrust.
He feel warm but with the fan he is ok.
I am attaching picture.
There is swear pain. Nothing or worse. All fingers are swelled we massage the finger and arm gave him releaf for a while.
He feel more thrust.
He feel warm but with the fan he is ok.
rockerhell 9 years ago
Give him one dose of Mercurius Solubulis 200. Just one dose. Not everyday. Report back after 3 days.
What is a dose:
Put one drop of the remedy in half glass of water, stir and take one tea spoon from it.
ThatÂ’s one dose.
Get Calendula cream and apply it on the wound, twice a day.
What is a dose:
Put one drop of the remedy in half glass of water, stir and take one tea spoon from it.
ThatÂ’s one dose.
Get Calendula cream and apply it on the wound, twice a day.
fitness 9 years ago
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