The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Hello,I am suffering from Hyperhidrosis, Excessive Sweating Hands and feet area.
Is there any remedy for that?
1. Name: Shivani sharma
2. Age: 26
3. Sex: F
4. Country: India
5. Climate:i am from shimla so generally temp is low.
6. What exactly is happening?
Excessive sweating in summer as well as winter.
7. Which side and where your perspire more?
8. How do you feel? Really bad and nervous
the temperature of affected area is cold but still it sweat.
9. How does this affect you?
Effects daily activity
10. How does it feel like?
Embarrassed because of this i avoid social meetings.
11. What comes to your mind?
Not want to shake anyone's hand hide my feet and hands
12. One situation that had a big effect on you?
it is difficult shake hands,writing,can't able to wear any sleeper
13. How did that feel like?
14. What sensation do you experience in that situation?
Nervous, felt down about myself,child affected area.
15. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand? Handshake
16. Current medicine you are taking no medicin
17. Family back ground No
18. Qualification of patient
19. Nature of working
20. Desire and aversion of food
ashivani on 2015-05-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
1-how long u are having these problem?
2-do u think hyperhidrosis is because of any major disease or a certain surgery or due to some medication or vaccination in ur past?
2-do u think hyperhidrosis is because of any major disease or a certain surgery or due to some medication or vaccination in ur past?
gaintrox 9 years ago
i have this problem from my childhood.
ya i know but i am not suffering from any other medical problem.
ya i know but i am not suffering from any other medical problem.
ashivani 9 years ago
take AMBRA GRISEA 200c once in three days at morning in empty stomach report back after one week of taking not eat and drink anything 15min before and after taking the medicine.
gaintrox 9 years ago
ashivani 9 years ago
if u use tincture take 3-4 drops of medicine in half cup of water
as one dose.If u use globules take 4-6 globules as one dose .
One dose once in three days at morning in empty stomach report do not eat and drink anything 15min before and after taking the medicine.
[message edited by gaintrox on Sat, 09 May 2015 19:01:07 BST]
as one dose.If u use globules take 4-6 globules as one dose .
One dose once in three days at morning in empty stomach report do not eat and drink anything 15min before and after taking the medicine.
[message edited by gaintrox on Sat, 09 May 2015 19:01:07 BST]
gaintrox 9 years ago
i am using this medicine but there is no improvement.
some one suggested me to take calendula 30.
my sweating problem is primary hypohydrosis.i do my thyroid test and its normal.
my problem is just because of thinking or may be my sweating glands are active,because when i have to shake hands then sweating is appear on my hands.
so please suggest other medicine.
i am using this medicine but there is no improvement.
some one suggested me to take calendula 30.
my sweating problem is primary hypohydrosis.i do my thyroid test and its normal.
my problem is just because of thinking or may be my sweating glands are active,because when i have to shake hands then sweating is appear on my hands.
so please suggest other medicine.
ashivani 9 years ago
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