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DiabetesErectile Dysfunction



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Diabetes and Erectile Dysfunction

Hello Veterans,
Need your advise on couple of aspects.
I am 30 year old and I have recently been diagnosed with Type-2 Diabetes.
My father had type 2 diabetes however, he had been diagnosed with diabetes when he was 40+ years old.
The symptoms which prompted me to consult doctor were, mouth dryness, excessive thirst and increased urinary frequency.
I am a firm believer of homeopathy and I had consulted a homeopath who happens to be my best friend (by qualification he is an homeopath however, he doesn't practice homeopathy professionally). He advised me to go through few tests.
Initially, I had a random blood glucose of 290 mg/dl.
I went through a dieting plan with minimum sugar intake for a week and then had a random test again. The result was, 260 mg/dl.
My friend prescribed me 'syzygium jambolanum' and 'Dr. Reckeweg R 40'. I took those for a week and then went through FBG and Postprandial Glucose tests. FBG was 130 mg/dl and PP Glucose was 190 mg/dl.
He advised me to contact a physician and go through the medications along with homeopathic portions.
The Physician (Allopathy) has prescribed me Amryl m1 (1 tablet/day before break fast).
I went through, subsequent FBG and Postprandial Glucose tests post consuming Amryl m1 for a week. FBG now has 119 mg/dl and PP Glucose is 170 mg/dl.
Although I am on medicines and started exercising, I am now worried about my blood sugar levels.
At times, my blood sugar levels go very low i.e. 60-70 mg/dl and I start experiencing dizziness and shivering of hands. I now keep candies to avoid low blood glucose levels.
After taking Amryl m1+ Homeopathy medicines mentioned above, excessive thirst and other irregularities have diminished so far however, I am worried that, I need to be on these for my life time.
Apart from above mentioned ailments, I am suffering from Erectile Dysfunction. I have read somewhere that, diabetes can cause ED. I would like to over come ED since, I am in most embarrassing situation because of that.
Request you to advise, how can I over come these issues? Also, is there a permanent cure for diabetes and ED in homeopathy? If yes, please do suggest.
I am all ears...
Best Regards
  hsotnas on 2015-05-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I can try to find a suitable remedy for you. Before doing that, please click on my username to know about me & my prescription skills. Once you have done that, I will post my standard questionnaire for you to reply.
fitness 9 years ago
Thanks for your reply. I have gone through through your profile.

Request you to post std questionnaire.
hsotnas 9 years ago
• Please reply to all that is being asked below and give details.
• Short answers such as Yes/No/Normal are not helpful.
• Please give answers which explain the What, When, Where, Why, Better by & Worse by.
• Example: I have a sore throat (it explains the “what”), since 3 days (it explains “when”), on the left side of my throat (explains “where”), due to eating sour food (explains “why”), the pain is better when I drink warm tea (explains “Better by”), the pain is worse when I swallow food (explains “worse by”)
• Please leave the questions in place and give your answers under each of them.
• Homeopathy works only if you give truthful answers, no matter how awkward or intimate. If you don’t want to do that, it’s better you stop here and don’t proceed.

1. Your age & sex

2. Describe your appearance

• Weight

• Height

• Body type (Very thin, Thin, Medium, Chubby, Fat, Obese)

• Any significant feature (e.g. sunken cheeks, stooped shoulders, thin chest etc.)

3. Your profession

4. Describe your personality in at least 20 words (e.g. stubborn, lazy, suicidal, don’t want to work, always in a hurry etc.)

5. How is your relationship with your parents, spouse, siblings, children etc.

6. If relationship is not ok, what’s wrong and how is it affecting you

7. Do you smoke/drink/drugs, if yes, details of why & since when

8. What is your main health problem & its symptoms

9. When did this main problem begin

10. What is the cause of this problem in your view

11. What non-medicinal actions make the main problem better (e.g. massage, warmth, cold, lying down, sitting etc.)

12. What non-medicinal actions make it worse (e.g. massage, warmth, cold, lying down, sitting etc.)

13. How do you feel mentally & emotionally during this problem (e.g. weepy, irritable, restless, sad, hopeless, fear of death etc.)

14. What other health problems do you have

15. List down all health problems and when did they start (approximate month & year)

16. What non-medicinal actions make these other health problems better (explain each problem)

17. What non-medicinal actions make these other health problems worse (explain each problem)

18. What animals or insects are you afraid of

19. What situations are you afraid of (e.g. loneliness, water, heights, closed spaces, ocean, darkness, flying etc)

20. What occupies your mind mostly

21. How do you respond to consolation & sympathy

22. Do you want to stay alone or with people

23. How is your sleep, if not good, why

24. Do you have any recurring (repeating) dreams, if yes, what do you see

25. Is your complaint affected by weather, if so, which weather affects & how

26. Do you normally feel hot or cold

27. What foods you crave & love (not what you eat due to health or other reasons, rather what you desire)

28. Is there any food that you hate

29. What taste you crave & love (e.g. sweet, salty, sour, bitter)

30. Is there any taste which you hate

31. Do you like warm or cold food

32. Do you want to eat indigestible foods (chalk, lead pencil, mud….)

33. How is your thirst (less, moderate, excessive)

34. Do you have excessively dry lips or mouth or both

35. Do you have any coating on tongue first thing in the morning, if yes

• Is coating thick

• Color of coating

• Where exactly (back, middle, sides etc)

36. Any taste in your mouth first thing in the morning (e.g. bitter, sour, metallic)

37. How is your skin (dry, oily, rough, acne, pustules, boils, psoriasis etc), upload here or email me a picture of the skin problem

38. Details about your perspiration (sweat), answer all these points:

• Where mostly (head, chest, back etc)

• How much (a lot, normal, very less)

• Any strong smell (garlic, onion etc)

• Does it stain, if yes what color (yellow, green, no color)

39. Any problems with eyes/vision, if yes, since when

40. Any problems with ears, nose, throat (e.g. nose always blocked, runny, color of discharge)

41. How is your stool, answer all these points: how often, consistency, any blood, any particular smell etc.

42. How is your urine, answer all these points: color, smell, any blood etc.

43. How is your sex desire (e.g. no desire, low, moderate, high, very high)

44. Are you satisfied with your sex life, if no, why not

45. Males genitals (any problems with erection, any pain, any itching, warts etc.)

46. Female genitals (any pain, itching, warts etc)

47. Females menses details (reply to all these points)

• Regularity (early, late, irregular, duration of cycle)

• Flow (low, moderate, high)

• Clots (none, some, a lot, huge clots, bright color, dark color)

• Any discharge (color, consistency, smell)

48. What illnesses are running in your family

• Mother’s side

• Father’s side

• Siblings (brother/sister)

49. Are you taking any medicines (allopathic, homeopathic, supplements, acupuncture etc.)

50. Have you had any surgeries or implants, if yes, give details

51. Have you had any long term treatment (physical or psychological), if yes, give details (what, when, where, why, the list of medicines used)

52. What homeopathic remedies have you taken in the past (potency, dosage, approx. time frame)
fitness 9 years ago
Thanks for the questionnaire.

Please see the details below:

1. Your age & sex

Age: 30, Sex: Male

2. Describe your appearance

• Weight : 85 Kg

• Height : 5' 10"

• Body type: Fat

• Any significant feature:double chin, man boobs

3. Your profession: IT professional (IT Manager)

4. Describe your personality in at least 20 words

I am quite aggressive, passionate, I love to smart work instead of hard work, I follow time discipline

5. How is your relationship with your parents, spouse, siblings, children etc.

I have a coordial relationship with my parents, siblings amd spouce. Family comes first and then the rest.

6. If relationship is not ok, what’s wrong and how is it affecting you

Not Applicable

7. Do you smoke/drink/drugs, if yes, details of why & since when

I used to smoke regularly and drink 3-4 times a month. Now I have quit both (it's been more than 6 months now) however, not completely. I smoke once in a blue moon, no drinking though. Never consumed drugs.

8. What is your main health problem & its symptoms

Diabetes, Erectile Dysfunction and Sinusitis. Diabetic Symptoms were, fatigue, excessive thirst, dryness in mouth, excessive urination, ED symptoms are, had difficulties in penetration (because of anxiety) however, now I have over come that, now I have issues with longitivity, my erectiondoesn't last long, intercource lasts for only 10-15 min.

9. When did this main problem begin

It's been 2 months now ( after my marraige, I have been married recently), doctor confirmed me that, I am diabetic. I beleive ED is bi-product of diabetes.

10. What is the cause of this problem in your view

Heridity (My father had Diabetes) and may be drinking/smoking habit.

11. What non-medicinal actions make the main problem better (e.g. massage, warmth, cold, lying down, sitting etc.)

Not applicable.

12. What non-medicinal actions make it worse (e.g. massage, warmth, cold, lying down, sitting etc.)

Not applicable.

13. How do you feel mentally & emotionally during this problem (e.g. weepy, irritable, restless, sad, hopeless, fear of death etc.)

I feel sad and irritable

14. What other health problems do you have

Sinusitis, I need to use nasal decongestant in order to overcome congestion in the nostrils. I am suffering from Sinusitis since last 10 years.

15. List down all health problems and when did they start (approximate month & year)

I had Kidney stones problem a year back. I took "Berberris" which cured it.

I had the symptoms of piles, mu homeopath put me on Dr. Reckeweg R13, R13 worked like a charm and I have no more piles related issues now.

Berberris and Reckweg R13 made me believe that, homeopathy actually works. Even before trying homeopathy, I was against consuming allopathic medicines, I had always avoided taking allopathic medicines. Inused consume allopathic medicvines only when there used to be no option but to go for that.

W.r.t. ED, I had issues in my sexual life and couldn't penetrate initally. My homeopath had put me on Avena Sat and Graphites after taking those condition has improved. I am able to penetrate now however, now I have longitivity issues.

16. What non-medicinal actions make these other health problems better (explain each problem)

Not applicable.

17. What non-medicinal actions make these other health problems worse (explain each problem)

Not applicable.

18. What animals or insects are you afraid of

I am afraid of centipedes.

19. What situations are you afraid of (e.g. loneliness, water, heights, closed spaces, ocean, darkness, flying etc)

I afraid of driving four wheel vehicles.

20. What occupies your mind mostly

I usually think of my future, consequences etc...

21. How do you respond to consolation & sympathy

I do not people sympathising on my issues and I get angry and irritated.

22. Do you want to stay alone or with people

I do not like staying in crowd. I prefer staying with my closest friends and family.

23. How is your sleep, if not good, why

I have no issues with sleep.

24. Do you have any recurring (repeating) dreams, if yes, what do you see

I dream about my promotion in my proffessional career. I usually see myself sitting in a posh glass cabin dectacting notes to a secretory.

25. Is your complaint affected by weather, if so, which weather affects & how

Diabetes: not affected by weather.
Sinusitis: situation worsens during winter and rainy seasons.

26. Do you normally feel hot or cold

I feel hot.

27. What foods you crave & love (not what you eat due to health or other reasons, rather what you desire)

I love sweet and spicy oil fried foods.

28. Is there any food that you hate

I hate eating Radishes, slimy parts of chicken and goat, I hate the taste of milk however, I am fond of sour curd and sour butter milk.

29. What taste you crave & love (e.g. sweet, salty, sour, bitter)

Sweet and Spicy

30. Is there any taste which you hate

Metalic, gillatinous taste

31. Do you like warm or cold food

I like warm food.

32. Do you want to eat indigestible foods (chalk, lead pencil, mud….)

No, never.

33. How is your thirst (less, moderate, excessive)

It used to be exceesive however, it's normal now since I started consuming Amryl m 1mg (MetforminHydrochloride Sustained Release & Glimepiride Tablets)

34. Do you have excessively dry lips or mouth or both

Yes, I have both dry lips and mouth

35. Do you have any coating on tongue first thing in the morning, if yes

• Is coating thick : yes

• Color of coating : white

• Where exactly (back, middle, sides etc) : in the back of the toungue

36. Any taste in your mouth first thing in the morning (e.g. bitter, sour, metallic)

Bitter taste

37. How is your skin (dry, oily, rough, acne, pustules, boils, psoriasis etc), upload here or email me a picture of the skin problem

I have a oily skin

38. Details about your perspiration (sweat), answer all these points:

• Where mostly (head, chest, back etc) : Head, Chest, side arms, back, shoulders

• How much (a lot, normal, very less) : a lot

• Any strong smell (garlic, onion etc) : it smells like onion ( I guess so)

• Does it stain, if yes what color (yellow, green, no color) : it doesn't stain

39. Any problems with eyes/vision, if yes, since when: since last 15 years I have a vision of - 0.5.

40. Any problems with ears, nose, throat (e.g. nose always blocked, runny, color of discharge)


41. How is your stool, answer all these points: how often, consistency, any blood, any particular smell etc.

Once a day, twice or thrice when alcohol is consumed. No blood. Consistent, no issues with consistency.

42. How is your urine, answer all these points: color, smell, any blood etc.

Pale yellow in color. 5-6 times a day. No aweful smell. No blood.

43. How is your sex desire (e.g. no desire, low, moderate, high, very high)

Moderate to High.

44. Are you satisfied with your sex life, if no, why not

Not completely, erection doesn't last long. Erection lasts for only 10-15 min. I used to be very active before and I used to have erection for at least 30 45 min when I had intercource before my marraige.

45. Males genitals (any problems with erection, any pain, any itching, warts etc.)

No pain or itching. Erection doesn't last long as mentioned above.

46. Female genitals (any pain, itching, warts etc)

Not applicable.

47. Females menses details (reply to all these points)

Not applicable.

• Regularity (early, late, irregular, duration of cycle)

• Flow (low, moderate, high)

• Clots (none, some, a lot, huge clots, bright color, dark color)

• Any discharge (color, consistency, smell)

48. What illnesses are running in your family

• Mother’s side : Hypo Thyrodism, Blood Pressure

• Father’s side : diabetes and Asthama

• Siblings (brother/sister) : no chronic diseases

49. Are you taking any medicines (allopathic, homeopathic, supplements, acupuncture etc.)

Allopathic: Amaryl M, Dr. Reckeweg R40, syzygium jambolanum, Avena Sat and Graphites

50. Have you had any surgeries or implants, if yes, give details

No surgeries or implants.

51. Have you had any long term treatment (physical or psychological), if yes, give details (what, when, where, why, the list of medicines used)

No long term treatment so far.

52. What homeopathic remedies have you taken in the past (potency, dosage, approx. time frame)

Berberris, Dr. Reckeweg R13, Dr. Reckeweg R27

File attached: skin type.

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hsotnas 9 years ago
If you already have a homeopath, why are you not continuing consultation with him.

Your intercourse time is fine, don't measure yourself with the porn, its not real.
fitness 9 years ago
As I mentioned in my intial post, although my friend is a homeopath, he is not practicing it on a professional basis. He advised me to take a second opinion hence, I took this route.
hsotnas 9 years ago
So what treatment are you seeking here?
fitness 9 years ago
I would like to know, if I should continue with existing medications or there's better one.

Also, is it ok to stop consuming allopathic medicine completely and continue only on Reckeweg R13 and syzygium jambolanum?
hsotnas 9 years ago
If you are getting the results you want, its fine.

If the fasting sugar stays less than 120 and your HbA1C stays below 6 with homeopathic remedies alone, you can stop allopathic medicines.

Also, read the next post carefully.
fitness 9 years ago
Please click on my username to know about me. It will help you establish the reliability of what is written below. I am very careful about the sources where I gather info from. I gather it mostly from universities or government sources. Read this article & educate yourself. Taking remedies without taking the complete symptom picture is most likely to fail and make things worse.

If you have been diagnosed with pre-diabetes or diabetes, the following summarized information will help you a lot. In addition to the below information a very good source of info about Diabetes is www.diabetes.org

What are the signs of Diabetes:
There are no specific signs, in some people with high sugar, cuts, bruises and injuries take very long to heal. Some may have excessive thirst & dry mouth. Some may have excessive urination, sweet smelling urine etc. Diabetes can only be detected with certainty with a blood test.

What is Pre-Diabetes
If you have a fasting sugar level of above 106 mg/dL but below 126 mg/dL, then you are pre-diabetic. What it means is that your body is not processing sugar the way a normal person does and you have a very high chance of developing diabetes.

What is Diabetes
If you have a fasting sugar level of above 126 mg/dL then you are diabetic. What it means is that your body is not processing sugar the way a normal person does.

What is the difference between Type-1 & Type-2 Diabetes
Type-1 diabetes are those people who are born diabetic.
Type-2 diabetes are those people who are born fine and develop diabetes later on.
Both these types need medicines and/or insulin to stay healthy.

Why is Diabetes dangerous
If diabetes is not managed, it can cause serious health issues like blindness, kidney failure, extreme nerve pain, loss of sexual desire etc.

Can homeopathy cure diabetes
In most cases no. But homeopathy can improve your overall health and stop further deterioration that diabetes may cause.
Homeopathy can cure Pre-Diabetes (see details below).

How can homeopathy help in Pre-Diabetes
To understand the role of homeopathy in Diabetes, first you have to understand what causes Diabetes.
Diabetes is the inability of body to process sugar properly either due to the lack of insulin OR due to the inability to use insulin (called insulin resistance). These are two totally different problems and require different solutions. Unfortunately, the allopathic medicine doesn’t make this distinction and regardless of whether you have enough insulin or not, it works on both fronts i.e. forces your body to produce more insulin AND also improve the ability of the body to use insulin efficiently. These medicines do this by working on the liver & pancreas.

Homeopathy can cure insulin resistance i.e. the inability of the body to use insulin. But if the pancreas is failing and the body doesn’t have enough insulin, homeopathy can’t help in that case.

Present treatment of Pre-Diabetes with allopathic medicine just accelerates it to full fledge diabetes instead of delaying it. If you want to delay the onset of Diabetes, here is what you need to do:
1. Get yourself tested for serum Insulin level
2. This will show if your pancreas is healthy and producing enough insulin or not
3. Depending on the results, your treatment will be decided
4. If your Insulin level comes high, it’s a great sign which shows that your pancreas is healthy and producing enough insulin. In this case, the reason of your pre-diabetes is that your body is not using the available insulin.
• Get your HbA1C level tested, it will show how your sugar has been over a period of approx. 3 months
• Get yourself tested for Lipid profile to check if your liver is working fine
5. If your Insulin level comes low, it means your pancreas is failing. Homeopathy can still help you make the maximum out of it and slow down or stop the failure of pancreas.

With the results of above tests, consult a classical (single remedy) homeopath who can help you overcome pre-diabetes. Remember, pre-diabetes shows your body’s inherent tendency towards diabetes, homeopathy can only help if you adopt lifestyle changes otherwise even homeopathy can’t help.

A simple example which will help you understand this is that if you have an injury, the right homeopathic remedy will speed up the cure. But if you keep cutting yourself over and over again, no amount of homeopathy or medicine can cure! So the lifestyle changes will help you support your body to avoid or delay diabetes.

Lifestyle changes if you are Pre-Diabetic or Diabetic (Type-2):
You can do a couple of lifestyle changes which will either delay the onset of diabetes or avoid it altogether. Here are the changes you need:
1. Start walking 30-40 minutes a day for 5 days a week with your spouse/friend.
2. Add 20 minutes of strength training 3 days a week to it.
3. Stop all processed foods e.g. white bread, white rice, white burgers etc.
4. Eat whole foods only i.e. whole grain bread, brown rice etc.
5. The bread should be high in bran content & the flour should be coarse ground.
6. Eat foods having a low Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load (search Google for these terms)
7. Start eating a bowl of salad at least once a day e.g. it should contain cucumber, carrots, salad leaves, tomato and any vegetable you like. Put a dressing of olive oil & raw apple cider vinegar and put some salt & black pepper to your liking.
8. Start eating half cup of plain, non-flavored yogurt with live cultures at least 3 times a week in the morning or with lunch. If you have homemade yogurt that’s the best.
9. Eat at least 1-2 fruits per day e.g. apple, orange etc.
10. Sleep enough as nothing helps to control sugar like good sleep.

This article has been copied in its entirety from my website www.payaftercure.com. There are several free articles related to health on my site.
fitness 9 years ago
Thanks so much for the elucidations, much appreciated.

One last request, could you please suggest something on my nasal congestion problem?

I had tried Dr. Reckeweg R49 but results are not positive so far.

hsotnas 9 years ago
Follow the above guidelines for a month it should affect on all your symptoms. If something remains unresolved, report back.
fitness 9 years ago

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.