The ABC Homeopathy Forum
mercurius / staphisagria
hello! i'm new to this forum and would like to ask some advice. my partner is suffering from psychiatric problems including compulsive behaviour, depression and anorexia. acc. to his homeopaths his symptoms match mercurius, second on the list is staphisagria. what are the basic or most important differences in personality of mercurius / staphisagria patients? (of what i've read i don't see him in mercurius). thanks a lot in advance!iwiat on 2006-01-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Mercurius-restlessness, is constantly changing from place to place , irrsolution, changes their mind constantly,poor selfconfidence.
Staphisgaria-Humilation, deep guilt and shame, very sensitive, anger suppressed, rape or sexual abuse, violent outbursts of passin, dwells in sexual matters. prefers solitude.unsatisfied sexual urge .
dr.deoshlok sharma
Mercurius-restlessness, is constantly changing from place to place , irrsolution, changes their mind constantly,poor selfconfidence.
Staphisgaria-Humilation, deep guilt and shame, very sensitive, anger suppressed, rape or sexual abuse, violent outbursts of passin, dwells in sexual matters. prefers solitude.unsatisfied sexual urge .
dr.deoshlok sharma
♡ deoshlok last decade
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