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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Finding your constitutional remedy

I was wondering if anyone has used the tool on the "homeopathy and more" website that is supposed to help you find your constitutional remedy (I tried to post the link but apparently URLs are not allowed).

Now, before you say anything, I am not looking for the standard response to a question such as this, which is "you should consult a licensed classical homeopath in order to do a constitutional treatment." The fact is, I am very interested in homeopathy, but I am also disabled. As a result, I receive a very low, fixed government income, and am just not in a position financially to receive a consultation from a homeopath. I have priced several homeopaths and, while their rates may be reasonable to some, it is still well out of my price range.

Has anyone tried this tool and successfully used its suggestions to find their constitutional remedy?
  wyatt415 on 2015-06-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi- It would be more accurate to say, I want a remedy
that is for chronic ailments rather than constitutional.

You want to match the remedy to the disease symptoms
and your totality-
and you have to know what symptoms carry more weight
than others do, be able to assess things like
Never well since.... and what are the strange and
peculiar symptoms Which if those are apparent,
they take precedence over all the remedies showing up.

Even if you "found" a good match, then you are left
with what potency, what dose amount, when to wait,
when to repeat.

You can put your case on here for someone to look at.
You can click names of prescribers and put that
person into your headline to see if they have time
to work on your case if you want.
simone717 9 years ago
We work for free here. Some people on this site are even qualified practitioners.

Computer programs will never help you find your remedy for anything except an acute, and even then it is very unreliable. A person has to do it, and it needs to be someone who is properly trained and experienced for chronic cases.

It is impossible to teach a computer what totality is, as this concept relates to the 'Art' aspect of homoeopathy. Without understanding the totality of the patient, and the totality of each remedy (so they can be matched to each other) there is just a small random possibility that such programs could give you a useful medicine.
Evocationer 9 years ago
Excellent, well if someone would be willing to take my case I would appreciate it. :)
wyatt415 9 years ago
Hi Wyatt,

click on prescriber names and see their
profile, their cases on here, their style,
the amount of time they have been doing this
and so on.

Do a new post and ask for a person by name
in your headline to look at your case.
Give a brief description of what is going
on and someone will reply to you.
simone717 9 years ago

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