The ABC Homeopathy Forum
nux vomica lm 1
I took Nux Vomica LM 1 for impotency.Method of taking medicine was, i put one pill of medicine in 30 ml distilled water, shook the bottle ten time, took one spoon out and put in one cup of distilled water, stirred the water in cup and took one spoon of medicated water, threw away the rest of water in cup.
Result was excellent. In two days i was potent. Got erection back. Then after four days someone was applying Vintogeno balm. Considering i have inhaled eucalyptus, i got confused and took second dose that day, all the good effect was slowed down, erection was there but i knew i had done something wrong as erection was there but without desire and any pleasure.
After about ten days i took one dose more, i got great desire, but then i was impotent again in two or three days, i took one more dose and my penis became very small, i got very weak, mind was fearsome with impulse to take medicine. I took one dose of coffee and was somewhat ok. Please tell me was it proving and can i take Nux Vomica LM 1 Again or never.
cartoon123 on 2015-06-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
This was not right for you. Either the potency
or the remedy.
If this is a chronic problem you really
cannot figure this out yourself. See a homeopath in person or put your case on here
and have someone go over it for you.
or the remedy.
If this is a chronic problem you really
cannot figure this out yourself. See a homeopath in person or put your case on here
and have someone go over it for you.
♡ simone717 9 years ago
cartoon123 9 years ago
Hi Cartoon,
I see you explained about the coffee smell
in your office antidoting Nux, so that is
why you tried LM.
See what Rishimba says to you about this-
maybe he will take your case -
If he cannot then I or someone else will-
but Rishimba is a homeopathic dr. and knows
more than I do.
I see you explained about the coffee smell
in your office antidoting Nux, so that is
why you tried LM.
See what Rishimba says to you about this-
maybe he will take your case -
If he cannot then I or someone else will-
but Rishimba is a homeopathic dr. and knows
more than I do.
♡ simone717 9 years ago
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