The ABC Homeopathy Forum
arnica cream/bartholin cyst
Does anybody know if you can use arnica cream for bartholins cyst....inside vagina ...thankyousimonne57 on 2015-07-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
arnica cream is useful in injuries from blunt objects. it has no action on cysts. it may even do harm. you cannot cure cysts with external applications.
♡ telescope 9 years ago
Arnica ointment or cream or liquid,
has to always go on the outside skin.
It can never go onto anything that has
even a tiny open cut etc.
has to always go on the outside skin.
It can never go onto anything that has
even a tiny open cut etc.
♡ simone717 9 years ago
Thankyou all... Has helped on like idea of homeopathic creams...what about comfrey or calendula,have read articles,can you put them inside vulva area....
simonne57 9 years ago
No, those are not appropriate for this.
Google Sitz bath's for this.
If you want to use homeopathic medicine, get experienced advice.
You can call Lia Bello, a nurse homeopath, 505 474 4917, she has
decades of experience- probably done 100's of these cysts- will do acute cases for $50 with
follow ups by phone. After you get it healed you need an overall
remedy to boost up your health so that you don't have them again.
Google Sitz bath's for this.
If you want to use homeopathic medicine, get experienced advice.
You can call Lia Bello, a nurse homeopath, 505 474 4917, she has
decades of experience- probably done 100's of these cysts- will do acute cases for $50 with
follow ups by phone. After you get it healed you need an overall
remedy to boost up your health so that you don't have them again.
♡ simone717 9 years ago
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