The ABC Homeopathy Forum
tonsil stones / pus balls
I have just reviewed this website and am pleased to see that these are called, "tonsil stones." Gross, but for years, we referred to them as "pus balls." Yuk!Anyway, I am not saying this is necessarily a good way to rid of these buggers, but personally I have used a q-tip to slide them upward or downward and then catch them on the tip of the q-tip ~ sometimes I do gag on them a bit as I do this, but at least they get removed! I often feel relief once a large one is times a very large one (i.e., the size of a pencil eraser head) may break into a few pieces as I gently dig at it with a q-tip, but eventually I get all of it. (At least I hope I get all of it!) At times the tonsil stones slide around as I try to remove them.
Well, good luck if you try removing them with a q-tip, but be very careful and gentle while doing it... after awhile you will probably become a Prop at it! I've had them for over 30 years and have finally found out what they are from this and other websites. Thanks.
razzy59 on 2006-01-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
It is possible that Hep Sul 3x twice a day would absorb the excretion.
walkin last decade
If you have tonsil stones you may want to read another forum also...
and google Christine Wicks Queen Elizabeth Hospital
and google Christine Wicks Queen Elizabeth Hospital
justmebyanyname last decade
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