The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Nobody helping here. Plz anybody review my problem
I m 22 yr male. Indian boy. 2 yr ago everything is ok. I m using masturd oil nd had no hair problem. From an year i m facing hair loss. My hair texture became thin nd brittle same with my beard. Earliar my beard is very dense and hard hairs but now density of hairs on both head and beard is very much decreased. But lenght of hairs are ok as it is. Hair becomes very thin soft. Density over head is half now. A visible partition of hairs over head is developing. I have a bad habit of masturbation. Same thing happens on public hairs around my penis they r thin no more corse nd very less. I tried every hairoil shampoo even ayurveda pills. Only length of my hairs boosted a bit nothing else. I came to know about lycopodium 30c and kalium carbocium should i take this medicine. About my nature i m somewhat shy nd low esteemed as i also think that what others think about me and always want to leave a good impression on others. I always think about how could i make my living perfect and imagine allot. My blood pressure remains normal. I m very much weak in task management or team management as i couldnt be rude or unable in commanding else. But i m a good mate who cooperates very well. I like religious and spiritual people. Kind persons and whose speeches sooths everyone. But i hate myself for not being good or not being person i should be. Sometimes i think negative that in future my marriage will not work. That i will be unable to do intercourse with my wife. Because i habe no feelings for females or i had never involve in it. I m unemployeed graduate. I think hair around my penis lost because of rubbing it wd lower abdomen. Another pyscho problem is that i m addict of sexchats on internet and lies. I involved in chats with males telling lie that i m female and do sex chat with them. But after this all i feel very quilty that its against nature. Thats why fearing from marriage.[message edited by Khalsaji on Sun, 12 Jul 2015 08:45:33 UTC]
[message edited by Khalsaji on Mon, 13 Jul 2015 02:11:59 UTC]
Khalsaji on 2015-07-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
pl stop all whatever makes you guilty and behave normally with others.staphysagaria 200 evening time for 5 days then alternate day for 10 days then weekly one dose for one month.this is not complete treatment but part of your treatment and depends on your feed back.
♡ akshaymohl 9 years ago
Thnk u sir fr ur help is this medicine is vegeterian nd also helpful in hair related problem nd bad habits
Khalsaji 9 years ago
Khalsaji 9 years ago
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