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Simone717. Constitutional Remedy. Painful wrists.

Hi there Simone.

I wanted to treat my sprained/painful wrists, I've had them for 7-8 years.

I was about to start Ruta 6C, but reading the forum Archives, it was advised that Constitutional treatment is the homeopathic treatment.

So here I have used the remedy-finder to list all my symptoms I'm experiencing.

My goal is to treat my painful wrists.
The other symptoms(except for acne/dandruff) are 99% anxiety related, due to chronic anxiety.
But I have listed them anyway, because I experience them most of the time.
When I do qi-gong, or meditate, they go away.


Age : 25
Occupation : Entreprenuer.

Interests : Spirituality/Self-Realization/Self-Actualization ; psychology ; achieving goals ; financial abundance

Can you suggest me the course of action?

On the Remedy Finder instructions it is advised that chronic conditions should be treated with very low potencies, example 6C.

Since I am unfamiliar with homeopathy, I am generally having an uncomfortable feeling about higher potencies.

I have a perception about your wisdom and experience, thus I have chosen you to seek assistance.

Thank you!
[message edited by Surreal4Real on Mon, 03 Aug 2015 07:44:40 UTC]
  Surreal4Real on 2015-08-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
the grid didn't so i replaced it with the link.


if the link doesn't work, i'll email it to you.

thank you for your time.
Surreal4Real 9 years ago
Hi Surreal4Real,

In homeopathy there is chronic diseases and acute illness.
The Remedy Finder program really only works well on acute,( which is
defined as something recent that will eventually resolve on its own).
Colds, flu , etc.

In acute you match the remedy to the symptoms of the acute.
In chronic you match the totality of symptoms. One could be listing
variations of a theme on the Remedy Finder that will overweight
the outcome percentages, one could not know what are considered
strange, rare and peculiar symptoms which always take precedence
in remedy choice. Btw, I think you would get a lot out of reading
Dr. Luc's pages- he is retired now, but a famous homeopath,
and MD and acupuncture also.

On your wrists:

What caused this?
Did you get x rays and Md diagnosis?
How have you treated it? medicines, physical therapy etc?

Write me a paragraph of what is going on now, the sensation,
location of pains, what makes it better, what makes it worse.
Am offline now for the night.
[message edited by simone717 on Mon, 03 Aug 2015 08:36:35 UTC]
simone717 9 years ago
Hi Simone.

1. I have listed ALL symptoms very carefully, on the Remedy Finder, and have posted the link for your reference, so you can see 'the totality of my symptoms', as you stated.

2. I went to Two Homeopathic Doctors in my city today.

DOCTOR 1 : after seeing the symptoms listed on the link posted above, he has prescribed :
(i)LYCOPODIUM 200, 3 DOSES, SAME DAY, 1 day only.
followed by :
(ii)RHUS TOX 30, 3times/day, for 7 days.

DOCTOR 2 : this doctor insisted that constitutional treatment is not required, and diagnoses me with Carpel Tunnel Syndrome, even though I have no numbness in my hands/fingers.
Prescription :
CAUSTICUM 8, 2times/day, for 14 days.
He wasn't interested in the totality of the symptoms.
Surreal4Real 9 years ago
Hi Surreal4Real,

In homeopathy there is chronic diseases and acute illness.
The Remedy Finder program really only works well on acute,( which is
defined as something recent that will eventually resolve on its own).
Colds, flu , etc.

In acute you match the remedy to the symptoms of the acute.
In chronic you match the totality of symptoms. One could be listing
variations of a theme on the Remedy Finder that will overweight
the outcome percentages, one could not know what are considered
strange, rare and peculiar symptoms which always take precedence
in remedy choice. Btw, I think you would get a lot out of reading
Dr. Luc's pages- he is retired now, but a famous homeopath,
and MD and acupuncture also.

On your wrists:

"What caused this?"
1.not sure
2.started in around 2007. noticed while playing basketball.
3.a coach told me that because I play cricket with a heavy bat(I used to be into sports a lot), i will have problems in my wrists when I grow up.
I am not sure whether this is the placebo from his statement, it could be as stated in 'The 4 Agreements' by Don Miguel Ruiz. He says that if you believe something, it becomes true.
4.Might have happened from a fall experienced from Skateboarding.
5.Doing a coin roll.(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yG_1NWfw-a0)
6.Using the computer too much.

I would like to add that it never happened before 2006/07 in my entire life. It only started after that. When I was 16 or 17, I am 25 now.

"Did you get x rays and Md diagnosis?"

1.I've had x-rays and medical diagnoses in the past, everything fine.

"How have you treated it?
medicines, physical therapy etc?"

I have never had treatment, its an on and off thing.
2.If i wrap a crape bandage around it and sleep, my wrists are usually fine the next day.

"Write me a paragraph of what is going on now, the sensation,
location of pains, what makes it better, what makes it worse. "
1.Inflexibility of wrists.
2.Fingers of hand stiff, SOLE REASON : anxiety. they get 100% okay when I'm not anxious.
3.Stiffness in wrists.
4.general info : the stiffness alternates between left and right wrist, sometimes both.

*Location of pain : back hand side, wrist joint, in the middle of wrist.

*What makes it better :
warm water
not being anxious
not being stressed
crepe bandage wrap
Ashwagandha(adaptogenic herb)

*What makes it worse :
Practicing Magic(I am a magician)
Lifting Weights
Lifting Heavy Things
Chopping food(vegetables etc)/Cooking.
Cannot pick heavy utensils, causes pain in wrists.

General info :
wrists are frail and weak.
cannot do pushups without pain
Surreal4Real 9 years ago
My opinion is to go with Dr #2 and see the effect.

Make sure you are not taking any other remedies or herbal
remedies so you can judge the results correctly.

This seems to me to be what is called Never Well Since..
and is a repetitive movement injury, no harm in trying this out
simone717 9 years ago
Thank you for your consultation Simone.
I will get back if I need to.
Surreal4Real 9 years ago

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