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Brain haemmorage after stroke resulting in left leg paralysis, urine and bowel incontinence, and spasticity

I was affected by stroke in 2013, and though i had around 30 percent recover, but i still struggle from paralysis, incontinence and spasticity.
After trying allopathy and ayurveda for 3 years, i startes homeopathy and stopped my allopathic and ayurveda treatment.
I am taking arnica 1m since 5 weeks but no significant improvement observed, my dr says it is right remedy.

Consider my disease is chronic now, pls suggest how long it takes for homeopathy to recover.

Is homeopathy useful in chronic diseases?
I am loosing trust on homeopathy, pls advise..
[message edited by khurana76 on Sat, 08 Aug 2015 23:26:47 UTC]
[message edited by khurana76 on Sat, 08 Aug 2015 23:27:44 UTC]
  khurana76 on 2015-08-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I don't want to give you false hope, if some part of the brain died due to blood supply blockage as a result of stroke, you will not recover.

If there is a slight chance of improvement, it's not with Arnica 1M, so stop it.

Wait for a week after stopping Arnica 1M and then start Arnica 6c plussed dose once a day every day for 3 months. Then report back.

Dissolve one pill of the remedy (or one drop if remedy is in liquid form) in half glass of water. Stir and take one tea spoon. That’s one dose. For the next dose, stir the mixture and take another tea spoon. Keep using the same mixture for every subsequent dose. Stirring everytime before taking the teaspoon of dose. If available, add a tablespoon of vodka as a preservative to it. Don’t refrigerate, cover the glass and put somewhere away from direct sunlight.

Make a new mixture after every 2 weeks.
fitness 9 years ago
Thanks for ur advice,
But please tell me how does a lower dose help in chronic and grave haemmorrage, but not the higher dose of 1M?
khurana76 9 years ago
For archaeological findings, when you don't want to damage the original structure, the restoration begins with a fine chisel, not a sledge hammer.

Similarly, in chronic cases when gentle restoration is the purpose, you don't start off with higher potencies.
fitness 9 years ago
Thanks so much,
One further advice is required, it has been 2.5 very tough years after my stroke, so can i hope for recovery with arnica 6 x,

Moreover my spasticity is very very high, my legs are like logs of wood in winter mornings and though i have got recovery in my strength but spasticity is making my life difficult..

I will be highly grateful if someone can suggest me medicine for reducing spasticity due to my stroke and haemmorage 2.5 yrs back.
khurana76 9 years ago
If some part of the brain died due to lack of blood supply during stroke, it will be extremely difficult if not outright impossible to get a recovery out of it

Did you notice any change at all with Arnica 1M when you took it for 5 weeks

Did you take Arnica 6 at all, if yes, how many doses per day and for how long

You require constitutional treatment with detailed case taking, piece meal approach will not achieve anything for you
fitness 9 years ago
Thanks so.much,

I did not observed any change during 6 weeks, i took arnica 1m, but i am taking arnica 6x now since 3 weeks; also taking kali phos 6x as suggested by other homeopath.
Please suggest something on high spasticity in winters.
khurana76 9 years ago
You require constitutional treatment with detailed case taking, piece meal approach will not achieve anything for you
fitness 9 years ago
Dear fitness:

Kindly help this http://www.abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/494741

mani_jee 9 years ago
I had scissor in 2013;leading to brain haemmorrage and blood vessel burst on right hand side in 2013 and was on alopathic treatment for some time with physiotherapy..i was able to rise up from wheel chair from my paralysis on left side, but i continue to have problems of left limb paralysis where i drag my foot; very high spasticity in both legs, and urine incontinence which have made my life difficult.but i walk with crutches as i have balance problem while walking. I am 38 years old male..

I went to homeopathic doctor in april 2015, who gave me causticum 200 and arnica 1m, which i took for 6 weeks and since there was no improvement,
I discontinued homeopathy..

After 2 months of break, i was advised by another homeopath to take arnica 6c.i need following advise abd help from this forum.

1. Will arnica 6c help heal as my stroke is 2 years old.

2. Will arnica 6c, be able to help after taking arnica 1 m in past but i had 2 months of gap in bwtween.

3. I will be grateful if someone could help me get over from ailments of urine incontinence and spasticity which has increased in winters..may god bless you..
[message edited by khurana76 on Wed, 11 Nov 2015 03:48:13 UTC]
[message edited by khurana76 on Wed, 11 Nov 2015 03:49:18 UTC]
khurana76 9 years ago

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