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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

herpes related info requied

respected dr
i want to know herpes and herpes ulcer is curable with homeopathy for rest of life.
Every type of herpes ulcer recover skin after 21 days cycles ,, if not required then its not herpes? plz needed help
  mahsan on 2015-08-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Herpes is handled by the immune system. If your health is strong it
will not be an issue for you. Homeopathy is not prescribed off of disease names,
it is individual to the person to clear all imbalance, thus it would/could
take care of Herpes.

If this is your problem, Antivirus prescribed cell salts for 20 days and
there was no feedback.

[message edited by simone717 on Wed, 12 Aug 2015 00:04:13 UTC]
simone717 9 years ago
yes dr its my problem if u go through my case history ... i take each and every dose so religiously.. but after two months my whole problem come back ,, that's y i consult aloepathic dr, he ask for urine blood, sugar and uterus ultrasound test all are accurate. so he suggest gynecological physical test for that i got next week appointment.
my problem start after high fever 103-104 in 2013
after that got vagina pimples and swelling on left side ,, swelling gone but pimples ,,(which feels me open pours of skin.not looks like cold sores and not disappear over time like herpes as i read).. even sometime feel inside vagina..
2. urine un-continuity w downward pressure most of time.
Can i start that med again ( that med improve urine problem but pimples still there)..plz reply me i m so scared even not able to sleep ,, because if dr prescribed me herpes ,,,
even i m unmarraid
can i start that med again...

dr i want to thank every dr on this forum u ppl help me like blessing of GOD..
[message edited by mahsan on Wed, 12 Aug 2015 21:18:59 UTC]
mahsan 9 years ago
Dear Mahsan,

I am putting this thread on your other thread with
antivirus so that he can continue to advise you there.
simone717 9 years ago
thanx dr
mahsan 9 years ago
0antivirus0 9 years ago

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