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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

arnica 30 & dermatosis

hi again, as i told in my previous post i'm suffering of atopic dermatosis (intense itching, skin scaling and becoming red, full of cracks made by scratches, no infection).
i'm having troubles sleeping 'cause the itch is stronger at night and when i'm getting warm in bed, winter makes things worse 'cause my skin becomes even drier.
today i'm beginning mr de livera (hope i wrote it correctly) protocol (arnica 30 in bottle and shake shake shake).
i really hope this is going to work. but in the meantime, i suppose it'll require at least a week, when th itch becomes intense, is there anything i can take to decrease it?
i've already tried rescue remedy of back flowers... with no improvement.
i hope someone has an answer... i'm really really tired of this illness, it's draining my desire to live.
thanx in advance
  airone12 on 2006-01-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
For Joe Arnica is a universal panacea but I would suggest that you also try Sulfur 1m

One tablet on three sucessive days and wait 3 wks to judge results.
walkin last decade
i can try sulfur.
i've to stop arnica or i can take both?
airone12 last decade
I note the sarcasm in Walkin's remarks about my use of Arnica which has not been listed in the texts as a Polycrest remedy.

As many of those who have read my posts on this and other forums are aware, I have used Arnica for many ailments that are not listed in the classical texts. I believe that Arnica has never been used at its full potential because it cannot be "proved" as quinine was proved by Hahnemann to cause symptoms of malaria and thereby accepted as the remedy for malaria. The fact that it is not listed should not, in my opinion be the reason for its not being used to cure ailments such as Eczema. I have many cases of almost instant cures of this ailment and this should perhaps open the eyes of the classical school who dare not use a remedy unless it has been proved classically.

I believe that my discovery of Arnica controlling Diabetes in the same manner that Metformin does is perhaps the most important use for this remedy that I have discovered so far and I would like to mention here that its use is now beyond the experimental stage as it is now being used in Kerala in hospitals to help control Diabetes in the case of many patients successfully.

In the case of your Dermatitis, I have my reservations as I have never used it for this ailment although it has proved to be the ultimate remedy for Eczema. However as Walkin has suggested you can use his remedy Sulphur 1M in the dosage he has prescribed and if it does not help you, you can then use it for your Dermatitis.

Please report response after using both remedies as I will be very interested to learn if Arnica helps with your ailment as it will be another first for this amazing remedy.

I would recommend that you read the information on your ailment on the link below:

Joe De Livera last decade

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