The ABC Homeopathy Forum
skin break out from staphysagria or sucrose/lactose in pills
i have been taking staphysagria 200ck for two weeks now to help with a chalazion cyst and during that time i have suddenly begun to break out. i haven't seemed to change anything else recently. could it be from the pills? or is this really unlikely. i eat raw milk so i don't think i could be from the lactose, unless it reacts differently when its isolated.any ideas - should i stop taking them?
i am also about the purchase some silicea and hepar sulph cal for the chalazion - should i get the homeopathics without lactose or sucrose
thanks for any help
Lboogy78 on 2006-01-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Seems to be a common misconception about homeopathy -- that it is necessary to keep taking the tablets .
With LOW potency 2x - 6x it can be useful to take once or twice a day for one or two weeks.
But potencies from 30c upwards are best used by taking a SINGLE tablet and waiting up to 19 -14 days to judge result.
The effect of continuously taking a high potency is to negate -- or prove , the remedy.
In other words each succeding dose either negates the original dose --´- or augments it and leads to a "proving" .
If you study Staph you will probably find that the
" outbreak " is part of the indications for the remedy.
With LOW potency 2x - 6x it can be useful to take once or twice a day for one or two weeks.
But potencies from 30c upwards are best used by taking a SINGLE tablet and waiting up to 19 -14 days to judge result.
The effect of continuously taking a high potency is to negate -- or prove , the remedy.
In other words each succeding dose either negates the original dose --´- or augments it and leads to a "proving" .
If you study Staph you will probably find that the
" outbreak " is part of the indications for the remedy.
walkin last decade
Ok so then should i stop taking the staphasygria or just cut down to one a day.
and what dose should i take the hepar sulph cal 30c and the silicea?
any guidance would be helpful
and what dose should i take the hepar sulph cal 30c and the silicea?
any guidance would be helpful
Lboogy78 last decade
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